Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 30, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hewitt or search for Hewitt in all documents.

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Amusements. --The theatre re-opens tonight, with Manager Hewitt's new drama, the "Log Fort, " which has been for some time in preparation. Of course the house will be thronged. Wells and Company are constantly bringing out novelties for the entertainment of their numerous patrons, at Metropolitan Hall. Their performances are well worth seeing and hearing. The "Thespian Family" or Queen Sisters, who recently played a highly successful engagement at the theatre, will open to-night at Franklin Hall.
ommercial, dated at Frankfort, Ky., Dec. 19th, which states that advices from Somerset had been received announcing that on the previous morning, about day-light, Gen. Schaaff, with all his force, marched out to attack the Confederates under Gen. Zollicoffer, who was in position on Fishing creek, with 6,000 infantry and some artillery. Gen. Schaff's force consisted of two East Tennessee regiments; Haskin's Kentucky regiment; the 17th, 31st, 35th and 38th Ohio regiments; Standorl's Ohio, and Hewitt's Kentucky batteries of ten guns. Gen. Schaff seemed confident of whipping Gen. Zollicoffer, and indulged the hope of capturing the most of his command. The battle was expected to take place on or about the 20th inst. [This is now the 28th, and no news has been received of Gen. Schaff's anticipated fight or victory.] The Louisville Courier states that the Federal authorities have notified the publishers of the Louisville Journal that unless the course of that paper is changed its