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Caroline E. Whitcomb, History of the Second Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery (Nims' Battery): 1861-1865, compiled from records of the Rebellion, official reports, diaries and rosters 10 0 Browse Search
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d wish. We trust, however, that there will be found in the pages of this book a fairly complete and reasonably accurate record of the military career of this organization. At a meeting of the Nims' Battery Association held on April 19, 1912, the manuscript of the entire history was read to the members present and received their support and commendation. The author wishes to express her obligation to all who have assisted in any way in the preparation of this work, and especially to W. G. Hidden, Fitchburg, Mass., for the loan of diary, newspaper clippings and suggestions, to Capt. E. K. Russell for his comments and suggestions and to Mrs. Mathews, stepdaughter of Col. O. F. Nims for the loan of papers, letters and pictures once the property of Colonel Nims. Thanks are also due Clarence K. Knowlton for the copy of the diary of his father, J. S. Knowlton, to Mrs. C. B. Maxwell for the diary of C. B. Maxwell, to Mr. George Houghton, Newport, for the diary of his father, George Hou
ground, the first shot bursting just on the other side of the Merrimac—a distance of four and one-half miles. We received much praise for our gunnery. Diary, W. G. Hidden. The next day we trained a gun on Sewall's Point and fired a shell. It went so close to the far-away beach that Captain Nims said Give her a little more elartillery duel with the enemy and after two hours hard fighting and firing 120 shell it succeeded in driving them from the field. We quote from the diary of W. G. Hidden: Right and left sections with 1300 infantry and cavalry, all under General Lee, started at 5 A. M. on the Opelousas Road, met the enemy's pickets one mile oson, Secretary; C. B. Maxwell, Manager. Committee W. Kane, L. W. Swan, A. N. Norcross, C. Dubois, W. D. Butts, D. Murray, J. S. Knowlton, H. T. Bates and W. G. Hidden. The committee take great pleasure in announcing to their friends, that the following distinguished Artists have generously volunteered their services. A
Committee W. Kane, L. W. Swan, A. N. Norcross, C. Dubois, W. D. Butts, D. Murray, J. S. Knowlton, H. T. Bates and W. G. Hidden. The committee take great pleasure in announcing to their friends, that the following distinguished Artists have generously volunteered their services. A sufficient number of Special Police will be in attendance to enforce good order. Music by Knowlton and Co.'s Military Band. Doors open at 6: commence at 7: terminate at 10. Carriages ordered at half-past 9.