Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 5, April, 1906 - January, 1907. You can also browse the collection for T. W. Higginson or search for T. W. Higginson in all documents.

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bellion tree, though they are not known by these names. The first stood south of Harvard Hall, and witnessed many gatherings of students in revolt against unpopular tutors. The name was afterward transferred to the Class Day tree. The rebellion tree, standing at the eastern front of Hollis Hall, was planted in 1792, and was the centre of patriotic meetings, and also meetings for the purpose of protesting against what they considered college injustice and tyranny. The father of Colonel T. W. Higginson set out many of the trees in the yard about 1818. To President Josiah Quincy, also, we owe much of the beauty of the college yard. Inseparably connected with Harvard College and Cambridge is the thought of Lowell and his beloved Elmwood. Among its noble trees are two sturdy elms brought from England before the Revolution. Lowell's fondness for these and, other trees near his home often crops out in his letters and poems. The group of willows on the bank of the Charles river
Historic leaves, volume 5, April, 1906 - January, 1907, Elizur Wright's work for the Middlesex Fells. (search)
in that most important contribution, had the meeting in behalf of another been called while he was alive, he would have rejoiced. The magnificent and broadly beneficial Metropolitan idea, including as it did both his Fells and Blue Hills, would have made him supremely happy, and its carrying out, whatever the means, so long as they were honest, would have had his heartiest co-operation. Rosewell B. Lawrence, secretary of the Appalachian Club, publishes the following from the pen of T. W. Higginson in his pamphlet, The Middlesex Fells, of 1886, which was delivered before the club after Mr. Wright's death: We miss from among us the face of that devoted friend of all outdoor exploration, Elizur Wright. I have known him almost all my life; first as the fearless ally, and at times the equally fearless critic of William Lloyd Garrison; then as the translator of La Fontaine's Fables,—a task for which he seemed fitted by something French in his temperament, a certain mixture of fire and
ings, Joseph S., 48, 67. Hathern, L., 15. Hawes, Frank Mortimer, 16. 46, 53, 67, 92. Hawes, Mather E., 90. Hawes School, South Boston, 67. Hawkins, Christopher, 11. Hawkins, Guy C., 11, 26, 48, 49, 50, 52, 67, 69, 76. Hawkins, Guy C., Papers, 10-15, 40-45. Hawkins House, 55, Hay, Sarah G., 82. Hay, Esther M., 81, 82. Hayes Estate, 63. Hazelton, Amos, 10, 49, 72. Heald, Helen E., 53. Hemlock Wood. 1, 8. Henchman, Nathaniel H., 11, 17, 18. Henderson, C. E., 53. Higginson, Colonel T. W., 6, 37. Highland Avenue, 46, 53, 57, 85. High Street, Boston, 4. Hill, Ephraim, 74. Hill, Ives, 54. Hill, J. D., 12. Hilliard, A. S., 31, 33. Historical Society, Somerville. 88. Historical Society, Somerville, Officers of, 84. Hoit, A. G., 21. Holden, Bertha E., 53. Holden, Oliver, 73. Hollis Hall, 6. Holmes, O. W., 3, 53. Holmes' Field, 6. Holroyd, John, 20, 22. Holt, Chauncey, 90. Hooper, John C., 93. Hooper, Thomas, 22. Hovey, James, 77, 80, 83. Hovey,