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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 2 (search)
enandoah, was committed to the hands of General J. E. Johnston; and Colonel Jackson, assigned a subordinate command under that able soldier, devoted himself to moulding into form and stamping with the qualities of his own genius that famous Stonewall brigade, whose battle-flag led the van in that series of audacious enterprises that afterwards rendered the Valley of the Shenandoah historic ground. General Johnston's other subordinates were men of scarcely inferior ability to Jackson. Colonel A. P. Hill, subsequently one of Lee's ablest lieutenants, was at the head of another of his brigades; Pendleton was chief of artillery; and his few squadrons of Virginia horsemen were under command of Colonel J. E. B. Stuart, whom even then Johnston styled the indefatigable, and who was also destined to a greater fame. Thus far, the line of the Potomac had not been crossed. The soil of Virginia, which her inhabitants loved proudly to style sacred, had felt the tread of no invading force. Po
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 4 (search)
t intimation he had of their existence was when Hill brought him report that the enemy was in occupao do so, but to act with caution. Accordingly, Hill detached troops under General Early, who led thad hardly been made, when at two o'clock General A. P. Hill, who had the advance of Lee's column, swhould compel an extension of the Federal line. Hill, accordingly, attacked alone; but he gained no -enforced by troops from the coast. To relieve Hill, the Confederate commander now ordered Longstreand Charles City roads, while Longstreet and A. P. Hill were to cross the Chickahominy at New Bridgeon of Longstreet held the right, and that of A. P. Hill the left. Longstreet opened the attack at athe possession of these guns. Report of General A. P. Hill: Reports of the Army of Northern Virginihose under Magruder and Huger on the right. A. P. Hill and Longstreet were held in reserve to the lleft. This was the column of Longstreet and A. P. Hill, getting into its position in reserve on the[1 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, V. Pope's campaign in Northern Virginia. August, 1862. (search)
my of Northern Virginia, vol. II., p. 3. Lee then increased his force by General A. P. Hill's division, which joined Jackson on the 2d of August. At that time Pope', and was weakened in all things save its unconquerable spirit.—Report of General A. P. Hill: Reports of the Army of Northern Virginia, vol. II., p. 125. Doubling up Hill's flank on his centre, Kearney seized the railroad embankment and that part of the field of battle. This, as Kearney says, presaged a victory for us all. Stilley speaks, consisted of the brigades of Early and Lawton. (See Report of General A. P. Hill: Reports of the Army of Northern Virginia, vol. II., p. 125.) General Ea Reynolds and Ricketts; and it then became doubtful whether even the Henry House Hill could be maintained so as to cover the retreat of the army over Bull Run, for Loposted at Ox Hill, near Germantown. He immediately engaged the Union force with Hill's and Ewell's divisions in the midst of a cold and drenching rain. The attack f
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 6 (search)
s of McClellan's approach reached him, he instantly ordered Hill's division back from Boonsboroa to guard the South Mountainnd instructed Longstreet to countermarch from Hagerstown to Hill's support. McClellan, by his knowledge of Lee's movementederick westward, was committed to the combined commands of Hill and Longstreet. This pass is a deep gorge in the mountainssburg, with the exception of the divisions of McLaws and A. P. Hill, which had not yet returned from Harper's Ferry. So greto action on our side of the river; about which time General A. P. Hill's division arrived from Harper's Ferry.—Toombs' Repoft that just as this success was gained, the division of A. P. Hill, which Jackson had left behind to receive the surrender comparison of the time of the attack and of the arrival of Hill. The assault was made about three o'clock, and Hill began Hill began to arrive about half-past 2. The head of my column arrived upon the battle-field of Sharpsburg, a distance of seventeen mile
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 8 (search)
consequences that might be drawn from this victory, proceeded to make dispositions to press on at once, extending his left so as to cut off Hooker from United States Ford. To relieve Rodes' division which had made the attack, he sent forward A. P. Hill's division; and being intensely anxious to learn the true position of his antagonist, he personally went forward through the dark woods, and with a portion of his staff rode out beyond his own lines to reconnoitre the ground, instructing the trsupervening, he expired at the end of a week. As the dying Napoleon is recorded to have murmured, Tete d'armee, so Jackson, his unconscious mind still busy with the mighty blow he was executing when wounded, breathed out his life in the order, A. P. Hill, prepare for action! Cooke: Life of Jackson, p. 270. Life of Jackson, by an Ex-Cadet, p. 190. During his illness, Jackson, speaking of the attack he had made, said with a glow of martial ardor: If I had not been wounded, I would have cut the
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 9 (search)
the same direction. Meanwhile, the corps of A. P. Hill was left to occupy the lines of Fredericksbu of upwards of a hundred miles: for his right (Hill's corps) still held the lines of Fredericksburgtion of which I now return. When on the 13th Hill, holding the lines of Fredericksburg, saw the Ucheck this menace. At this time Longstreet and Hill were at Sketch of manoeuvres on Gettysburg. Cest of the mountains. The advance divisions of Hill's command bivouacked, on the night of the 30th ll. But new actors now appeared on the stage. Hill was re-enforced by another division under Generorps. As it has been seen that the columns of Hill and Longstreet moved from Chambersburg and Fayedge, on which Sickles and Hancock were placed. Hill's three divisions continued the line from the ld was killed in this action. but at this moment Hill, converting his demonstrations into a real attahile on the right of Pickett was one brigade of Hill's corps, under General Wilcox, formed in column[27 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 10 (search)
on in two columns—the left column (the corps of Hill) to move northward by the Warrenton turnpike tossing by Auburn and Greenwich, and uniting with Hill at Bristoe Station. This project was put in sing Bristoe with nearly his whole force before Hill and Ewell were able to strike his line of retreve passed that point, he pressed the advance of Hill and Ewell. When Hill, however, after moving ead of the column of the Second Corps approached, Hill threw forward a line of battle towards the railm much delay, thus preventing his junction with Hill at Bristoe until too late. Nor was Hill's marcHill's march made with much more expedition; for notwithstanding that his route to Bristoe was but four miles luburn, he reached the decisive point as soon as Hill. Warren's conduct throughout these operations sition from Morton's Ford to Orange Courthouse, Hill's corps was distributed from south of that poin between the two hostile bodies under Ewell and Hill, and destroy them in detail. This plan, diff[11 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 11 (search)
rps was thrown forward on the old turnpike, and Hill's on the plankroad. Thus, while the Army of thle along and in front of the Brock road, facing Hill's line drawn up across the Orange plankroad. ly completed he received orders to advance upon Hill and drive him back on the plankroad beyond Parkr. A little past four o'clock, the attack on Hill was opened by Getty's command. His troops enco the forest and fall upon the flank and rear of Hill. Wadsworth's division and the brigade of Baxtethe evening before secured a position to assail Hill's flank, took up the action, and fought its way, forfeited all the gain; for, at the height of Hill's confused retreat, Anderson's division, soon fd with such energy, and so completely disrupted Hill, that Lee found it necessary to recall Longstre into action at the time when the disruption of Hill's force opened a rare opportunity for a decisivory that General Heth (commanding a division of Hill's corps), who directed it, issued thereon a con[21 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 12 (search)
ivision was coming into place on the left of Mott, when a force of the enemy, composed of part of Hill's corps, advancing in column by brigades, penetrated the interval between the left of the Second re, and attended with so heavy a loss, that there was hesitation in renewing the assault. General A. P. Hill, who commanded the Confederate corps on the ground, was, however, resolved to carry the pothe smallness of our force. After they had been repulsed in the third charge upon our works, General Hill sent for Heth and told him that he must carry the position, which they certainly did very hanportunity for a blow. The force detached to execute this stroke consisted of the greater part of Hill's corps. It appears that it was Lee's original design to cross Hatcher's Run above Burgess's Milnfederate commander determined to move across Hatcher's Run at once, and assail Hancock's right. Hill accordingly crossed, and, as it happened, his point of passage brought him directly in the interv
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 13 (search)
ecking—if possible, of beating back—the turning column. At this time two divisions of Longstreet's corps guarded the lines of Richmond, and Mahone's division of Hill's corps the front of Bermuda Hundred. These Lee did not dare to weaken, for, not so well informed as usual, he was not master of all the bearings of the Union comted resistance offered by Fort Gregg, enabled Lee to establish what of force remained to him in such wise as would best avail for the defence of the city. General A. P. Hill then pushed forward the division of Heth on the Confederate left, in an effort to regain some commanding ground held by the Ninth Corps. The attack was madpport. This may be accounted the last blow struck by the Army of Northern Virginia while covering Richmond; and it is noteworthy that in its execution fell General A. P. Hill, who in all the operations that from first to last filled up the four years defence of the Confederate capital, had borne a most distinguished part. In t