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urteenth, Col. P. W. Roberts, and Manly's battery, were the State's sole representatives in that part of the battle. Both of these regiments were in Colston's brigade. Colston was not put in till late in the afternoon. The Thirteenth went to A. P. Hill's right and was suddenly and fiercely attacked. It, however, under the stimulating example of Colonel Scales and Lieutenant-Colonel Ruffin, held its own till the close of the contest. The Fourteenth was deployed in a skirt of woods on A. P. HA. P. Hill's left, and remained under fire for several hours, behaving with conspicuous bravery. Longstreet reports: Brigadier-General Colston, though last upon the field, was hotly engaged until darkness put an end to the struggle, and he compliments both Scales and Roberts on having discharged their difficult duties with marked skill and fearlessness. Manly's North Carolina battery made an enviable record in this battle. Five of its guns were posted in Fort Magruder, and one under Lieutenant Gui
d) of Fitz John Porter, and five brigades of A. P. Hill, assisted just before dusk by Ripley's brigadivision. Gregg's and Branch's brigades, of A. P. Hill's, took no part in the assault on the fortifht flank of the Federal intrenchments, while A. P. Hill attacked in front. Jackson was, however, united the attack of the divisions of Jackson, A. P. Hill, Longstreet, Whiting and D. H. Hill. The bahottest of the war. As at Mechanicsville, A. P. Hill was the first to send his troops into action. R. H. Gray, won enviable reputation, as Gen. A. P. Hill reports, by carrying the crest of a hill, In addition to the North Carolina troops in A. P. Hill's division, Whiting's charge brought into the left, and General Jackson, between him and A. P. Hill, moved their divisions against these lines. eet sent Branch's--North Carolina brigade of A. P. Hill's division to his right, to keep Hooker fromNorth Carolinians, pressed eagerly forward. A. P. Hill says: General Pender, moving up to support F[4 more...]
cuated, Jackson was reinforced by the division of A. P. Hill. After Hill's juncture, Jackson's force numbered before reinforcements should arrive there, Ewell's, Hill's and Jackson's divisions were moved on the 7th in twith terrible slaughter through the woods. Gen. A. P. Hill gives even more credit to Branch. He says: Windes captures, General Jackson sent the divisions of A. P. Hill and Taliaferro to join him at Manassas. Ewell, wports, but soon dispersed this force. Shortly after Hill's division arrived, General Taylor with his New Jerwn division held his right, Ewell the center, and A. P. Hill the left. In Sigel's morning attack on Jackson's. The dashing Kearny, aided by Stevens, next fell on Hill's left. Branch's and Pender's North Carolinians andding spirit with which this contest was waged. Gen. A. P. Hill, to whose division both Pender and Branch belonosed to a heavy fire in front and on his flank. General Hill, whose brigades were mainly engaged, says: Gregg
. Sharpsburg, Battles and Leaders, II, 675. A. P. Hill and McLaws followed Jackson, arriving during was overlapped and broken. At this crisis, A. P. Hill's division, after a hard march of 17 miles, ackson had left six of his brigades under Gen. A. P. Hill to receive the property and garrison surr's and Crenshaw's batteries were put in with A. P. Hill's three brigades. The Washington artillery,anked and staggered by the gallant attack of A. P. Hill's brigades, his advance was arrested. . . . ecessary to recover his lines and withdraw. A. P. Hill's brigades, Toombs and Kemper, followed. ThManassas to Appomattox, pp. 261, 262. Gen. A. P. Hill reports of his brigades: With a yell of d death of General Branch. His commander, Gen. A. P. Hill, said of him: The Confederacy has to mourly posted batteries on the Federal side. Gen. A. P. Hill's division was ordered by General Jackson to drive these forces across the Potomac. Hill advanced with the brigades of Pender, Gregg and Tho[3 more...]
t's right. In Hood's division there were three North Carolina regiments. Jackson's troops were massed along the line of the Fredericksburg & Potomac railroad. A. P. Hill held the front line without much cover. Pender's North Carolina brigade, Lane's North Carolina brigade, and Archer's mixed brigade were on A. P. Hill's front lA. P. Hill's front line. They were supported by the brigades of Thomas, Gregg and Brockenbrough, respectively. Taliaferro and Early formed a third line, and D. H. Hill's division was in reserve. Marye's hill was occupied by the Washington artillery; the reserve artillery was on its right and left. The division batteries of Anderson, Ransom and Mche enemy back across the railroad. Lane's brigade had made a bold stand and gave ground only after what General Lee called a brave and obstinate resistance. Gen. A. P. Hill reported that the Twenty-eighth and Thirty-seventh continued to fight until their ammunition was exhausted and were then quietly and steadily retired from the
orth Carolina brigades and two regiments. Two of these brigades, Lane's and Pender's, were in A. P. Hill's division, commanded by General Rodes; the First and Third regiments were in Colston's divisir Colston composed the second line; in this were the First and Third North Carolina regiments. A. P. Hill's formed the third line. Two of his brigades, Lane's and Pender's, were entirely composed of anglement of the wilderness, became so mixed that it was necessary to halt for adjustment, and A. P. Hill's line was ordered forward to relieve the two front lines. It was during this change in his lnt to push his attack immediately on with these fresh lines, but his fall and the wounding of General Hill stopped the further attack. During the night, when Sickles was pushing his way back to his fy and Hancock, who were still in front of Anderson and McLaws. Stuart formed his lines with A. P. Hill's division in front. Pender and Thomas were on the left of the plank road, Pender's right res
nd his other two corps, under Longstreet and A. P. Hill, were encamped near Chambersburg. The furthoin the army either at Cashtown or Gettysburg. Hill's advance division, Heth's, reached Cashtown ontysburg was a clear Confederate victory. Gen. A. P. Hill reached Cashtown on the 30th, with his foho was promoted to a major-generalship when General Hill became corps commander. The next morning, July 1st, General Hill advanced Heth and Pender to develop the force of the Federals. As Heth, who leday, commenting on the converging lines of A. P. Hill and Ewell, says: It would of course have been impossible to hold the line if Hill attacked on the west and Ewell assailed me at the same timing such an attack. Our Living and Dead. General Hill, in his official report, corroborates Captaom Longstreet's corps, and Heth's division from Hill's corps, should constitute the column of assaulsed the Potomac, the corps of Longstreet and A. P. Hill were stationed near Culpeper Court House. Ge[1 more...]
Stuart described as a model of worth, devotion and heroism, lost his life in the attack. General Gordon and Major Barringer were both wounded, but continued on duty. Sheer hard fighting alone extricated Stuart. General Lee crossed the Rapidan early in October and moved toward Culpeper Court House, with a view of bringing on an engagement with the Federal army. Lee's Report. General Meade, however, retreated before Lee, and the Confederate army moved on toward Bristoe Station. Gen. A. P. Hill's corps reached that point first, and, on the 14th, brought on an engagement with Warren's Second corps. This was almost entirely, on the Confederate side, a North Carolina battle; for the two brigades that did nearly all the fighting were both from that State. Just before reaching Bristoe, General Heth, commanding the advance division, was ordered to form line of battle on the road from Greenwich. Accordingly Cooke's North Carolina brigade was formed on the right of the road; Kir
na road, General Lee moved the corps of Ewell and A. P. Hill on the two parallel roads, to strike the Federal ered up from North Carolina. Anderson's division of Hill's corps also was not present at the opening of the bEwell's battle of the 5th was entirely distinct from Hill's fight of the same day. As Ewell advanced—Jones' breld. While Ewell's forces were thus engaged, Gen. A. P. Hill's corps was battling with Getty and Hancock on and one regiment, the Fifty-fifth, Colonel Belo, in Hill's corps: Kirkland's—the Eleventh, Colonel Martin; Tw's division. When Heth's division, the head of A. P. Hill's corps, approached the Federal lines, General Meon by Heth's and Wilcox's divisions alone, Anderson, Hill's other division commander, being still absent with men to stand firm. During the morning attacks on Hill's position, and the splendid fighting of Longstreet'sting on the Po river, Ewell's in the center, and A. P. Hill's on the right. The 9th of May was a day of comp
General Lee's army was posted as follows: Hoke's division was on his right, near Cold Harbor. Then came Kershaw, Pickett and Field, of Longstreet's corps. Ewell's corps under Early, and Early's division under Ramseur, occupied the center, A. P. Hill holding the left. There were present in the army thus posted, so far as may be made out from the meager reports, the following North Carolina troops: Martin's, Clingman's, Daniel's (now commanded by Brig.-Gen. Bryan Grimes), Ramseur's (now unds movement brought on sharp fighting, says Humphreys, but did not accomplish what was designed. General Early reports that his men took several hundred prisoners. Early intrenched on his front, and thus the new lines were almost at right angles. Hill's corps and Breckinridge's men were moved to Hoke's right to meet the massing of Federal troops on that flank. On the morning of the 3d, General Grant ordered an assault by his entire army. The Confederates nerved themselves for stern work all