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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 310 68 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 306 36 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 305 15 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 289 5 Browse Search
D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 262 18 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 233 13 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 204 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 182 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 170 8 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 146 14 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for D. H. Hill or search for D. H. Hill in all documents.

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10th day of June, 1861, when her First regiment, under Col. D. H. Hill, defeated, in the first serious action of the Civil wa, located near by, under command of that noble old hero, D. H. Hill, was crowded with the flower of the old military organizamp was pitched in Raleigh, and Governor Ellis invited Maj. D. H. Hill, of Charlotte, to take command of it. Major Hill was aMajor Hill was a West Pointer and a veteran of the Mexican war. To the raw volunteers, unused to any restrictions, as well as to the men acciment was soon formed and hurried away to Virginia under Major Hill, whom it elected colonel. Then, says Major Gordon, whosof proportion to its importance. Anticipating attack, Col. D. H. Hill had, with the First North Carolina regiment, thrown upRichmond howitzers; and the First North Carolina, under Colonel Hill, occupied the inside of the works. The companies compo the Federals had found shelter behind and in a house. Colonel Hill called for volunteers from the Edgecombe Guards to burn
btainable. Governor Clark and his people, however, were not of a race to succumb to difficulties without a desperate struggle, and they went to work with vigor to do all that their circumstances would allow. At the request of the governor, Gen. D. H. Hill was sent from the army of Virginia that his experience as an artillery officer might be utilized in strengthening the existing fortifications and in the construction of new defenses. J. R. Anderson, a retired soldier of Virginia, was commissioned by President Davis a brigadier-general and sent to the Cape Fear district. With the paucity of material at their command, these officers exerted every energy to aid General Gatlin, who was in charge of the whole department. General Hill, however, could be spared from his command for only a few months, and in November he was ordered back to command a division in General Johnston's army. Gen. L. O'B. Branch succeeded him and was put in command of the forces around New Bern, and Gen. Henr
t Roanoke was the key to the whole sound region, it seemed out of the power of the Confederacy to provide it with defenses commensurate with its importance, or to spare it enough troops to hold its insignificant fortifications. General Gatlin had said in answer to a request for more troops, The place is of so much importance that could I have done so I should long since have reinforced it, but I am unable to send a soldier without drawing them from parts already insufficiently defended. General Hill had reported to the secretary of war, Four additional regiments are absolutely indispensable to the protection of the island. General Wise had written the authorities, With present means I cannot guarantee successful defense for a day. The place should have been reinforced or abandoned. The defenses on the island consisted of four batteries, mounting in the aggregate 30 guns, all 32-pounders, as follows (see map): Fort Huger, 10 smooth-bore and 2 rifled guns (this battery, being out
n Williamsburg at all. Gens. G. W. Smith and D. H. Hill were ordered to resume the march at 2 a. m. an to reach the Federals, Longstreet sent to D. H. Hill for one brigade, and at 3 o'clock Hill's whoarefully first. Johnston's Narrative, 122. General Hill's report is virtually the same, for he sayser to add that General Longstreet says that General Hill made this request. Generals Hill and Early sserts that no reconnaissance was made. General Hill evidently understood that this brigade was eneral Longstreet and others have thought. General Hill says that, seeing that the woods on the lef Seven Pines, the successful part of it, was D. H. Hill's fight General Longstreet, who commanded th Confederate right) was left entirely to Major-General Hill. The entire success of the affair is sus to move on the Charles City road, parallel to Hill, and make a flank attack synchronous with Hill'ield returns, May 21st, give him 1,830. Total, Hill's division, 7,960. R. H. Anderson, of Longstree[16 more...]
Memorial Address. It should be stated that General Hill, seeing the waste of blood in the front atthey were commanded by a persistent fighter. D. H. Hill, on the extreme Confederate left, and Generalve. Anderson's and Garland's brigades of D. H. Hill's division were made up entirely of North Ca broke and retreated. Major Ratchford, of General Hill's staff, writes: A short time before suield, and of the bold and dashing charge of General Hill's infantry, in which the, troops of Brigadiin my experience during the war, if I except D. H. Hill at Sharpsburg. The failure of all his offembrance of Cold Harbor doubles the energies of Hill's soldiers. They try to pierce the line, sometiting on the left and Huger on the right suffer Hill's soldiers to become exhausted without supporting them. .... At 7 o'clock, Hill reorganized the debris of his troops in the woods . . . his tenacitty-fourth, Colonel Clark; the Twenty-fifth, Colonel Hill; the Twenty-sixth, Colonel Vance; the Thirt[19 more...]
as neither received by him nor lost by him. General Hill's division was at that time attached to Genot known, but it is absolutely certain that General Hill did not lose it. To relieve Harper's Ferlowed by two brigades of infantry, and asked D. H. Hill, whose forces were closest to South mountain the left where the Thirteenth was posted. General Hill, in Battles and Leaders There General Garlate on Sharpsburg. Maj. J. W. Ratchford, of General Hill's staff, one of the bravest of the brave, wod's place on the line, Trimble connecting with Hill. During the night the Federals were not idle. vision, and the First and Third regiments of D. H. Hill's division were so far the only North Carolig one struck slightly. All of Jackson's and D. H. Hill's troops engaged suffered proportionately. e. General Longstreet says: Walker, Hood and D. H. Hill attacked against the Twelfth corps; worn by Confederate center. The center was held by D. H. Hill. Three of his brigades had been used since e[33 more...]
h Carolina brigade, Lane's North Carolina brigade, and Archer's mixed brigade were on A. P. Hill's front line. They were supported by the brigades of Thomas, Gregg and Brockenbrough, respectively. Taliaferro and Early formed a third line, and D. H. Hill's division was in reserve. Marye's hill was occupied by the Washington artillery; the reserve artillery was on its right and left. The division batteries of Anderson, Ransom and McLaws, including Manly's North Carolina battery, were stationedpressed back. The Thirty-third, Colonel Avery, checked the enemy for a few moments and even essayed to charge, but found its effort unsupported. The Eighteenth, Colonel Purdie, fell back firing until it reached the woods. The Seventh, Lieutenant-Colonel Hill, had been ordered across the railroad to support a battery, and had acted with gallantry. It was now sent for, but the brigade was pushed out of line before the message was delivered. Thomas then moved his brigade to Lane's support, an
North Carolina in the beginning of 1863 gathering fresh supplies Demonstrations by D. H. Hill against New Bern fights at Deep Gully and Sandy ridge siege of Washington, N. C. Blount's Monfederate wagon trains were moving busily among the rich corn counties east of the Chowan, Gen. D. H. Hill, who had been assigned to command the troops in North Carolina when it was thought that ano a short skirmish on the 20th, and lost 1 killed and 6 wounded. Toward the last of March, General Hill sent General Garnett to lay siege to Washington. It had been hoped, as already seen, to surpto General Beauregard, then at Charleston and expecting to be reinforced from North Carolina, General Hill describes the objects of his attack on Washington: For the last four weeks I have been ars instructions from General Longstreet. Longstreet states these instructions as follows: General Hill is ordered and urged to be prompt in his operations. If he finds that too much time will be
of his position and his superiority of numbers. General Jackson was therefore sent with his corps, on the 2d, to assail the Federal right, held by General Howard with the Eleventh corps. Although Jackson's men had just seen arduous service, they set out with great cheerfulness, and by 5 p. m. had reached the Federal right. To cover Jackson's march, Lee at intervals during the day tapped at the lines in his front, principally where Hancock lay. At 6 o'clock, General Jackson advanced. D. H. Hill's division, under Rodes, held the front line. On the left of this division was Iverson with the Fifth, Twelfth, Twentieth and Twenty-third North Carolina regiments. In reserve just behind Rodes' right brigade (Colquitt's), was Ramseur, with the Second, Fourth, Fourteenth and Thirtieth North Carolina regiments. Trimble's division under Colston composed the second line; in this were the First and Third North Carolina regiments. A. P. Hill's formed the third line. Two of his brigades, La
ker was promoted to a brigadier-generalship. In the fall of this year Col. James B. Gordon was also promoted and assigned to a brigade, made up of the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth North Carolina cavalry regiments. About the same time, says Moore, bold and fearless James Dearing succeeded Beverly Robertson in command of the Second North Carolina brigade. After this memorable campaign in the North, Lee's army took position along the Rapidan. During the invasion of Pennsylvania, Gen. D. H. Hill, commanding the department of North Carolina, was temporarily assigned to the defenses around Richmond. The troops under his command took part in some minor engagements during this time. On the 26th of June, Colonel Spear, with a cavalry force numbering 1,050 men, Spear's Report, Rebellion Records, XXVII, p. 796. moved from the White House to destroy the bridge over the South Anna river. The bridge was defended by 125 men, commanded by Lieut.-Col. T. L. Hargrove, of the Forty-four