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Military spirit and genius of the South. Major D. H. Hill of the North Carolina Military Institute, in his eloquent "Essay on Military Education, delivered at Wilmington, North Carolina, before the State Educational Convention," thus illustrates the military spirit and genius of the Southern people: "The armies of the Revolution were commanded by Washington, a Southern General. The officers, who distinguished themselves in an especial manner in the war of 1812, were Southern born anad he lost it, the battle of Cerro Gorde never would have been won. That intrepid young man was Gardner, of Washington city. The storming column against the main work on Cerro Gordo Hill was led by that tried veteran Harney, of Georgia." Major Hill adds that the South has not merely evinced military spirit on the field. but in authorship. The books in use on infantry tactics were prepared by Scott, of Virginia, and Hardee, of Georgia. The Manual of Artillery Tactics in use is by Major
at they be published in the Culpeper and Richmond newspapers. "Gov. Smith, representative in Congress. being called upon, although positively forbidden to speak by his physician, made a short speech, endorsing all that had been said and done, and calling upon all to unite in favor of secession. "John M, Forbes, of Fauquirs made a very able and spirited address, proving the Peace Conference propositions to be a most complete swindle and fraud. Brief but stirring and eloquent speeches were also delivered by T. T. Hill, of Alexandria: James L. Sering fellow, and Colonel Alexander Taliaferro." Here is a specimen of the whirlwind that is sweeping over the Old Dominion. It is only the beginning of the end of a great popular revolution which is destined to raise the old Flag-ship of Liberty from the mud and mire of inaction, and place her with all her guns in position and all her canvass swelling, on the topmost tide of that Resistance to Tyrants which is Obedience to God.
Messrs, Powell & Gary, J. O. Pollard, Esq., Wm. M. Turner, Esq., King William country; Wm. M. McGruder, Esq., D. E. Gardner, Esq., Z. S. McGruder, M. D., J. F. Sinton, M. D., Henrico county; John G. Harriss, Esq., Dr. Wm. H. Fox, Hanover county; Messrs. Wilson & Bosher, Messrs. Chiles, & Chenery, Messrs. Crenshaw Quarles & Co., Wm. W. Timberlake, Esq., Dr. F. W. Hancock, Mark Downey, Esq., Andrew Jinkins, Esq., R. A. E. Dabney, Esq., (late of the firm of Dabney & Cocke, of this city,) A. S. Samuel, Esq., Col. Wm. A. M. Moncure, Second Auditor, Messrs, Johnston & Whitting, W. P. W. Taylor, Esq., Messrs. Grubbs & Apperson, Richmond City; H. W. Thomas, Esq., Fairfax county; T. T. Hill, Esq., Wm. Wright, Esq., Alexandria, Va.; S. S. Gresham, Esq., Arch'd Pointer, Esq., King and Queen; Benj. H. Shackleford, Esq., Fauquier county; S. S. Brooke, Esq., Stafford county; R. S. Broaddus, Esq., J. W. Quarles, Esq., Caroline county; Capt. T. M. Burke, Gen. R. J. Muse, Essex county. de 19--ts
1861. Negro Hiring. 1861. E. A. J. Clopton, Real Estate and Hiring Agent, Office corner Wall and Franklin streets, opposite Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond, Virginia. The subscriber begs to return his acknowledgments to his friends and patrons for their favors during the past six years, and would inform them that he still continues the business of Hiring Out Negroes, Renting Out Houses, Collecting Claims, and all business pertaining to a General Agency, to all of which he gives his a good fire, free of charge. Negroes for hire the coming year, had better be sent in to me as early after Christmas as possible. To those at a distance to whom I am personally unknown. I beg to refer to the following persons Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple, John Lumpkin, Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Looke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Tu
City Council. --A called meeting of the Council was held yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Present--Messrs. Saunders, Crutchfield, Hill, Howison, Greanor, Griffin, Richardson, Haskins, Grattan, Burr, Denoon and Anderson. Mr. Grattan, from the Finance Committee, reported in favor of paying the City Assessor $400 for extra labor in preparing land books, and the report was adopted. Mr. Grattan, from the committee to whom the subject was referred, reported an ordinance to "exclude va the city, and compelled to work upon the streets. 8. This ordinance shall be in force from its passage, and shall continue in force until the first day of June. On motion, the thirteenth rule was suspended, and the ordinance was adopted. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the foregoing ordinance be published once a week for one month in all the daily papers, and that a copy of the same be given to the captains of such of the steamboats and superi
Stealing cigars. --William, slave to Charles Rhodes, was arraigned before the Mayor yesterday, to answer the charge of stealing $84 worth of cigars from Messrs. Hill & Norfleet, on Shockoe Slip. William, it seems, moved the cigars from the store, box at a time, and deposited them with Samuel Logan, a free negro, on whose premises a portion of the cigars were found. After a hearing, both were ordered to be well flogged.
1861. Negro Hiring. 1861. E. A. J. Clopton. Real Estate and Hiring Agent. Office corner Wall and Franklin streets, opposite Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond, Virginia. The subscriber begs to return his acknowledgements to his friends and patrons for their favors during the past six years and would inform them that he still continues the business of Hiring Out Negroes. Renting Out Houses, Collecting Claims, and all business pertaining to a General Agency, to all of which he gh a good fire, free of charge. Negroes for hire the coming year, had better be sent in to me as early after Christmas as possible. To those at a distance to whom I am personally unknown, I beg to refer to the following persons Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple. John Lumpkin. Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo T
The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1860., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
Fox, Messrs. Powell & Gary, J. O. Pollard. Esq., Wm. M. Turner, Esq., King William county; Wm. M. McGruder, Esq., D. E. Gardner, Esq., Z. S. McGruder, M. D., J. F. Sinton. M. D. Henrico county; John G. Harriss, Esq., Dr. Wm. H. Fox, Hanover county; Messrs. Wilson & Bosher, Messrs. Chiles & Chenery, Messrs. Crenshaw Quarles & Co., Wm. W. Timberlake, Esq., Dr. F. W. Hancock, Mark Downey, Esq., Andrew Jankins. Esq., R. A. E. Dabney, Esq., (late of the firm of Dabney & Cocke, of this city,) A. S. Samuel, Esq., Col. Wm. A. Moncure, Second Auditor, Messrs. Johnston & Whiting, W. P. W. Taylor, Esq., Messrs. Grubbs & Apperson, Richmond City; H. W. Thomas, Esq., Fairfax county; T. T. Hill. Esq., Wm. Wright, Esq., Alexandria, Va.; S. S. Gresham, Esq., Arch'd Pointer, Esq., King and Queen; Benj. H. Shackleford. Esq., Fauquier county; S. S. Brooks, Esq., Stafford county; R. S. Broaddus; Esq., J. W. Quarles, Esq., Caroline county; Capt. T. M. Burke, Gen. R. J. Muse, Essex county. de 19--ts
1861. Negro Hiring. 1861. E. A. J. Clopton. Real Estate and Hiring Agent, Office corner Wall and Franklin streets, opposite Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond, Virginia. The subscriber begs to return his acknowledgments to his friends and patrons for their favors during the past six years. and would inform them that he still continues the business of Hiring Out Negroes. Renting Out Houses, Collecting Claims, and all business pertaining to a General Agency, to all of which he gives h a good fire, free of charge. Negroes for hire the coming year, had better be sent in to me as early after Christmas as possible. To those at a distance to whom I am personally unknown, I beg to refer to the following persons: Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple, John Lumpkin. Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis; King William county; Geo. T
Col. H. B. Tomlin, Wm. R. Aylett, Esq., Dr. R. W. Fox, Messrs. Powell & Gary. J. O. Pollard, Esq., Wm. M. Turner, Esq, King William county; Wm. M. McGruder, Esq., D. E. Gardner, Esq., Z. S. McGruder, M. D., J. F. Sinton. M. D., Henrico county; John G. Harriss, Wilson & Bosher, Messrs Chiles & Chenery, Messrs Crenshaw Quarles & Co., Wm. W. Timberlake, Esq., Dr. F. W. Hancock, Mark Downey, Esq., Andrew Jinkins. Esq. R. A. E. Dabbey, Esq., (late of the firm of Dabney & Cocke, of this city.) A. S. Samuel, Esq., Col. Wm. A. Moncure, Second Auditor, Messrs. Johnston & Whiting, W. P. W. Taylor, Esq., Messrs. Grubbs & Apperson, Richmond City; H. W. Thomas. Esq., Fairfax county; T. T. Hill. Esq., Qm. Wright, Esq Alexandria, Va.; S. S. Gresham, Esq., Arch'd Pointer, Esq., King and Queen; Benj. H. Shackleford, Esq., Fauquier county; S. S. Brooss, Esq., Stanford county; R. S. Broaddus. Esq., J. W. Quarles, Esq., Caroline county; Capt. T. M. Burke, Gen. R. J. Muse, Essex county. de 19--ts