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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 7: the corner stone laid (search)
he Sketch book has received a warning, or there are two Richmonds in the field. Literary history hardly affords a better instance of the direct following of a model by a younger author than one can inspect by laying side by side a page of the first number of Outre-Mer and a page of the Sketch Book, taking in each case the first American editions. Irving's books were printed by C. S. Van Winkle, New York, and Longfellow's by J. Griffin, Brunswick, Maine; the latter bearing the imprint of Hilliard, Gray & Co., Boston, and the former of the printer only. Yet the physical appearance of the two sets of books is almost identical; the typography, distribution into chapters, the interleaved titles of these chapters, and the prefix to each chapter of a little motto, often in a foreign language. It must be remembered that the Sketch Book, like Outre-Mer, was originally published in numbers; and besides all this the literary style of Longfellow's work was at this time so much like that of
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Index (search)
Havre, 46, 158. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 7, 18, 44, 53, 64, 68, 133, 134, 193, 198, 209, 272, 285, 294; his Twice-Told Tales, mentioned, 72, 130; on Voices of the Night, 141; married, 162; suggests Evangeline to Longfellow, 194,195; on Kavanagh, 199. Healy, George P. A., 223. Heard, Tom, 131. Heath, Mr., Book of Beauty, mentioned, 121. Heidelberg, 111, 113, 128. Herwegh, Georg, 161. Hiawatha, 187, 221, 258; commenced, 208; newspapers on, 209. Hillard, George S., 168, 284. Hilliard, Gray & Co., 69. Hingham, Mass., 61. Hirm, Me., 12. Holm, Saxe, 122. Holmes, Dr., Oliver Wendell, 1, 6, 57, 68, 146, 197, 273, 285, 294; on Evangeline, 194; on Longfellow, 287. Home Circle, the, quoted, 279. Homer, 5, 235. Hook, Theodore, 10. Horace, 19, 45. Howe, Dr. Samuel G., 284. Howe family, 214. Howells, William D., 126, 198; on Kavanagh, 200. Hudson River, 132, 248. Hughes, Mr., 96. Hugo, Victor, 3, 5, Humphreys, David, 23. Hunt, Helen, 122. Huron, La