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Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 10: (search)
credit upon the generosity of some of our patriotic and worthy citizens. The house occupied by General Grant on I Street had been given him by some friends when he was General of the Army. He was about to move into the executive mansion, many thought for a residence of eight years at least. His successor as General of the Army was the next most renowned soldier of the Union army, General W. T. Sherman. A committee composed of A. T. Stewart, Hamilton Fish, B. F. Field, W. H. Aspinwall, Judge Hilton, Solon Humphrey, and William Scott had been chosen by the subscribers to present this house and the furniture to General Sherman. They had negotiated with General Grant, and had arranged that Mr. Hoyt and General Butterfield should take General Sherman to General Grant's office at an appointed hour. When they all met, the committee handed General Grant sixty-five thousand dollars. He, in exchange, gave them the deeds, bills of sale, and documents, making an absolute conveyance to Genera
ammunition had become wet and useless; the project was therefore abandoned, the boats returning to their ships. Shortly after the Adela got off and ran over to the place of conflict, and opened on the rebels, driving them up toward Tampa. On Sunday, the eighteenth, Captain Semmes sent in a flag of truce to ascertain what had become of our missing men. From what we can gather, the Tahoma lost one man, James World, killed. Acting-Ensign Randall, and six men wounded, and two men, Collins and Hilton, taken prisoners. The Adela lost two men, Roddy and O'Donnald, killed, five men wounded; one man, Donnelly, taken prisoner. The rebels lost six killed, a number wounded, and seven taken prisoners. On the night of the sixteenth the citizens of Tampa held a crowded meeting in the courthouse, for the purpose of forming a military company, and electing a captain. Had Captain Semmes known it while they were balloting, he would have sent them several two hundredpound black-balls, which they
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
oad depot was filled with commissary stores, 3,000 stand of arms, shells of a large size two wooden 68-pounder guns medical stores, 300 kegs and barrels of powder, marked Alabama powder Company. At Colonel Elliott's order the sick were removed, the buildings and train fired and entirely destroyed. The orderly sergeant (Budd), with 6 men of Company G, left with a hand car, running a mile beyond the point they were ordered to, toward Corinth, were attacked by the enemy's cavalry, when Sergeant Hilton was killed. The men made a gallant struggle, Sergeant Budd and Private Wood cutting their way out, capturing 2 horses, and the standard of the battalion carried by the enemy. The cavalry of the enemy appearing in some-force, I was ordered to move forward with Major Coon's command of five companies in battle line to the ground occupied in the morning, where I joined the command. Very respectfully, &c., Edward Hatch, Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Iowa Cavalry, Commanding. Lieut. C
A Rebel Letter.--We publish an exact copy of a rebel letter sent us from Port Royal: Oct. The 20 1861 Dear brother i take this present time to Rite you a flew lines to let you know that i am well and i hope that these lines may find you all enjoying the same greate blesen i have not Drawed our money yet and i dont know When We Will Draur eney but they give us plenty to eate But Nothing to Drink but We feel as Well as We Were half Drunk. We have had allarm here yesterday We are looking for a fight Eny Day We Dont know When We Will try our Spunk With the Yankeys if they do attact us We Will giv them sut here We have the arm strong Gun on our fort it shoots a ball a bout 18 inches long you may know that it Will Ruin the fleet if it should hit it We have one gun that shot 125 lbs i can here them shooting Survanah evry Day Rite son and let me here from you all if you Direct your to Hilton Head Fort Wallker i must draw to a close James S Ware. Boston Evening Transcript, January 7.
twenty-seventh instant, the Expounder and the Belvidere weighed anchor, took their departure from Edisto, and proceeded once more to Stono Inlet. The weather was delightful, and the heavy wind which prevailed the day previous, had subsided. Both vessels arrived at the inlet before high-water, and were obliged to lay off and on until the tide should serve. We were well repaid for the delay, as we had the gratification of seeing the iron ram Keokuk pass us, en route from Fortress Monroe for Hilton lead. This double-turreted monster looked formidable. While waiting for the tide to serve, the Government pilot on the Expounder made a small boat survey of Stono Bar. After he returned, which was about noon, the Expounder was got under weigh; but immediately after passing the first buoy, she grounded on a shoal, from which her motive power was unable to extricate her. Capt. Deering, of the Expounder, immediately ordered the ensign to be set, union down, as a signal of distress. This wa
Log of the Planter.--The following is a copy of the log of the steamer Planter, kept by Robert Small when he escaped from Charleston harbor to the blockading fleet: List.--Robert Small, Pilot; Alfred Gridiron, Engineer; Abram Jackson, Jebel Turner, W. C. Thompson, Sam Chishlm, Abram Allerton, Hannah Small, Susan Small, Clara Jones, Anna White, Levina Wilson, David McCloud, 3 small children. Log.--We leave Charleston at 1/2 past 3 o'clock on Tuesday morning. We pass Fort Sumter 1/4 past 4 o'clock. We arrived at blockading squadron at Charleston bar at 1/4 to 6. We give three cheers for the Union flag wonce more. Articles of Sundary.--4 large c, not mounted; 2 mortars. We arrive at Port Royal, Hilton, on same night about 9 P. M.--New-York Tribune.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stewart, Alexander Turney 1803-1876 (search)
s. He died in New York City, April 10, 1876, and was buried on April 13, in St. Mark's church-yard, from which his remains were stolen on Nov. 7, 1878. In the midst of the excitement following the discovery of the robbery it was alleged that Judge Hilton, the executor of Mr. Stewart's estate, had been notified by one of the robbers that the remains would be surrendered on the payment of a specified sum, and that while the widow was willing to accede to the demand Judge Hilton declined negotiathat Judge Hilton, the executor of Mr. Stewart's estate, had been notified by one of the robbers that the remains would be surrendered on the payment of a specified sum, and that while the widow was willing to accede to the demand Judge Hilton declined negotiations on account of the large amount asked. It was afterwards stated that the remains were recovered and deposited in the mausoleum of the Cathedral of the Incarnation, erected by Mrs. Stewart in memory of her husband, at Garden City, L. I.
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
Albany, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Harris, Alfred 28, sin.; seaman; Detroit, Mich. 4 Apl 63; missing 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Hart, Christopher C. 23, sin.; waiter; Springfield, O. 12 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Helman, Preston Corpl. 30, sin.; carpenter; Leoni, Mich. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Charleston, S. C. Henry, Alexander 25, sin.; laborer; Syracuse, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Hersey, Samuel E. 23, sin.; laborer; Churchville, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Hilton, Leroy Corpl. 28, sin.; farmer; Pittsburgh, Pa. 4 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Hurley, Nathaniel 19, sin.; laborer; Rochester, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; died pris. Feb 65 Florence, S. C. Captd 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Hutchings, James A. 22, sin.; waiter; Trenton, N. J. 29 Mch 63; 23 Sep 65 New York. $50. Trenton, N. J. Jackson, George 30, mar.; laborer; Northampton. 3 Apl 63; 29 Jly 64 Ft. Green, Folly Id. S. C. Wounded 18 July 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Jackson, George
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
, ordered to report to Gen. Wheeler's Elite Corps, Feb. 27, ‘64, ordered to report to Surgeon Cornell, Medical-Director Hospital, Charleston, S. C. James, J. A., Surgeon. Sept. 30, 1863, 15th S. C. Regiment. Jackson, John F., Surgeon. Oct. 31, 1863, 8th Georgia Regiment. Jackson, James Monroe, Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War to rank Jan. 3, ‘63, to report to Col. Quarles. Passed Board at Clinton, La., Dec. ‘62. Nov. 30, ‘63, 49th Tennessee Regiment. Transferred. Jones, Hilton S., Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War July 15, ‘62, report to Gen. Carter. Passed Board at Chattanooga Aug. 20, ‘62. Jordan, M. D. L., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War to rank from May 18, 62. Dec. 31, ‘62, 5th Tennessee at Hospital in Murfreesboro by order W. C. Cavenagh. Polk's Corps Aug. 31, ‘63. In prison at Fort McHenry near Baltimore, Md., Dec. 10, ‘63, 5th Tennessee, Jan. 3, ‘64, 33d Tennessee, Feb. 29, ‘64, returned by Chief Surgeon of Divis
Tragic affray. --A man named Burks, proprietor of one of the hotels at Shelbyville, Tenn., was killed in that place last Thursday night, while in an altercation with a man named Hilton, a cooper by trade. Hilton escaped. Tragic affray. --A man named Burks, proprietor of one of the hotels at Shelbyville, Tenn., was killed in that place last Thursday night, while in an altercation with a man named Hilton, a cooper by trade. Hilton escaped.
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