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prominent for his work in the anti-slavery movement. He went to the Civil War as lieutenant-colonel and was made brigadier-general of volunteers in April, 1862. He was placed at the head of the Department of Kansas on May 5, 1862, and when that department was merged in that of Missouri, on September 19th, he was given a division in the Army of the Frontier. On December 7th, his division and that of Brigadier-General F. J. Herron checked, at Prairie Grove, Arkansas, the advance of Major-General Hindman into Missouri. Blunt was senior officer in command of both divisions in the battle. From June, 1863 to January, 1864, he was at the head of the District of the Frontier, that army having been broken up. From October, 1864, to the end of the war he commanded the District of South Kansas. He died in Washington, D. C., July 25, 1881. Army of the Mountain Department Created March 11, 1862, from the Department of Western Virginia. On March 29th, Brigadier-General Rosecrans turne
Confederate generals--no. 3 Arkansas Thomas Churchill commanded a division in the Army of the West; defender of Arkansas and Red River region. Thomas C. Hindman commanded the Trans-Mississippi District in 1863; led troops at Shiloh and Chickamauga. John F. Fagan, originally Colonel of the 1st Arkansas Infantry; connt-General Hardee was relieved by Lieutenant-General D. H. Hill, who commanded at Chickamauga, and the later commanders were Major-Generals J. C. Breckinridge, T. C. Hindman, Lieutenant-General J. B. Hood, Major-General C. L. Stevenson and Lieutenant-General S. D. Lee. After 1864, the corps was known as Hood's, or Lee's Corps, Har of Lee's Corps, when the latter was wounded after the battle of Nashville, until the army had crossed the Tennessee. He died August 15, 1888. Major-General Thomas Carmichael Hindman was born in Tennessee, November, 1818. He became a lawyer and served in Congress. He fought in the Mexican War, and in 1860 was a Con
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), General officers of the Confederate Army: a full roster compiled from the official records (search)
t. 19, 1864. Cheatham, B. F., Mar. 10, 1862. Churchill, T. J., Mar. 17, 1865. Crittenden, G. B., Nov. 9, 1861. Cleburne, P. R., Dec. 13, 1862. Cobb, Howell, Sept. 9, 1863. Donelson, D. S., Jan. 17, 1863. Elzey, Arnold, Dec. 4, 1862. Fagan, James F., April 25, 1864. Field, Chas. W., Feb. 12, 1864. Forney, John H., Oct. 27, 1862. French, S. G., Aug. 31, 1862. Gardner, F., Dec. 13, 1862. Grimes, Bryan, Feb. 15, 1865. Gordon, John B., May 14, 1864. Heth, Henry, Oct. 10, 1862. Hindman, T. C., April 14, 1862. Hoke, Robert F., April 20, 1864. Huger, Benj., Oct. 7, 1861. Johnson, B. R., May 21, 1864. Johnson, Edward, Feb. 28, 1863. Jones, David R., Oct. 11, 1862. Jones, Samuel, Mar. 10, 1862. Kemper, J. L., Sept. 19, 1864. Kershaw, J. B., May 18, 1864. Lee, Fitzhugh, Aug. 3, 1863. Lee, G. W. Custis, Oct. 20, 1864. Lee, W. H. F., Apr. 23, 1864. Loring, W. W., Feb. 17, 1862. Lovell, Mansfield, Oct. 7, 1861. McCown, John P., Mar. 10, 1862. McLaws, L., May 23, 1862.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hindman, Thomas Carmichael 1818- (search)
Hindman, Thomas Carmichael 1818- Military officer; born in Tennessee, in November, 1818; served in the war with Mexico; was member of Congress from 1859 to 1861, and of the Charleston convention in 1860. He became a brigadier-general in the Confederate army, and was the chief leader of Confederate troops in Arkansas. After the battle of Shiloh (q. v.), in which he participated, he was made a major-general. He was in command of a division in Polk's corps at Chickamauga. After the fall of the Confederacy, he went to Mexico, and returned to Helena in the spring of 1867, where he was murdered by one of his former soldiers, Sept. 27, 1868.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Prairie Grove, battle of. (search)
Prairie Grove, battle of. In the summer of 1862 Gen. T. C. Hindman gathered about 40,000 men, largely made up of guerilla bands, in the vicinity of the Ozark Mountains. Schofield, leaving Curtis in command of his district, marched against them late in September, 1862, with 8,000 men under Gen. J. G. Blunt. This officer attacked a portion of them at Fort Wayne, near Maysville (Oct. 22), and drove them into the Indian country. A week later a cavalry force under Gen. F. J. Herron struck another portion on the White River and drove them into the mountains. Ill-health compelled Schofield to relinquish command, which was assumed by Blunt. Hindman now determined to strike a decisive blow for the recovery of Arkansas from National control. Late in November he had in one body about 20,000 men on the western borders of Arkansas, and on the 28th moved against Blunt. His advance, composed of Marmaduke's cavalry, was attacked and defeated by Blunt on Boston Mountains. The latter now
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arkansas (search)
of Pea Ridge between Union and Confederate forces. March 6-7, 1862 Union troops under General Washburne occupy Helena......July 11, 1862 Battle of Prairie Grove. United States Gens. Francis J. Herron and James G. Blunt; Confederate Gen. Thomas C. Hindman. Confederates retire during the night with a loss of 1,317. Federal loss, 1,148......Dec. 7, 1862 Arkansas Post captured with 5,000 men by the United States forces under McClernand, Sherman, and Admiral Porter......Jan. 11, 1863 Cew constitution adopted and ratified......March 13, 1868 State readmitted to the Union over Johnson's veto......June 22, 1868 Military commander, Gen. A. C. Gillem, turns over the State to the civil authorities......June 22, 1868 Gen. Thomas C. Hindman assassinated at Helena by an old soldier......1868 Powell Clayton elected governor......1868 Governor Clayton places ten counties under martial law......Nov. 9, 1868 Elisha Baxter nominated for governor by the Republican party, a
h arms as could be obtained, and often without arms. From the Confederate secretary of war authority was received for the raising of regiments for the Confederate service. Hundreds of applications to him for this service were declined for want of arms. Many leaders went to Montgomery and Richmond for authority to organize military commands, and returned without it. Some even marched their commands to the field inefficiently armed, and these importuned the war department for commissions. Hindman, Cleburne and Van Manning used extraordinary means to obtain arms for their men. The volunteers, recruited in all parts of the State, began to arrive at the capital. The arsenal grounds were one large encampment. Many companies assembled for organization with their fowling pieces, deer guns and squirrel rifles. The one great drawback to the equipment of an army was the want of efficient arms, and yet, of the 60,000 electors in the State, 25,000 were enrolled the first year and transport
general purpose of this assignment is to watch over and protect the country within the limits referred to. Besides the regiment from Arkansas under command of Colonel Hindman, recently ordered there, it is the purpose of the department to send an additional force of about 3,000 men in that direction. You will establish your headqumand of the upper district of Arkansas, with headquarters at Pitman's Ferry, Ark. His force, as reported August 31st, included the Arkansas regiments of Cleburne, Hindman, Cross, Lyon, Shaver, and Borland, Shoup's battalion of artillery, Roberts' battery and Phifer's cavalry. Patrick Roanyne Cleburne, who at once became prominenope my entire command will reach in nine days from that date. Crossing the Mississippi, he led his Arkansas troops to join the Central army of Kentucky, in which Hindman, Cleburne and Shaver soon became brigade commanders. Before leaving Pitman's Ferry, General Hardee ordered the transfer of all stores to Pocahontas, and left a
erred already, and assigned to Cleburne's and Hindman's divisions—not heretofore mentioned. By speto distant fields was none too early. Major-General Hindman heard it and accepted the assignment, f Red river, and the Indian Territory. General Hindman acted promptly. On his way, at Memphis, of bed. He beheld the measures adopted by General Hindman with consternation, but had great confidebove Jacksonport. Continuing his report, General Hindman says: To delay the enemy and gain timlled and 58 wounded. Not to discredit General Hindman's report, but in order to give basis for ncident was closed, the administration of General Hindman as chief, practically, of the Trans-MissiRock, where he had arrived, and continued General Hindman in command of the troops in the neighborhississippi, and ordered them to report to General Hindman. General Price was transferred later, alsnd the department, and Major-Generals Taylor, Hindman and Price to the districts of Louisiana, Arka[43 more...]
eneral Holmes had arrived at Little Rock, General Hindman, continuing in charge of military operati it known that I was duly commissioned by General Hindman to raise a regiment of cavalry,. . . and er. In his report of November 3, 1862, General Hindman has written the history of the subsequentized and drilled by officers appointed by General Hindman, were poorly equipped to meet the well-ar join Hindman. On the 26th of October, General Hindman moved forward, intending to take position drove his cavalry back from McGuire's before Hindman got up, and Hindman fell back to his former ply instincts. President Davis noted on General Hindman's report: The remarks about undisciplined did, the criticisms of the President and General Hindman are just. But fortifying passes in the mrces, In the field, December 8, 1862. Maj.-Gen. T. C. Hindman, Commanding Confederate Forces: I Little Rock, Ark., December 24, 1862. Maj.-Gen. T. C. Hindman, Comdg. First Corps, Trans-Mississipp[5 more...]
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