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kett has now at his command in his military district, for the protection of Petersburg, only about two thousand men of all arms. At this important point (Weldon) there is only one regiment (three hundred and fifty men) of State troops, under Colonel Hinton. At Goldsboroa there are only two hundred men of all arms; and in Wilmington, for its defence and to guard its approaches, only two regiments of Martin's and Evans's brigades. The other movable troops of the Department are about as follow. Use passenger trains and all others. G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Weldon, N. C., May 5th, 1864. Genl. Pickett, Petersburg, Va.: Corse's and Kemper's brigades have been ordered. They will move with despatch. The 68th North Carolina, Colonel Hinton, has been ordered to Petersburg. G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Weldon, N. C., May 5th: 12 M. Major-Genl. Pickett, Petersburg, Va.: Should it become necessary, call directly on War Department for assistance until your troops reach you. G.