Browsing named entities in the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians. You can also browse the collection for Thomas Hollis or search for Thomas Hollis in all documents.

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the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, Caleb Fleming (search)
tter I received from my dear friend, the Rev. Dr. W. Dalrymple, of Ayr, in North Britain, dated March 22, 1769, I was surprised with the account of the University of St. Andrews having conferred on me the academical degree of Doctor in Divinity. This gave me great concern, not only from a consciousness of my defect of merit, but from always having looked on such diplomas with a real dislike. I would have rejected the compliment, had not one of the best friends I then had in the world (Thomas Hollis, Esq., who instantly put it into the public papers) on whose judgment I could most rely in matters of decorum and delicacy, absolutely insisted on my acceptance of it. On receiving the diploma he wrote the following acknowledgment to the heads of the University: Hoxton Square, April 6, 1769. Gentlemen,—Though I am ignorant of the motive you had to honour me with the unmerited degree of D. in D., yet I am able to assure you, that those abilities which God has given me have been eve