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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Records of Longstreet's corps, A. N. V. (search)
to halt and wait further orders. Meanwhile, General Holmes, with six thousand infantry and six batteries, f the enemy's trains passing over Malvern Hill, General Holmes moved his command down the River road about fouiously punished, but bringing off his guns; and General Holmes, seeing the hopelessness of further efforts, wi Confederate army that the enemy had followed after Holmes' retreat at all, and it was therefore always supposken in return. Shortly after the advance of General Holmes, General Magruder was ordered to move to his suhe only arrived at New Market about dusk, after General Holmes had withdrawn, and therefore took no part in thirected, as before explained, to the support of General Holmes' attack. General Magruder was directed to relin support of Armistead, Wright and D. R. Jones. General Holmes, with his division, moved from New Market a sho, to 3,870. Partial returns of Magruder, Huger and Holmes indicate the amount of their losses to be about 3,5
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Letter from General J. E. Johnston. (search)
Letter from General J. E. Johnston. Rev. J. William Jones, D. D., Secretary Southern Historical Society: Dear Sir — In the account of The Seven days fighting published by your Society in the June No. of the Southern Magazine, there are some errors as to the strength of the Army of Northern Virginia in the beginning of June, 1862. As they contradict previous statements of mine, I beg leave to point them out. In the statement of the strength of Holmes' division, at least 4,000 brought by him to the army from Petersburg, June 1st, are omitted; only those brought at the end of the month are referred to — they may have been 6,500. In that of Longstreet's, the strength was near 14,000 June 1st. The six brigades that then joined it had been reduced to 9,000 when they marched, late in August, to Northern Virginia. The cavalry could not have exceeded 3,000, nor the reserve artillery 1,000, June 1st. G. W. Smith's division of five brigades amounted to near 13,000 June 1st; only
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Strength of General Lee's army in the Seven days battles around Richmond. (search)
en General Johnston's narrative assigns to General Holmes. General Johnston says that Ripley's brigaom North Carolina than the number given in General Holmes' official report. General Holmes had unGeneral Holmes had under his command in North Carolina four brigades, which afterwards came to Virginia, and which are nohe troops that came from North Carolina, under Holmes, because that brigade was with the army beforehall, General Ripley's 2,300, and 3,000 of General Holmes', reached Richmond before General Lee commen Days Battles, consisted of those brought by Holmes (9,296), Ripley's brigade (2,366), and Lawton', 9,051; D. H. Hill, 10,000; Magruder, 13,000; Holmes, 6,573; Huger, 8,930; A. P. Hill, 13,000; Whitis probably too large by several thousand; and Holmes' division really was of very little avail in te loss in Huger's division 2,129. The loss in Holmes' division was 51, in Stuart's cavalry 71, and n's command, 6,727; Magruder's command, 2,236; Holmes' division, 51; Stuart's cavalry, 71; reserve a[27 more...]
Red House Ford, and still higher, Sudley Ford, etc.; but Stone Bridge was generally considered our extreme left. The right of our line was much stronger than the left in position and numbers, even without considering the two reserve brigades of Holmes and Early, which were stationed with the former for emergencies. At which of these points the meditated blow might fall none could foresee. Scott was said to be a crafty general, and there can be no doubt that he taxed his little genius rathheavy force of infantry and dispossessed us again. It was now about two P. M., and the battle still raged furiously on the left, though nothing, save skirmishing and an occasional discharge of ordnance, occurred on our right. The brigades of Holmes and Early were ordered up, and the first arrived opportunely at the moment when our generals were preparing for another advance: at the same time, additional pieces of artillery came galloping up, by their eagerness for action and cheerfulness in
was truthfully told by the New-York Times and Tribune, the whole North was thrown into consternation and mourning over the massacre, as they termed it, and began reviling each other for urging McClellan to advance at all against Richmond. Massachusetts was particularly affected by the direful news, for two of its pet regiments (the Fifteenth and Twenty-third) had suffered fearfully, and many young men of the first families had fallen, including the promising son of the poet, Oliver Wendell Holmes, most of the men having been enrolled in Boston and Worcester. New-York also felt very much humbled on account of the decimation of the Forty-fourth, one of its crack regiments, which boasted of more professional pugilists and blackguards than any other from that State, except the red-legged Fire Zouaves. Pennsylvania was in mourning for the rout of the First California Regiment, (fifteen companies strong,) which had been raised by Baker in Philadelphia, and which was petted and feasted, a
south side, and if possible get in their rear, so as to place them between two fires. He endeavored to cross, but the enemy held the bridge with much gallantry. Jackson, however, occupied their attention with a vigorous cannonade, while he constructed bridges higher up stream, and thus crossed his force within a few hours, on Sunday afternoon. Thus Jackson was advancing towards the enemy's right flank; Huger in their rear; Longstreet, Magruder, and the Hills on their left flank, while General Holmes was hastily endeavoring to make a long circuit round the latter, and cut off McClellan from James River. The whole country occupied and traversed by these moving armies was a mixture of swamp and sand-hills, broken up into numerous brooks, intersected by few roads, and those of such a wretched description that four men could not pass abreast in many places; and being thickly timbered, our advance was slow and tedious-artillery and wagons being far to the rear. Where the enemy had se
than four hours, beating about through the timber, in this rugged, thickly-timbered swamp, the enemy were at last found, admirably posted in strong force I The advance was now taken up with spirit; the men seemed delighted. It was thought that. Holmes's division might still succeed in flanking the enemy near the river, and get in their rear. Jackson was on their left flank, and Longstreet close up on the right, Magruder being the centre; all our troops, consequently, were within a radius of there was every indication that he meant to defend it to the last extremity, as a means of protecting his further retreat to the river. The incessant cannonade from Curl's Neck, and the untiring energy of the gunboats, rendered it impossible for Holmes to flank him, or get in the rear; while the absence of roads to our front, right, and left, prevented a vigorous advance in those quarters. Forming in the woods, however, our infantry advanced, and soon disposed of the Federal outposts, for they
reat oaks, the white tents, and the shadowy outline of the Cumberland mountains. The pious few of the Eighty-eighth Indiana, assembled in a booth constructed of branches, are breathing out their devotional inspirations and aspirations, in an old hymn which carries us back to the churches and homes of the civilized world, or, as the boys term it, God's country. Katydids from a hundred trees are vigorous and relentless in their accusations against poor Katy. That was a pleasant conceit of Holmes, What did poor Katy do? I never appreciated it fully until I came into the country of the katydids. Two trains, laden with forage, commissary, and quartermaster stores, are puffing away at the depot. General Rosecrans will move to Winchester, two miles from us, to-morrow. No one ever more desired to look again on his wife and babies than I; but, alack and alas! I am bound with a chain which seems to tighten more and more each day, and draw me further and further from where I de
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 7: Manassas. (search)
rs, who had insinuated themselves into the thickets behind him. It was now four o'clock in the afternoon, and the Federalists were as yet only repulsed, and not routed. They were still bringing up fresh masses, and, on the eminences fronting that from which they had just been driven, were forming an imposing line of battle, crescent-shaped, with the convex side toward the Confederates, for a final effort. But their hour had passed. The reserves from the extreme right, under Early and Holmes, were now at hand; and better still, the Manassa's Gap Railroad, cleared of its obstructions, was again pouring down the remainder of the Army of the Valley. General Kirby Smith led a body of these direct to the field, and receiving at once a dangerous wound, was replaced by Colonel Arnold Elzy, whom Beauregard styled the Blucher of his Waterloo. These troops being hurled against the enemy's right, while the victorious Confederates in the centre turned against them their own artillery, they
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 14: the Richmond campaign. (search)
bridge, the next below the railroad, while the cavalry watched the lower course of the stream. To resist the latter, General Holmes's division was directed to watch the roads leading toward the James, with a portion of the cavalry, while Generals Mah sort that had all his purposes been carried out, the adroit concealments of his adversary would have been vain. Major General Holmes was ordered to cross from the south bank of the river James, which he had been left to guard, on the 29th, and mar below the termination of the Darby-town road. Magruder, who advanced by the same road, was diverted by a request of General Holmes for reinforcements; and, thus unfortunately, was turned aside from the centre, where a fatal blow was practicable, toous rivulet in front. General Lee now assigned the left to Jackson, and the right to Magruder, supported by Huger and Holmes. Longstreet and A. P. Hill, with their wearied divisions, were held in reserve. The only spot where open ground appeare