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The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 141 (search)
eut. George C. Porter, commanding Company D, was struck by a fragment of a shell, severely wounding him. At this place the regiment remained until the 12th. A portion of the regiment, under command of Lieutenant Craft, Company B, being on the skirmish line on the 7th, advanced and captured three lines of the enemy's works and many prisoners. The conduct of the officer in command and men in this charge was gallant and meritorious of much praise. Henry T. Albaugh, Company I, was killed, John Holmes, Company C, wounded, and W. I. Giles, Company C, wounded in the head severely, and since died in hospital, and P. Griffith, Company C, missing. On the 12th the regiment with balance of the brigade moved to the right about one mile and relieved a portion of Cox's division, where we remained until the 27th, when the entire division moved about two miles farther to the right. At 4 a. m. 28th moved toward the Atlanta and Montgomery Railroad, which we reached and crossed at 2 p. m., and bivo
African slave-trade. --Ibid., p. 170. It was the subject of gainful and jealous monopolies, and its profits were greedily shared by philosophers, statesmen, and kings. A Flemish favorite of Charles V. having obtained of this king a patent containing an exclusive right of importing four thousand negroes annually to the West Indies, sold it for twenty-five thousand ducats, to some Genoese merchants, who first brought into a regular form the commerce for slaves between Africa and America. --Holmes's Annals of America, vol. i., p. 3.5. In 1563, the English began to import negroes into the West Indies. Their first slave-trade was opened the preceding year on the coast of Guinea. John Hawkins, in the prospect of a great gain, resolved to make trial of this nefarious and inhuman traffic. Communicating the design to several gentlemen in London, Who became liberal contributors and adventurers, three good ships were immediately provided; and, with these and one hundred men, Hawkins sa
decisively insisted on its disagreement to them; whereupon the Senate asked a conference, and the House granted it without a division. The Committee of Conference was framed so as to give the anti-Restrictionists a decided preponderance; and John Holmes, of Massachusetts, reported March 2, 1820. from said Committee, that the Senate should give up its combination of Missouri with Maine; that the House should abandon its attempt to restrict Slavery in Missouri; and that both Houses should coritory North and West of the new State. Fourteen members, in all, from the Free States The names of the fourteen members from the Free States, thus voting with the Anti-Restrictionists, are as follows: Massachusetts.--Mark Langdon Hill, John Holmes, Jonathan Mason, Henry Shaw--4. Rhode Island.--Samuel Eddy--1. Connecticut.--Samuel A. Foot, James Stephens--2. New York.--Henry Meigs, Henry R. Storrs 2. New Jersey.--Joseph Bloomfield, Charles Kinsey, Bernard Smith--3. Pennsyl
tempt again the desperate chances, the certain devastations and enduring burdens, of war with Great Britain. Before the close of his Presidency, On the occasion of the outrageous attack on the frigate Chesapeake by the Leopard. the popular feeling would have fully justified and sustained him in declaring war, but he wisely forbore; and it was only after the strong infusion of young blood into the councils of the Republican party, through the election of Messrs. Clay, Grundy, Calhoun, John Holmes, etc., to Congress, that the hesitation of the cautious and philosophic Madison was overborne by their impetuosity, and war actually proclaimed. When Washington and his advisers definitively resolved on preserving a strict neutrality between revolutionary France and the banded despots who assailed her, they did not entirely escape the imputation of ingratitude, if not positive bad faith. Our country was deeply indebted to France for the generous and vitally important assistance receiv
nt, 466; letter from Secretary Seward to, 467; 469; his Message to the Legislature, 470-71; issues a proclamation for troops, 472. Hill, D. H., report of fight at Bethel, 531. Hindman, Thos. C., of Ark., proposes an amendment to the Constitution, 374. Hoar, Samuel, account of his mission to South Carolina, 178 to 185; his official report, 185. Hodge, Geo. B., of Ky., in Rebel Congress, 617. Hollins, Commander, his Mississippi fight, 603. Holman, Mr., of Ind., 560; 561. Holmes, John, of Mass., 79; his vote on the Missouri Compromise, 80; 265. Holt, Joseph, of Ky., Secretary of War, 499. Hopkins, Rev. Samuel, 37; 71; 254-5. Houston, Sam., 149; goes to Texas, 150; confers with Jackson, 151; beats Runnells for Governor, 339; his death, 340. See Texas. Huger, Gen., commands near Fort Monroe, 529. Hughes, Francis W., 439. Humphrey, Rev. Luther, John Brown to, 297. Hunt, Gen. Memucan, 151. Hunter, Gen. David, wounded at Bull Run, 545; 551; 593;
Sebastian S. Marble1887 to 1888 Edwin C. Burleigh1889 to 1892 Henry B. Cleaves1893 to 1897 Llewellyn Powers1897 to 1901 John F. Hill1901 to — United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Term. John Chandler16th to 20th1820 to 1829 John Holmes16th to 19th1820 to 1827 Albion K. Parris20th1828 John Holmes20th to 22d 1829 to 1833 Peleg Sprague21st to 23d1830 to 1835 John Ruggles23d to 26th 1835 to 1841 Ether Shepley23d to 24th1835 to 1836 Judah Dana24th1836 to 1837 Reuel WilliamJohn Holmes20th to 22d 1829 to 1833 Peleg Sprague21st to 23d1830 to 1835 John Ruggles23d to 26th 1835 to 1841 Ether Shepley23d to 24th1835 to 1836 Judah Dana24th1836 to 1837 Reuel Williams25th to 28th1837 to 1843 George Evans27th 29th1841 to 1847 John Fairfield28th to 30th 1843 to 1847 Wyman B. S. Moor30th1848 Hannibal Hamlin30th1848 to 1857 James W. Bradbury30th to 33d1847 to 1853 William Pitt Fessenden33d to 41st1854 to 1869 Amos Nourse34th1857 Hannibal Hamlin35th to 36th1857 to 1861 Lot M. Morrill36th to 44th1861 to 1876 Hannibal Hamlin41st to 46th1869 to 1881 James G. Blaine44th to 47th1876 to 1881 William P. Frye47th to —1881 to — Eugene Hale47th to —1
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, T. G. Appleton. (search)
al to such occasions he retained their respect and good will. One might also say, What could Longfellow have done without him? His conversation was never forced, and the wit, for which he became as much distinguished in social life as Lowell or Holmes, was never premeditated, often making its appearance on unexpected occasions to refresh his hearers with its sparkle and originality. In the Autocrat of the breakfast table Doctor Holmes quotes this saying by the wittiest of men, that good AmeDoctor Holmes quotes this saying by the wittiest of men, that good Americans, when they die, go to Paris. Now this wittiest of men was Tom Appleton, as many of us knew at that time. He said of Leonardo da Vinci's Last supper that it probably had faded out from being stared at by sightseers, and that the same thing might have happened to the Sistine Madonna if it had not been put under glass,--these being the two most popular paintings in Europe. His fund of anecdotes was inexhaustible. Earlier in life he was occasionally given to practical jokes. A woman w
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Doctor Holmes. (search)
Doctor Holmes. I have often been inside the old Holmes house in Cambridge. It served as a bory, which seems to have been encouraged by Doctor Holmes himself, is a misconception. It was a two ell on the right side of the front door. Doctor Holmes says: Gambrel, gambrel; let me beg You wil James Freeman Clarke,--but I think it was Doctor Holmes's class-poems that gave it its chief celebon the natural bridge of American literature. Holmes did not come before the public until years aftuced in print. So the years rolled over Doctor Holmes's head; living quietly, working steadily, fluence on the future course of his life. Doctor Holmes was always liberally inclined, and ready t Certain old friends of Emerson affirmed, when Holmes published his biography of the Concord sage inrson from the author of Society and Solitude. Holmes had already composed one of the fairest tributconciliation might take place. Meanwhile Doctor Holmes pursued the even tenor of his way. Concord[5 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 1: old Cambridge (search)
ebts and lived within their means. Neither in Holmes nor Lowell nor in Longfellow was there anythinis own method. Lowell was never rich, nor was Holmes, but they lived within their means. Even Longfrom clouds than the whole intercourse between Holmes, Lowell, and Longfellow. To those outside the Lowell's Letters, II. pp. 26, 173. Compare Holmes's Life and letters, II. p. 108. but when she cs Life, by his brother, II. p. 429. As between Holmes and Lowell, those who think that mutual admiraould do well to read and digest the letters of Holmes to Lowell as published in the Life and lettersintercourse from the beginning, and how keenly Holmes recognized, for instance, the weak points not rt of the poem being Yankee in its effect, as Holmes says, with the dandelion and the Baltimore orithe man Lowell was ever penned than that which Holmes wrote in 1868: I cannot help, however, saying ed, if at all, only as the phoenix is bred. Holmes's Life and letters, II. p. 11. Such was th[1 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 5: Lowell (search)
craping trees. After dinner scraped more. After tea sit down to write my article for the S--[Anti-slavery standard]. Got half through a prose one, when, just as the church bells are ringing nine o'clock, the idea of a poem strikes me. Go to work on that at once. Finish it next morning all but the few last stanzas. In the afternoon (Friday) go to C--[Cambridge, i.e. the village] to get one thing and another for our whist club, which meets with me to-night. Play whist till 12. J. H. [John Holmes] (who is lame) spends the night with me. Next day finish and copy my verses. Got all done just in time to prevent the mail. After dinner drove J. home. Evening, read Swift, that hog of letters, who had wit enough to know the worth of pearls, though fonder of garbage and of rooting among ordure. [We soon come to the creation of the Town and Country Club.] Now it is Sunday morning and here I am with you. Since I wrote to you, the Town and country Club has been got up. Our first