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The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1860., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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as based upon the Constitution. The maintenance of that Constitution, he said, was guaranteed by the devotion and patriotism of good men; but, should they fail in the attainment of their end through the ordinary and legitimate means, they would be entitled to appeal to the last resource of citizenship, which was the first inalienable prerogative of all Americans, namely — the right of revolution. Dr. Von Tellkampf, a member of the Prussian House of Lords, repeated the thanks of Herr Von Holzendorf for the wishes of his transatlantic friends in behalf of the unity of Germany. America had given the first practical proof of the possibility of joining into one common body States varying in size and Constitution. A similar union must be realized in Germany, and that in spite of the dislike evinced against the plan by all the petty princes of the land. At the conclusion of the dinner a large collection was made in behalf of the poor of this city. Towards the close of the evening