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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 5., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Secretary. George S. T. Fuller. Standing committees. Publication. Helen T. Wild, Chairman. David H. Brown. C. H. Loomis. George S. T. Fuller. H. A. Weitz. Moses W. Mann. Membership. Rosewell B. Lawrence, Chairman. John H. Hooper. Mrs. Ellen M. Gill. Calvin H. Clark. Jessie M. Dinsmore. Walter F. Cushing. Frank W. Lovering. Lily B. Atherton. C. B. Gleason. E. D. Brown. Papers and Addresses. David H. Brown, Chairman. Walter H. Cushing. Charles H. Morss. John H. Hooper. William Cushing Wait. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Historic Sites. L. L. Dame, Chairman. L. J. Manning. Miss Hetty F. Wait. Miss Ella L. Burbank. Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer. Moses W. Mann. Samuel Cushing. Genealogy. Geo. S. Delano, Chairman. Miss Helen T. Wild. Miss Ella S. Hinckley. Miss Eliza M. Gill. David H. Brown. Miss Hetty F. Wait. Gilbert Hodges. Frederick H. Kidder. Heraldry. Benjamin P. Hollis, Chairman. F. H. C. Woolley. Wm. F. Kin
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 5., Medford Historical Society, Seventh year, 1902-1903. (search)
Medford Historical Society, Seventh year, 1902-1903. October 20.—Time-keeping in a Medford Home two hundred Years Ago. Mr. John Albree, Jr., Swampscott, and Social Meeting. November 17.—Medford in 1847. Mr. Charles Cummings. December 15.—The Middlesex Canal. (Illustrated.) Mr. Moses W. Mann. January 19.—The Environment and Tendencies of Colonial Life. (Illustrated.) Rev. George M. Bodge of Westwood. February 16.—The Baptist Church of Medford. Mrs. Amanda H. Plummer. March 16.—Annual Meeting. April 20.—Rev. John Pierpont: His Life and Work. Rev. Henry C. DeLong. May 18.—The 39th Massachusetts Regiment in the Civil War. Hon. C. H. Porter of Quincy. Committee on Papers and Addresses. David H. Brown. Walter H. Cushing. Charles H. Morss. John H. Hooper. William Cushing Wait. Miss A
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 6., Medford Historical Society. (search)
T. Wild, Chairman. David H. Brown. Henry M. Begien. George S. T. Fuller. H. A. Weitz. Moses W. Mann. Membership. Rosewell B. Lawrence, Chairman. John H. Hooper. Mrs. Ellen M. Gill. Calvin H. Clark. Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore. Miss Lily B. Atherton. Walter F. Cushing. Clifton Loring. A. M. Stickney. Mortimer E. Wilber. Percy W. Richardson. E. B. Dennison. Papers and addresses. David H. Brown, Chairman Walter H. Cushing. Charles H. Morss. John H. Hooper. William Cushing Wait. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Historic Sites. John H. Hooper, Chairman L. J. Manning. Francis A. Wait. Miss Ella L. Burbank. Mrs. J. M. G. PlummerJohn H. Hooper, Chairman L. J. Manning. Francis A. Wait. Miss Ella L. Burbank. Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer. Moses W. Mann. Frederick H. Kidder. Genealogy. Geo. S. Delano, Chairman Miss Ella S. Hinckley. Miss Eliza M. Gill. David H. Brown. Miss Hetty F. Wait. Gilbert Hodges. Mrs. Emmie N. Cleaves. Heraldry. Benjamin P. Hollis, Chairman. F. H. C. Woolley. Percy W. Richardson. Dr. J. Hedenberg. Mrs. J. W. Dalr
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 7., Medford Historical Society. (search)
or. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Standing committees. Publication. Miss Helen T. Wild, Chairman. David H. Brown. Henry M. Begien. George S. T. Fuller. H. A. Weitz. Moses W. Mann. Membership. Rosewell B. Lawrence, Chairman. John H. Hooper. Mrs. Ellen M. Gill. Calvin H. Clark. Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore. Miss Lily B. Atherton. Walter F. Cushing. Edw. W. Teele. Clifton Loring. J. L. Brockway. Mortimer E. Wilber. Percy W. Richardson. Papers and addresses. David H. Brown, Chairman. Walter H. Cushing. Charles H. Morss. John H. Hooper. William Cushing Wait. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln Historic Sites. James Hedenberg, Chairman. L. J. Manning. Francis A. Wait. Miss Ella L. Burbank. John F. Libbey. Moses W. Mann. Frederick H. Kidder. Genealogy. Geo. S. Delano, Chairman. Miss Ella S. Hinckley. Miss Eliza M. Gill. Rev. C. L. Eaton. Miss Hetty F. Wait. Chas. H. Barnes. Mrs. Emmie N. Cleaves. Heraldry. F. H. C. Woolley, Chairman
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 7., Some old Medford houses and estates. (search)
Some old Medford houses and estates. The Wilson and Blanchard houses. by John H. Hooper. [Read before the Medford Historical Society, January 18, 1904.] THE Wilson House stood about one-eighth of a mile southeast of the old Wellington farm house, upon land granted by the General Court to Mr. John Wilson. The records of the court holden in Boston, April 1, 1634, say: There is two hundred acres of land granted to Mr. John Wilson, Pastor of the Church in Boston, lying next the land granted to Mr. Nowell on the south, and next to Meadford on the north. This house was no doubt built soon after the date of Mr. Wilson's grant. Mr. Charles Brooks, in his History of Medford (1855), says: The cellar of the house was small and deep, the cellar wall of stone, and the chimney was built of brick, laid up with clay. The location of this house can still be seen. The twelfth day of the twelfth month, 1650, Mr. Wilson sold his farm, consisting of two hundred acres of land, with dwelling
the Medford Historical Society during the season of 1903-4. October 19.—Mrs. Rowson and Her School. Published in Historical Register, Vol. VII, No. 2. Miss Mary E. Sargent. November 16.—The Development of a New England Town. Charles M. Ludden, Esq. December 21.—The Spark that Kindled the Revolution. Charles G. Chick, Esq., president of Hyde Park Historical Society. January 18.—Some Old Medford Houses and Estates. Published in current number of Register. Illustrated. Mr. John H. Hooper. February 15.—Old-Time Furniture. Illustrated. Mr. H. M. Begien. March 21.—(Annual Meeting.) The Old South Historical Society. Miss Katherine H. Stone. April 18.—Meeting-House Brook and the Second Meeting-House. Illustrated. Mr. F. H. C. Woolley. May 16.—West Medford in 1870. Mr. Moses W. Mann. Saturday evening course. December 5.—Ancient and Modern Middlesex. Hon. Levi S. Gould, of Melrose. February 6.—The Trial of Rebecca Nourse from its legal and histo
The taverns of Medford. by John H. Hooper. [Read before the Medford Historical Society, November 21, 1904.] Zzz. for many years the most direct route of land travel from northern and eastern New England to Boston was through the town of Medford and over Mystic bridge. This large amount of travel required more tavern accommodaions than were usual to a place of size and importance of the town of Medford. We accordingly find houses for the entertainment of man and beast located on all of our principal thoroughfares, on the roads from Medford to Woburn, from Medford to Malden, and on the great road to Charlestown, also in the market-place. Medford taverns acquired a justly high reputation for their excellent accommodations even as early as the year 1686. Mr. John Dunton, who visited Medford in that year, says: took Sanctuary in a Public, where there was extraordinary good Cyder, and thoa I had n't such a Noble Treat as at Captain Jenner's, yet with the Cyder and such other
The taverns of Medford. The Blanchard Tavern. by John H. Hooper. [Read before the Medford Historical Society, November 21, 1904.] Continued from Vol. VIII., No. 1. This house was built about the year 1752 by Mr. Benjamin Parker, at one time treasurer of the town of Medford. By deed dated June 6, 1752, Mr. Jonathan Zzz. Tufts sold to Mr. Parker one-half acre of marshland, bounded easterly on the county road; southerly on land of Merrow; westerly on land of said Tufts, and northerly on Mystic river. This lot of land is the same as that lately occupied by Messrs. Page & Curtin, and also that occupied by Mr. John Crowley. The whole property has been taken by the Metropolitan Park Commissioners for a parkway. The land described as that of Merrow is the same as that upon which now stands the paint shop in the possession of Mr. Nathaniel Ames. In the year 1753 Messrs. Ebenezer Merrow and Thomas Welsh were fined for setting up a fence on the highway between said Merrow's dwel
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 8., Papers and addresses, 1904-5. (search)
Papers and addresses, 1904-5. October 17.—Opening Night. Vacation Experiences. Rev. H. C. DeLong. November 21.—The Taverns of Medford. Mr. John H. Hooper. December 19.—Genealogy-Heraldry. Mr. George S. Delano. January 16.—The Whitmores of Medford and Some of Their Descendants. Miss Alice C. Ayres. February 20.—Picturesque Medford. Illustrated. Mr. Will C. Eddy. March 20.—Captain Isaac Hall. Mr. Hall Gleason. April 17.—The Loyalists of Medford. Miss Grace L. Sargent. May 15.—A Tour in Mexico. Mr. G
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9., The Bradburys of Medford and their ancestry. (search)
erchief Moody, and is said to have fallen into a nervous state, and his mind to have taken on a melancholy tinge, from having in early life accidentally killed an intimate friend. Hawthorne in his story of The Minister's Black Veil depicts a Rev. Mr. Hooper as wearing a similar covering over his face for years, but for another reason, and also cites this case of Joseph Moody. To revert to our line of succession we find that Wymond, the oldest child of Thomas Bradbury, the emigrant, and Mary from the Mansion House unto Charlestown Commons and Meadford House. A circular road ran from the house to the red gate. This was the only approach to the place. A cart path, a private way, ran through the woods to Salem street, Malden. Mr. John H. Hooper says the house was built in 1657. Captain Bradbury died of paralysis, attended by fever, February 18, 1810. Under date of February 20, 1810, Dr. Osgood notes in his diary, attended funeral of Captain Bradbury. He was buried in the Sale
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