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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9., Proceedings of the 275th Anniversary of the settlement of Medford. (search)
hrough the courtesy of the Executive Committee of the 275th Anniversary, the register has received a copy of the attractive book under the above title. The book contains 261 pages, 87 of which are devoted to a brief history of Medford by Mr. John H. Hooper. The historian presents a great deal of new material which his long study of land titles and other county and town records has brought to light. Mr. Hooper's problem was not what shall I put in to the few pages at his disposal, but ratherMr. Hooper's problem was not what shall I put in to the few pages at his disposal, but rather what shall I leave out? We are anxiously waiting for instalments of this leftover matter, while we are delighted with and instructed by what he has already given us. The Committee is to be congratulated for having secured for the book the services of the man who knows more about Medford history than any other person living. The report of the anniversary with stenographic reports of all addresses and poems, with full reports of committee work, is admirably compiled. The illustrations are
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 11., Ye olde Meting-House of Meadford. (search)
furnish the data from which we are able to furnish a plan of ye Olde Metinghouse. The Rev. Charles Brooks, in the History of Medford (1855), gives (I think) a mistaken impression of it, both as to its size and appearance. Accustomed to the drawing and use of plans as has been the writer, it seems fitting to present a plan of this ancient edifice that will agree with the ancient record book of the town. Right here it is also fitting that acknowledgment of the valuable assistance of Mr. John H. Hooper should be made, and without which the task would have been much more difficult to accomplish. The placing of certain families in these various pews seems not to have lessened the duties of the seating committee, for on May 19, 1701, Left. Peter Tufts and Deacon John Whitmore were joyned to it, and also Sergt. Stephen Willis if his brother Thomas should be out of the way. Whatever that may mean, it is evident that there was careful provision for a full quota, as the record reads, a
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 11., Earliest Mystic River ship-building. (search)
Earliest Mystic River ship-building. by John H. Hooper. October 15-1635. A number of Dorchester, Mass., families began their journey to Windsor, Conn., and arrived at their destination just as winter was setting in. Many died of cold and starvation. In December about 70 adults and children, including some of these emigrants came to Saybrook from the up-river settlement and took passage for Boston in the Rebecca, a vessel of 60 tons burden. April 26-636. The possessions of William Pynchon and others, who settled Springfield, Mass., were sent to the head of navigation on the Connecticut, in the Blessing of the Bay belonging to Gov. John Winthrop. The Rebecca was owned by Gov. Mathew Cradock, and was, no doubt, built in Medford soon after the settlement of the plantation. The establishment of his men on the Mystic, extensively employed in the fisheries, caused the building of small vessels therefor, and this leads to the inference that ship-building was commenced on the M
errow should maintain one-half of Mystic bridge and the causey (causeway) forever. The two-pole way was situated directly in front of the old shop formerly occupied by Page and Curtin on Main street. The first bridge across the Mystic river was only wide enough to allow of the passage of a single cart, and as the bridge was widened from time to time the widening took place on the westerly or up-stream side of the bridge, so that when the old drawbridge was removed in 1879 to make way for the construction of the present stone bridge, the twopole way was so reduced in width that only about twelve feet of the way remained, and the increased width of the stone bridge over that of the old drawbridge obliterated all traces of the old way. The gravel pit lot is now occupied by the Central Engine House and part of the Symmes buildings. Dr. Ebenezer Merrow, or Marrow, is supposed to have been the son of the Ebenezer Merrow who purchased the tract of land above described. John H. Hooper.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 12., The pump in the market place; and other water supplies of Medford, old and modern. (search)
urveyors were ordered to remove the pump at the head of Mystic avenue, and April 30, 1877, the board ordered the removal of the pump in front of the Hyde estate on Main street, and the filling up of the well. The action of the town in filling up these three wells shows they were town property, but the date of the digging of them is shrouded not perhaps in mystery, but in obscurity. From the well-known position he takes in regard to the location of the Cradock house, it is natural that John H. Hooper should suggest that the well in the market place was dug and used by Matthew Cradock's agents. For the convenience they were to the public the town may have kept some private pumps and wells in repair, for July 13, 1868, the committee on Pump near Washburn's Store reported the same could be repaired at small expense. Washburn's store was on the northwest corner of Salem and Park streets. It was voted the repairs be made and a cup and chain be procured also, a Bill of sale of same fo
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 14., Some Medford farmers who had milk routes in Boston in the Thirties and forties. (search)
e route, assisted later by his brother Octavius. Besides milk, they furnished their customers with fruit, vegetables, corn and rye meal, berries, poultry, herbs, oftentimes filling a bedtick with straw, carrying it to the city on top of the covered milk wagon. All milkmen did likewise. The house and barn on Woburn street, now standing, are the only twin farm buildings in Medford of their date. In recent years J. A. Gibbs, lately deceased, carried on a milk business at this place. John H. Hooper says the place was an old road tavern. Albert Smith bought it about 1839. The previous tenant was John R. Kidder, who was a butcher. John C. Magoun lived on the Edward Brooks farm in West Medford. He moved to Somerville. I think Magoun Square was named for him. A brother, Aaron, was a teacher in the Park street school, and later, for many years, in the Cambridge schools. Mr. Stoddard lived on the C. F. Adams farm at West Medford, on the south side of the canal. Capt. Nathan
An old Medford Landmark. By John H. Hooper. The brick tower standing on the estate of the late George L. Stearns, near College avenue, has been the subject of much speculation in recent years as to its origin and use. This tower stands over a spring of water and when in use was several feet higher than it is at present. It was surmounted by sails which furnished power to a pump used to force the water of the spring up the hill to the dwelling house on the Stearns estate. When aqueduct water was introduced, this water supply fell into disuse, the sails disappeared and the top of the tower fell away. A few years ago the top was finished off as at present and the door which was on the southerly side was closed up. The land upon which the tower stands was a part of Governor John Winthrop's Ten Hills Farm and later a part of the Royall estate. The Stearns house stands upon land included within the bounds of the Walnut Tree Hill division of the Stinted pasture and was set off to Pet
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 14., Medford Historical Society. (search)
orresponding Secretary, treasurer. Standing committees. Publication. George S. T. Fuller, Chairman. Miss Annie E. Durgin. Miss Helen T. Wild. Moses W. Mann. H. N. Ackerman. Membership. C. Arthur Platts, Chairman. Elisha B. Curtis. Mrs. Ellen M. Gill. Mrs. Julia W. Dalrymple. Mrs. Elsie R. Perkins. Mrs. H. A. C. Scott. Papers and addresses. Henry E. Scott, Chairman. Arthur E. Whitney. Mrs. Adelaide E. Cordis. Geo. W. Parsons. Mrs. Louise G. Delong. John H. Hooper. Miss Katharine H. Stone. Historic sites. Moses W. Mann, Chairman. Francis A. Wait. Miss Catharine E. Harlow. Miss Ella L. Burbank. Frederick H. Kidder. Charles N. Jones. Genealogy. Miss Eliza M. Gill, Chairman. Mrs. Edith G. Dennis. Miss Hetty F. Wait. Mrs. James E. Cleaves. Heraldry. Charles B. Dunham, Chairman. John Albree. Orrin E. Hodsdon. Chas. H. Loomis. Library and Collection. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln, Chairman. Miss Ella A. Leighton. Miss
portion of his sketch thus marked was the entire Ten Hills Farm. Again, the sketch is not drawn to any scale, but is an observer's illustration of what must have been in those days a busy corner of Medford, including the river traffic, the boating in the canal, the turnpike travel and the tide mill work, all converged in that narrow space. A few words concerning the Blessing of the Bay. Mr. Brooks styles it the first keel laid in this western world. In a former number of the Register Mr. Hooper has shown that Mr. Cradock had the Rebecca built here in 1629, but was there not one built still earlier at Popham, on the coast of Maine? And now a foreword. In this issue is a poem relating to the Royall House. We think it worthy of preservation, but present it with some trepidation, warning our readers that poetic license must account for bricks brought over sea, as well as the location of the wigwam of Sagamore John. That same license provided Medford with a village clock when Re
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 14., The millers' dwelling beside the Mystic. (search)
or's bark was built there. I remember when a small yacht was hauled up out of the water to winter in that identical place, and have no doubt but that those ways were built for that purpose. Indeed it is very doubtful if that method of launching was used for launching the Blessing of the Bay. She was a small vessel of only thirty tons burden, and it was formerly the custom to build small vessels broadside to the water and when ready for launching drop them down upon their bilges upon plank or timbers laid for the purpose, and so slide them down the gravel beach to the water. When this method was used the launching took place at half or low tide. I have myself assisted in the launching of two vessels by this method. I have no doubt but that the Bless- ing of the Bay was launched in the same way. When I was an apprentice in the shipyard an old shipwright told me that he once built a small fishing vessel on a wharf and tumbled her into the water in this same manner. John H. Hooper.
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