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aced by a very complete though necessarily brief history of Medford from the day of its settlement to the time of the anniversary (June 15, 1905). The author, John H. Hooper, has given a concise and clear account of Medford's beginning, its people, its industries, its roads, bridges and buildings, its churches, schools, institutin a souvenir volume called Medford, Past and Present, which is a credit to the writers and an honor to the city. The contributors of the various articles are John H. Hooper, Moses Whitcher Mann, Herbert A. Weitz, Helen Tilden Wild, Mrs. M. Susan Goodale, Charles E. Bacon, Elizabeth J. Joyce, George S. Delano, Irving Farnum, Mortilow, Lorin Low Dame, Abby Drew Saxe, Parker R. Litchfield, Benjamin F. Morrison, David H. Brown, Charles Cummings, Dr. Charles M. Green, Rev. Henry C. DeLong, John H. Hooper, Moses Whitcher Mann, Charles H. Morss, Myra Brayton Morss, Helen Tilden Wild, Anna D. Hallowell, Eliza M. Gill, Caroline E. Swift, William Cushing Wait, Walt
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Medford Historical Society. (search)
ittees. Publication. George S. T. Fuller, Chairman. Miss Annie E. Durgin. Miss Helen T. Wild. Moses W. Mann, Editor. H. N. Ackerman. Membership. C. Arthur Platts, Chairman. Elisha B. Curtis. Mrs. Ellen M. Gill. Abner H. Barker. Mrs. Julia W. Dalrymple. Mrs. Elsie R. Perkins. Mrs. H. A. C. Scott. Andrew F. Curtin. Papers and Addresses. Geo. W. Parsons, Chairman. Henry B. Doland. Mrs. Adelaide E. Cordis. Miss Alice E. Curtis. Mrs. Louise G. Delong. John H. Hooper. Percy S. Brayton. Miss Katharine H. Stone. Historic sites. Moses W. Mann, Chairman. Francis A. Wait. Miss Catharine E. Harlow. Miss Ella L. Burbank. Frederick H. Kidder. Charles N. Jones. Genealogy. Mrs. Edith G. Dennis, Chairman. Miss Eliza M. Gill. Miss Hetty F. Wait. Mrs. James E. Cleaves. Heraldry. Charles B. Dunham, Charirman. John Albree. Orrin E. Hodsdon. Chas. H. Loomis. Library and collection. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln, Chairman. Miss Ell
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., The Walnut Tree Hill division of the stinted pasture. (search)
The Walnut Tree Hill division of the stinted pasture. [Read before the Medford Historical Society by John H. Hooper, February 19, 1912.] In the year 1637 the large tract of land situated at the present time within the limits of the Cities of Somerville and Medford, being a part of the common lands of the Town of Charlestown, was divided into rights of pasturage. A large committee was chosen to do this, or to stint the common, and to determine the number of cowcommons which one hundred granted by the General Court, April 21, 1852. Walnut Tree hill is also the site of the reservoir built by the City of Charlestown as a part of its Mystic water supply. Ground was broken for this reservoir in the spring of the year 1861. Mr. Hooper was present and witnessed the ceremony. The turf that covered the reservoir embankment came from land near the Second beach and reimbursed the owner of the land for his purchase thereof. [Ed.] After Mystic pond was abandoned as a water supply
all island just below Wear bridge, though it is shown on contemporary maps and plans and was supposed to be of natural formation. It was usually considered a part of the Smith estate in West Medford, and was alluded to (as also its removal) by Mr. Hooper in his History of Medford in 1905 (page 10). At the present writing (September, 1911) there is on its site a temporary dam of earth across the entire width of the river, as also another above the bridge, the outflow of Mystic lake being carried in an iron conduit during the deepening of the channel beneath the bridge. Steam dredging machines are completing the work begun eight years ago, alluded to by Mr. Hooper. This completed, the lower lake will be accessible for boats at its new level, the upper reach of the river having been impassable since the closing of the dam at Cradock bridge. Then will be realized the desirability of a lock in the dam which was erected at the Partings in 1863 by the City of Charlestown, which made th
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Colonial houses—old and new. (search)
in house. Each chimney has a broad band of black painted just below the taper of its top, and each is carried higher with modern bricks and tile because of the swaying tree tops. Three great sycamores within the fence enclosing the front door-yard stand so closely that they had little room to branch, other than forward. This they did vigorously, one branch being nearly forty feet long, reaching out over the street in pleasant shade and kindly benediction on all that pass beneath. Mr. Hooper furnishes the following from Middlesex Registry of Deeds:— Mar. 18, 1768. Jonathan Bradshaw Jr. to Jonathan Patten, a small piece of land with a frame covered with boards, bounded west on Deacon Jonathan Bradshaw and measures thirty feet westerly from said building: east on Woburn road: south on the road to Menotomy: north on the heirs of Benjamin Scolly. (Book 67, page 509.) By the same description Patten conveyed to Thomas Brooks, Jr. (book 84, page 159), and on May 5, 17
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., The Society's work-papers and Addresses--Sixteenth year, 1911-1912. (search)
The Society's work-papers and Addresses--Sixteenth year, 1911-1912. October 16.—A Summer in Germany and Austria. Rosewell B. Lawrence. November 20.—The Attempted Rescue of Anthony Burns. George C. Tate. December 20.—Along the Banks of the Mystic in the Fifties. Elisha B. Curtis. January 15.—Annual Meeting. Short Addresses by Officers of the Bay State Historical League. February 19.—The Walnut Tree Hill Division of the Stinted Pasture. John H. Hooper. March 18. The Postmasters of Medford. Irving B. Farnum. April 15.—Laws and Courts of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Frank E. Bradbury of Dedham. May 20.—Libby Prison. Charles W. Libby. Manual Training in the Medford Schools. Joseph T. Whitney. With this issue the Register closes its fifteenth volume. We have tried to make it a distinctively Medford work of interest and value, and trust that our effort has not been altoge
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 16., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Secretary, treasurer. Standing committees. Publication. George S. T. Fuller, Chairman. Miss Helen T. Wild. Miss Annie E. Durgin. Moses W. Mann, Editor. Pres. Henry E. Scott. Membership. Herbert N. Ackerman, Chairman. Mrs. Marion C. Williams. Elisha B. Curtis. Miss Elizabeth W. Howe. Mrs. Ellen M. Gill. Mrs. H. A. C. Scott. Abner H. Barker. Andrew F. Curtin. Papers and addresses. Geo. W. Parsons, Chairman. Mrs. Louise G. Delong. Henry B. Doland. John H. Hooper. Frank W. Lovering. Percy S. Brayton. Miss Alice E. Curtis. Miss Katharine H. Stone. Historic sites. Moses W. Mann, Chairman. Miss Ella L. Burbank. Francis A. Wait. Frederick H. Kidder. Miss Catharine E. Harlow. Charles N. Jones. Genealogy. Mrs. Edith G. Dennis, Chairman. Miss Hetty F. Wait. Miss Eliza M. Gill. Mrs. James E. Cleaves. Miss Florence S. Wheeler. Heraldry. Charles B. Dunham, Chairman. Orrin E. Hodsdon. John Albree. Chas. H. Loomis.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 16., South Medford one hundred and fifty years ago. (search)
the solid ground, the landing-place of the lighters above referred to. The brook was probably straightened, widened and deepened. There was formerly a wharf on the easterly side of the brook or canal, about half-way between the river and avenue, at which small vessels used to discharge cargoes of firewood for the use of the brick yard on Buzzell's lane. The Middlesex Canal afterwards ran through the farm, and the Southern Division of the Boston and Maine Railroad is located across it. John H. Hooper. Did the Register's space permit, it would be interesting to review in detail the various enterprises and industries that have found place within the limits of the farm advertised a century and a half ago; the South Medford of today. It was once invaded by the British, when they marched from their landing place on the river bank to the old powder house and back again with their plunder, minus the Medford portion, however. A little later the presence of some British horsemen
in the old record book, and the last entry is— Medford January the fifth 1830 Paid to Edward S Staniels forty five cents for services This was according to vote of previous year and the only record we notice of such payment, and follows— Sewell Pierce agrees to keep the snow from the engine house doors till the first of April for ten cents. The old Grasshopper went to Upper Medford (Symmes' Corner) for a time, the people there relieving the town of any expense, and lastly was housed in the hearse house at Salem Street Cemetery and finally (see Mr. Hooper's history) sold for twenty dollars when eighty-five years old. During the writing of this article the motor-driven combination chemical engine of West Medford, returning to its quarters, has passed the writer's open window. It is a far cry from that to the old Grasshopper, which looked like a tub on a hand-cart, but not much farther than from the old hose carriage the engineers furnished West Medford in 1871
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 16., Volume II of Medford records. (search)
a meeting of the Medford Historical Society, held in the spring of 1905, I had the honor of reading a paper, descriptive of the first book of the town records, the same being later published in the Register. In that paper I stated that I was firmly convinced that we have now all the records of the Town of Medford that ever existed (Mr. Brooks and Mr. Usher to the contrary notwithstanding), and gave my reasons for this belief. I find my contention ably seconded in the excellent article of Mr. Hooper, in which he says, The loss of early town records, so often lamented, may be largely due to the fact that they never existed, and this may well apply to the statement so often made relative to our own. Tonight I propose to talk about the second volume of our records, which covers the period from February 12, 1718, to June 23, 1735. This is of different dimensions from the first, being 12 3/4 inches long, 8 3/4 inches wide, and contains 374 pages. The paper is of the quality made two h
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