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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 18., An old-time Public and private School teacher of Medford, Massachusetts. (search)
An old-time Public and private School teacher of Medford, Massachusetts. by John H. Hooper. [Read before the Medford Historical Society, January 18, 1915.] AARON Kimball Hathaway, born in Grafton, Mass., December 21, 1809. Married August 29, 1836, Mary Ann Hale, daughter of Deacon Daniel Hale of Byfield Parish (now South Byfield), Newbury, Mass. He was fitted for college at Dummer Academy, South Byfield, and entered Dartmouth College, where he remained one year, then went to Amherst College and graduated in the year 1836. He became principal of Warren Academy in Woburn, Mass., and remained there until the year 1842, when he went to North Carolina for his health, where he remained about one year. On his return he came to Medford and taught the West Grammar School, then located in the old brick schoolhouse on the rear of the Unitarian Church lot on High street. (The high school was also in the same building.) His connection with this school commenced in August, 1843, and termi
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 18., Pine and Pasture Hills and the part they have Contributed to the development of Medford. (search)
N-by the crest, [i.e., of the hill]. Wanted, II. A history of the Medford industry in dark granite and red gravel. The papers received contain a series of queries, raised by a careful reading and review of The Ford at Mistick, by J. H. Hooper, Vol. IV, p. 1, register. One paragraph of the papers sent, is:— Medford was a spectacle town. A very high, bulky and red nose stuck up between the glasses. Later this was about the best part of Medford, but neither streets nor lots yequare to Brooks' corner was known as the road to Woburn, until it received its present name. That portion of the street from Brooks' corner to the Arlington line was called by several names: the way to the wears, the highway from Brooks' corner to the wears, the road to Menotomy, and the road to West Cambridge. Woburn road was extensively travelled after the construction of Cradock bridge, it being the most direct route from the northern settlements to Charlestown and Boston. —John H. Hooper
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 18., The Tufts family residences. (search)
Brooks' history, and all are repetition to a greater or less extent thereof, save those of Mr. Cushing, Judge Wait and Mr. Hooper in Vol. I, No. 4, and Vol. VII, No. 2, of the register, the proofs submitted before alluded to. And so we answer our House (Wellington) unto Charlestown Commons and Meadford House. In the register article, Wellington was supplied by Mr. Hooper to locate the mansion referred to in that deed, which is the old Blanchard-Bradbury-Wellington house still standing. But the writer in the Globe misrepresented the matter by saying— The word Wellington is inserted by Mr. Hooper to show that the old brick house in Wellington was recognized as early as 1657 at least as the Cradock mansion above all others. Today however Mr. Hooper has forsaken the old idea entirely and bows down before the Cushing theory. Possibly it might surprise the Globe writer were he to be told that the Mansion House was not of brick, was not the so-called Cradock mansion, Medfo
first two query subjects were thus portrayed in pageant by various actors. If this is correct, by all means let it be added to existing history, which heretofore has been silent thereabout. It is a source of gratification that the Royall house has been preserved, and this because of the wide-spread interest taken in the matter by members of historical and patriotic societies. The old house guards its secrets well, but no one has done better in truthfully seeking its evolution than has Mr. Hooper, See register, Vol. III, p. 137. former president of the Medford Historical Society. Four years since a poem read within its walls found place in the register. It contained one line savoring strongly of poetic license: The bricks shall be brought from over the sea to which the editorial dissent was then made in a foreword. And now comes the House Beautiful, August, 1915, with superb illustrations of the house and pageant, and extended description of the former. We cannot quite
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 18., The Society's meetings, season 1914-1915. (search)
to the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Lawrence's interesting story was made the more vivid by numerous views, most of which were secured by his own camera and shown by Mr. Brayton. On December 21 another of our members, Mrs. Augusta Brigham, favored us with her story of Ten Soldier Brothers in the Revolution, an uncommon occurrence, and the story most interestingly told. At the January, or annual, meeting the reports were made and election of officers took place, prior to which former president John H. Hooper read the highly interesting account of A. K. Hathaway, An Old Medford Schoolmaster, who was known to the older members of the society. The speaker on February 15 was Mr. George G. Wolkins of the Old South Historical Association, and his subject The Old South Meeting-house. The speaker dealt with the earlier history of the church more particularly; also at less extent, with the meetinghouse, and the means by which it has been preserved. The same was replete with interest, and a