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cupied by William Tufts. This house stood upon the site of the Unitarian Church and was removed to its present location on the land above described to make way for the new third meeting-house, the land on which it stood having been selected by the town of Medford as a site for the new meeting-house. May 14, 1772, the selectmen of Medford gave liberty to Mr. Noah Floyd to build a shop on his land before the meeting-house. A noticeable feature of this house is that the living rooms are at the northern side, this being caused by the removal and reversed frontage in its new location. This house has been known in recent years as the Magoun cottage, and was damaged by fire in March, 1915. The shop has long since disappeared, and a portion of the land is now occupied by the street, the use of which for street purposes was probably anticipated by Mr. Bishop when he conveyed to Mr. Floyd, although it was over one hundred years before it became a portion of High street. John H. Hooper.
usual was in progress. I was informed of its nature when one of the party, after making a few remarks concerning the object in view, thrust the shovel into the earth and broke ground for the construction of the reservoir to be used as a part of the water-supply system to be constructed by the city of Charlestown. After depositing his shovel of earth upon the barrow he passed the shovel to his next neighbor and it passed from hand to hand until all but one had made their little speeches and deposited their shovels of earth upon the barrow. The last gentleman then came forward and as he took hold of the barrow to wheel away the load said, The city of Charlestown has a big job on its hands in providing for a water supply, but our Uncle Samuel has a bigger one on his hands in putting down this rebellion and I am going to help him. He wheeled the barrow a short distance and dumped the load. He went to the front and never returned—was killed in his first engagement. John H. Hooper
ve the names of the corporators and the date of the charter (March 7, 1845), and here all printed and published allusion to the Medford Branch Railroad corporation ceases, i.e., so far as we have been able to ascertain. In Medford Past and Present (Medford Publishing Co., 1905), Mortimer E. Wilber mentions the Branch, quotes from Usher and gives the names of the (then) station agents, with date of appointment and their four likenesses in group. In the Brief History of the Town and City Mr. Hooper devotes but three lines to the Branch and two to the Boston and Lowell. In his letter prefacing the history he says, The limited space allowed has excluded much of interest, and this is certainly true. These are the sources to which we naturally look for information, with results as stated. The facts are, the Medford Branch Rail-Road Company had but a brief existence, while the Branch railroad has been in public service over seventy years. The original corporators (as they were privi
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 20., Historical Society Reaches Majority in its New home. (search)
ne. Our leaders pass us in review, They're very choice because they're few. We really do not need to state The very first one gave us Wait. We gathered headway in his term, Of active work we much did learn. ‘Banks of the Mystic’ gave us zest To Hooper up when Wait chose rest. And here we lay a memory flower, For one who labored every hour; Whose faithful interest would not down, We speak with love, the name of Brown. And then a whirling Eddy came, He gave to us ‘Parada’ fame. 'Twas in his brain that we were born, And much good work by him was done. In Medford's anniversary year Of nineteen five, it doth appear That Eddy's views, if you will look, And Hooper's history, make a book. The M. H. S. bore well its part, Historic knowledge to impart, Upon its chosen work intent. Then later Scott was President. How could events more fitting come, That when our years are twenty-one, Our list of officers we scan, And find for President a Mann. A Mann in name, a man for work, A man who ne
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 20., Nathan Wait's right of way. (search)
ght of way of Mr. Wait's heirs and assigns became obsolete. In the summer season a party of Penobscot Indians used to camp on the basin lot and make and sell bows, arrows, and baskets, and occasionally a wandering party of gipsies would camp there, trading horses and telling fortunes. The lot was also used as a burial place for deceased animals. It was, in fact, for many years a veritable no-man's land. I wonder if any of my readers ever heard of the shipwreck that once was said to have occurred on the canal, possibly on the very section under consideration. I remember hearing of it when I was younger, it made considerable sport at the time. It was celebrated in verse, and was sung to a Medford audience by the clown of a circus that came to town. There were several verses, but I can recall only one, the rest were in a similar strain: Zzz. The chamber-maid she ran on deck And loudly she did bawl, “There goes my bed and bedding In the Middlesex Kinawl.” John H. Hooper