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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22.. You can also browse the collection for John H. Hooper or search for John H. Hooper in all documents.
Your search returned 8 results in 5 document sections:
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., A communication. (search)
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., Historical inaccuracies. (search)
Historical inaccuracies.
The communication of Mr. Hooper, which precedes, is very interesting.
We wish to refer to its three specific mentions of possible error.
As to the eleven maps of Medford, bound in an atlas.
We were informed t such might have been the case in this particular.
This was not classed among the Medford myths.
By the statement of Mr. Hooper, who writes from personal knowledge, it appears to have been an actual existing fact, and that until ten years ago. The alf inch half-tone of the Register, the cedar tree of the artist should be mistaken for the Unitarian church steeple.
Mr. Hooper admits the artist's error in house location, and frankly says it is, like all other ideal pictures, open to criticism.
orical falsehood, and suggests a pilgrimage of interested readers to the real site of the Bower as located by former President Hooper, and farther on to the dam, of which structure so much remains intact after the lapse of two centuries and which so