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d more probably prior to 1754, and while the location was a part of old Charlestown. Features still in evidence indicate that it was a part of the final construction made by the younger Colonel Royall. This lookout-room was the interior of a cupola, as the modern term has it, one side of which was formed by the brick wall between the massive chimneys which overshadowed it. It was doubtless as elaborately finished on its exterior as was the house itself. The views we present are those by Mr. Hooper in The Evolution of the Royall House, for the showing of its locality and means of access, and not of architectural detail. From its four windows the lord of the manor could view his extensive domain, or the overseer the numerous slaves under his eye. Through the one in the brick wall, marked c, it is said, Molly Stark looked anxiously on Zzz. the eventful day of Bunker hill. This cupola must have been removed prior to 1870, as on July 13 of that year a writer in the Boston Transcri
ing Wait, in his article on Maps of Medford, Mr. Walter H. Cushing, in The Cradock Farm, both read at Society meetings and published in the Register. Then, Mr. John H. Hooper took up the burden of proof, by a careful search in the Middlesex Registry. The result of his work, read before the Society, preserved on our pages (Vol. 80 (not 1634) at the instance of Peter Tufts (commonly called Captain Peter), a leading citizen of Medford at that time. Both gentlemen before named agree that Mr. Hooper's work fully establishes as a fact what they only made as assertion regarding the house. But the question may be asked, Why do people still continue to call The Register (which of course has a limited circulation) Vol. XVIII, p. 60, on Tufts Family Residences, by the editor, deals with this subject, supplementing Mr. Hooper's work, referring to the same for authoritative statement, and showing the fallacy of some newspaper criticism of his work. Recently the same author has in a
ent a labor of love on the part of its editors and contributors, and contain information of Medford found nowhere else. By its exchange list with other societies it is constantly adding their publications to the Society's library, thus making available sources of information. The existence of the Society started the effort for the preservation of the Royall house, and also Medford's two hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary celebration, so successfully observed. At that time former President Hooper prepared a brief history of Medford, which was published by the city's committee (composed of members of the Society), together with a full report of the exercises of the week. The questions may be asked, How is the Society's work appreciated by the community it serves, and how is it sustained, either financially or otherwise? We reply, its only revenue is its annual dues of $1.00 from each member. It reached its high-tide of membership in 1902, about two hundred and fifty, and n
May meeting marked the completion of the twenty-fifth year of the Society's corporate existence, and in response to the notice sent by mail to each and every member, we had twenty-five present. Letters were read from several, regretting absence, and of congratulation and good will. Brief addresses were made, after the President's welcome, by former Presidents Wait and Eddy, by Dr. Green, president of the Royall House Association, and Miss Wild, former Editor of the Register. Former Presidents Hooper and Mann were present to enjoy the occasion, which was one of real interest. The adjournment was to meet at the call of the President, and a social half-hour, with refreshments, followed. During the year the Society has been represented at meetings of the Bay State League at Boston, Methuen, Concord and Arlington by President Ackerman and Mr. and Mrs. Mann. The Society regrets that, because of limited means, it has been unable to open its rooms to visitors at regular intervals.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24., Medford Historical Society. (search)
on B. Fay. Wilson Fiske. George O. Foster. Blanche Foster. Viola D. Fuller. George S. T. Fuller. Ella J. Fuller. Frederick W. Fosdick. Eliza M. Gill. Adeline B. Gill. Frank S. Gilkey. Sidney Gleason. Hall Gleason. J. H. Googins, Mrs. T. P. Gooding, Mrs. Charles M. Green, Dr. J. N. Gunn. Charlotte B. Hallowell. Velma L. Hamlin. Catherine E. Harlow. Life Member. David R. Harvey. Samuel C. L. Haskell. George S. Hatch. Charles M. Hayden. Martha E. Hayes. John H. Hooper. E. V. Hooper. Elizabeth W. Howe. D. Webster Johnson. Philip A. Jerguson. Charles S. Jacobs, Mrs. Frances E. Jackson. George H. Lane. Carolyn R. Lawrence. Life Member. Rosewell B. Lawrence. Life Member. William B. Lawrence. Life Member. William Leavens. Emma D. Leavens. Agnes W. Lincoln. Life Member. Charles H. Loomis. Lewis H. Lovering. Life Member. Frank W. Lovering. Clara C. Lovering. Moses W. Mann. Elizabeth J. C. Mann. Leonard J. Manning. M