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Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865 126 0 Browse Search
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Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Chapter 7: bombardment of Charleston. (search)
r two men righted their craft and returned to the city by midnight. This enterprise was one of the boldest undertakings of the war, and nearly successful. Henry N. Hooper, formerly captain, Thirty-second Massachusetts Infantry, commissioned major of the Fifty-fourth, arrived October 16, and relieved Captain Emilio of the commanallowell to higher command. On all occasions he proved an able and courageous soldier. Colonel Hallowell, promoted during his absence, returned the day after Major Hooper's arrival, and was waited upon by the officers, who expressed their pleasure at his recovery and return. A stanch friend of the Fifty-fourth was a visitor in ores. Among the good things provided were baked beans and Indian pudding. From November 1 to January 8 the following changes took place among the officers,—Major Hooper was promoted lieutenant-colonel, and Capt. J. W. M. Appleton, major; Lieutenant Grace, captain of Company A; Lieut. R. H. L. Jewett, captain of Company K; and
ith the recruits, joined the regiment on the 9th. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, with details by companies, picketed the approachg-named officers were present,—Colonel Hallowell, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, Acting Adjutant Howard; Company I, Lieutenant Ho relates, by telling the men to save themselves. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper recalls that the men informed him that Montgomeryke care of himself. But this plan did not please Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, so telling Color Sergeant Wilkins to stand fast,h others became separated from the main portion. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, thus in command, briefly addressed the men, ordel. Lieutenant Loveridge of Montgomery's staff at Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper's request rode out to the right, and returning, g, Solicitor of the War Department at Washington, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper wrote,— The question whether the men of the illegally enlisted,— hence he is no soldier. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper then recited the Act of July 22, 1861, saying tha<
d and brought to Black Island. It was made of staves, cigar-shaped, with a large cap to explode by contact. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper assumed command of the Defences of Lighthouse Inlet on May 7. They included Black Island, Battery Purviance, ate Purviance. These two batteries mounted thirty-pounder Parrotts for offensive purposes against James Island. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper made his headquarters at Fort Green. Captain Tucker, with Company H, left Black Island and relieved Lieutenant-ighteenth Corps to South Carolina. Throughout the Civil War he suffered from a wound received in Mexico. As Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper was detailed for courtmartial duty and Captain Emilio as judge-advocate at Hilton Head, on May 29, Captain Brid shotted guns from every battery in view, besides two rams, probably in honor of some success to their arms. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper returned on the 18th and took command of the regiment, Major Appleton assuming charge of the defences of the in
out a mile and a half from the bridge the low ground was crossed; and Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper deployed the regiment under artillery fire. The line was formed as bright,— F G B E A K D and with the following officers present: Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, commanding; Major Appleton; Adjutant Howard; Company D, Captain Jonemy's artillery horses. To avoid casualties from this artillery fire, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper kept shifting the position of the Fifty-fourth as the enemy secured tor activity and personal gallantry. He came to our line and directed Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper to draw back the Fifty-fourth to the old fieldwork. Captain Jones, wh line. So great were their sufferings that at last word was sent to Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper that they could no longer endure it, and that many men were lying unch the Thirty-third United States Colored Troops, both regiments under Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper's command. General Hatch on the 5th moved forward some miles and t
e called, it was discovered that six officers were missing. Without a moment's delay, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper and Quartermaster Ritchie rode to Lighthouse Inlet, and with guards, searched all the om the hold of a vessel with no clothes on, prepared to swim in an attempt to escape. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper himself searched every part of a steamer previously examined, and at last found his miRadzinsky, August 16. Captain Jones departed North sick, July 29, and never returned. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, Adjutant Howard, Quartermaster Ritchie, and Captains Emilio and Tucker received leaveclaims for muster in the North. Captain Bridge was in command of the regiment during Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper's absence; and Lieut. David Reid acted as quartermaster while Lieutenant Ritchie was aork and General Hatch and staff on the Cosmopolitan, reaching Hilton Head on the 28th. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, with Companies C, E, G, and H, left Morris Island on the steamer General Hooker on th
dition in light marching order, with Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, commanding, Acting Major Pope, Surgve. The Fifty-fourth men, headed by Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, sprang ashore eagerly, and were thewharf one at a time, and then joined Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper up the road. Captain Homans's compa-road unprotected even by a picket. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, deeming it imperative that this impd again over a road clear of troops, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper proceeded with only Companies E and Still farther onward at about noon Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper was met by Col. William T. Bennett, e! charge! pointing to the front. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper naturally asked, Where? but receivened behind and somewhat to the left, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper sent word of our position, and it wakilled by a grape-shot. Meanwhile Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper with Companies E and H maintained th of way. Fearing he would be killed, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper sent two men to assist him to the re[4 more...]
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Chapter 13: operations about Pocotaligo. (search)
ed. Small craft were brought, and the command was ferried to the lower landing, while rain still poured down. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper without delay, soon after 2 P. M., marched to the front, where the regiment formed division column and bivouackntrenchment. With the shanties there, and boards brought from a plantation, the command found better shelter. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, with four officers and 125 men, reconnoitred that day toward Pocotaligo, returning at dark, having seen a few e in on the 10th, reporting ten regiments in our front,making a total force of two thousand men. January 14, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper at 10 A. M., with four officers and 125 men, went out to the Stewart house, seeing but a picket of the enemy. . Heyward's plantation, in a rice country. It was rainy weather, with mud everywhere under foot. At this time Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper wrote,— Sherman destroys everything that stands in his line of march,—rice-mills, houses, fences. All thro
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Chapter 14: Charleston and Savannah. (search)
he recruiting of colored troops was going on rapidly. Regimental orders, on the 8th, directed the line to be formed as below, with Company F on the right,— E G D A H B I K C F The brigade having been ordered to Savannah, on the 12th, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper marched the right wing to the city and embarked on the steamer W. W. Coit, which in the afternoon ran down the harbor past the now silent batteries on either side, and arrived at Hilton Head about midnight. Proceeding in the morning, tNorth; Captains Emilio and Homans were mustered out at the expiration of their personal terms of service; Lieutenant Chipman was promoted captain of Company D; Lieutenant Duren, still at the North, was appointed adjutant. On the 27th Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper embarked with the right wing on the steamer W. W. Coit, accompanied by Colonel Hallowell. The same day Major Pope with the left wing boarded the steamer Canonicus. After getting to sea, both transports touched at Hilton Head and then w
sted men and the following officers: Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, Major Pope, Surgeon Briggs, Acting Junction. A reconnoissance made by Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper resulted in the discovery at the junsent in search of it. Shortly after, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper started on the return, leaving Majorured men, while the troops marched. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper's force was joined on the roadside. our Fifty-fourth pickets, and later, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, with the right wing of the regimenta native. In this flanking movement Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper led the Fifty-fourth along the creeke ground, keeping up a return fire. Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, seeing that the position was strongssary risk of life, word was sent to Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper of the situation. Captain Chipman wt of Major Pope's flanking movement, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper caused a musketry fire to be kept upword came of Major Pope's encounter, Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper sent a message to General Potter inf[2 more...]
l service. Upon the arrival of the several detachments of the Fifty-fourth at Charleston, Companies A, C, F, H, and K, comprising the right wing under Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, located camp on the Neck in an open field to the right of the plank road, and nearer the city than Magnolia Cemetery. Major Pope, with the left wing, reight wing to join the left, on the 14th it marched from the Neck, crossed the river, and camped at St. Andrew's Parish, thus reuniting the regiment under Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper. He retained command until the 29th, when, having received leave of absence, he departed for the North, leaving Major Pope in charge of the regiment. ne Hundred and Third United States Colored Troops. Those who resigned, or were mustered out at the expiration of their personal terms of service, were Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, Adjutant Duren, Quartermaster Ritchie, Captains Bridge, Jewett, and Emerson, and Lieutenants Spear, Rogers, Bridgham, and Jewett. Lieutenant Edmands act