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Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., The last joint debate, at Alton, October 15, 1858. (search)
n accordance with them has simply declared that the people of a Territory, like those of a State, shall decide for themselves whether slavery shall or shall not exist within their limits. Dr. Rope will there find my answer to the question he propounded to me before I commenced speaking. Of course no man will consider it an answer, who is outside of the Democratic organization, bolts Democratic nominations, and indirectly aids to put Abolitionists into power over Democrats. But whether Dr. Hope considers it an answer or not, every fair-minded man will see that James Buchanan has answered the question and has asserted that the people of a Territory, like those of a State, shall decide for themselves whether slavery shall or shall not exist within their limits. I answer specifically if you want a further answer, and say that while under the decision of the Supreme Court, as recorded in the opinion of Chief Justice Taney, slaves are property like all other property, and can be carri
e we arrived on Thursday; and, as the proposition required three friends on each side, I was joined by General Ewing and Dr. Hope, as the friends of Mr. Shields. We then crossed to Missouri, where a proposition was made by General Hardin and Dr. Engtter to, I think, four friends for a settlement. This I believed Mr. Shields would refuse, and declined seeing him; but Dr. Hope, who conferred with him upon the subject, returned and stated that Mr. Shields declined settling the matter through anywritten by him. This was all done without the knowledge or consent of Mr. Shields, and he refused to accede to it, until Dr. Hope, General Ewing, and myself declared the apology sufficient, and that we could not sustain him in going further. I think close this article, lengthly as it is, without testifying to the honorable and gentlemanly conduct of General Ewing and Dr. Hope, nor indeed can I say that I saw anything objectionable in the course of General Whiteside up to the time of his communi
e. On reporting this fact to Colonel Spear, he immediately ordered companies A and G of his command to cross and attack the enemy in the rear, which they did. Upon charging the earthworks, these companies were temporarily repulsed and driven back a short distance, where — on Colonel Spear instantly ordered companies E and M to move up in reenforcement. Under command of Major Stratton, who ordered line of battle to be formed on two sides of the enemy's works, at the same time directing Lieutenant Hope, of company E, to take a few dismounted carabineers, and moving along the river bank, attack the enemy on the river flank. So soon as these preliminary arrangements were completed, Major Stratton ordered Captain Skelly to charge the enemy's works with his command. This feature of the reconnoissance was one of the most creditable of any similar one since the inauguration of hostilities. It was, indeed, gallantly done. The carabineers at the same time charged the block-house from the
fell, in manly prime, for Freedom and for God! And women's eyes grow dim with tears, and manhood bows its head Before thy deeds of valor done, New-England's honored dead. But not alone for those who die a soldier's death of glory: Full many a brave, heroic soul has sighed its mournful story Down in the sultry swamps and plains, where fever's subtle breath Has drained the life-blood from their hearts, and laid them low in death-- As proud a memory yours, O ye who murmured no complaint! Who saw Hope's vision day by day grow indistinct and faint; Who, far from home and loving hearts, from all yet held most dear, Have died. O noble, unknown dead! ye leave a record here! New-England! on thy spotless shield, inscribe thine honored dead, Oh! keep their memory fresh and green, when turf blooms o'er their head; And coming nations yet unborn will read, with glowing pride, Of those who bore thy conquering arms, and suffering, fought and died; Who, foremost in the gallant van, laid life and ho
ike waves upon the white sea-coast To storm the land again! Like the wild rushing avalanche Armed with resistless might, To crush rebellion root and branch, They hurry to the fight. The circling path is rough and long To gain the stronghold's rear; The foe they meet is fierce and strong, But wakes no coward fear. They boldly meet him on the way In many a bloody fight; In all they nobly win the day, As triumph for the right! They reap a large and worthy spoil Of cannon and of men, The fruit of Hope's heroic toil Inspiring hope again! On, on they press their winding way, A strong and valiant host; And still they keep the foe at bay, Despite his wonted boast! They reach at last the waiting goal, The frowning forts invest; The thunders of their cannon roll To mar the city's rest. All avenues of flight they guard With strong and jealous care, Cut off supplies and press them hard With burdens hard to bear. They boldly make the fierce assault, The moated walls to scale, Nor is it yet the her
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), The dove of the regiment: an incident of the battle of Ohickamauga. (search)
Though driven from the bloody field we almost won, and lost, Back from this mountain citadel we'll hurl the rebel host; As, after Cannee's fatal day, the Roman armies bore Their standards from Tiber's banks to Afric's hated shore; As when the northern bear waned weak, in Borodino's fight, Napoleon's host recoiled before the vengeful Muscovite ; So yet from Chattanooga's walls we'll spring, the foe to meet-- The army of the Cumberland shall never know defeat!” As from doomed Sodom's sin-cursed town to Zoar Lot trembling crossed, So from the tumult flees a dove, and cowers amid our host; A message to that war-worn band it bears upon its wing, Though not the olive-leaf of Peace, Hope's grateful offering. “Be firm,” its language seems to be, “though right may yield to wrong, Hope's brightest omens cheer the souls that suffer and are strong.” Responsive to the Tennessee its songs no longer break, But mingled with the hoarser roar of Erie's sleepless lake. Hayfield, O., April
the hardest times the people of this once happy country have known this side the War of Independence. I know not, indeed, of one single interest of Virginia that will not be wrecked by disunion. And, entertaining these energies, views, I do shrink with horror from the very idea of the secession of the State. I can never assent to the fatal measure. No I am for the Union yet. Call me submissionist or traitor, or what else you will, I am for the Union--as I said upon another occasion, while Hope's light flickers in the socket. In Daniel Webster's immortal words, Give me Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable. And if I may presume to tender an humble exhortation to my colleagues in this hall, I would say to them, as I said to a number of my respected constituents, who recently called on me for my views of the crisis that besets us--As Washington advised all his countrymen, cling fondly to the Union. Take every chance to save it. Conference with the Border States,
182. A beautiful poem. The rare merit and appositeness of the following masterpiece of Mr. Hope's patriotic muse will strike every mind. The author is one of the most gifted of the poets of America, and has a heart as true and bold as his pen it bright and beautiful.
event exercise the utmost caution before crossing the stream. The great object is to stop the work, and merely to take advantage after that of any opportunity that may offer itself to push the advantage. I should prefer stopping the work and attacking when our preparations elsewhere are more advanced. I would prefer making the attack at the one-gun battery a part of a more general plan involving the use of batteries against Lee's Mill and other contiguous points. From the statement of Capt. Hope (had since I wrote the foregoing) I imagine a position can be found on the road at a distance of some twelve hundred yards, whence their works can be shelled with 10-pound Parrotts and probably spherical case from the Napoleon guns. I would be glad to learn that the work is stopped and the enemy taught a lesson. Please inform Gen. Gorman of your instructions, and inform me as early as possible of your arrangements. Very truly yours, Geo. B. McClellan, Maj-Gen. Commanding. P.
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 16: (search)
each wing was strung out at great length. Of the start from Fayetteville, General Sherman writes: I then knew that my special antagonist, General Jos. Johnston, was back, with part of his old army; that he would not be misled by feints and false reports, and would, somehow, compel me to exercise more caution than I had hitherto done. I then overestimated his force at thirty-seven thousand infantry, supposed to be made up of S. D. Lee's corps, four thousand; Cheatham's, five thousand; Hope's, eight thousand; Hardee's, ten thousand; and other detachments, ten thousand; with Hampton's, Wheelers, and Butler's cavalry, about eight thousand. Of these, only Hardee and the cavalry were immediately in our front, while the bulk of Johnston's army was supposed to be collecting at or near Raleigh. * * * * On the 15th of March the whole army was across Cape Fear River, and at once began its march for Goldsboro — the Seventeenth Corps still on the right, the Fifteenth next in order, the