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Fame and Glory, VII. 383.
Fanaticism, VII. 391.
First Day in Lowell, v. 368.
Fish I did n't catch, The, v. 320.
Friends, The Society of, VII. 305.
Funeral of Torrey, The, VI. 271.
Garfield, President, Death of, VI. 284.
Garrison, William Lloyd, VII. 189.
Great Ipswich Fright, The, VI. 380.
Greenwell, Dora, VII. 284.
Hamlet among the Graves, VII. 267.
Haverford College, VII. 361.
Heroine of Long Point, The, v.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, VI. 309.
Hopkins, Samuel, VI. 130.
Indian Civilization, VII. 232.
Indian Question, The, VII. 238.
International Arbitration, VII. 245.
Italian Unity, VII. 229.
Journal, John Woolman's, VII. 315.
Justice and Expediency, VII. 9.
Leggett, William, VI. 184.
Lesson and our Duty, The, VII. 148.
Lighting Up, The, v. 376.
Little Iron Soldier, The, v. 251.
Longfellow, VI. 311.
Lord Ashley and the Thieves, VII. 221.
Magicians and Witch Folk, v. 399.
Margaret Smith's Journal, v. 9