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point I sent companies B and I, of the Second Kansas, under the command of Captain Hopkins, by a circuitous route, to enter the town in the rear of the enemy's pickeclock, and my desire was to attack at daylight; but, while waiting to give Captain Hopkins time to get in the rear of their pickets, on going back to ascertain if thnies of the Kansas Second, two of which had already been sent ahead, under Captain Hopkins. The main column was back seven miles, where it was first halted. Afteany remaining with me, to the town, and reached there at the same time with Capt. Hopkins. There I learned that intelligence of an approach had gone ahead of us, anwing back the flanking columns of the enemy. At the same moment company B, Capt. Hopkins, company D, Lieut. Moore, company E, Capt. Gardner, company H, Lieut. Ball,great credit is due for his gallantry; and the names of Capts. Ayres, Russell, Hopkins, and Gardner, and Lieuts. Moore, Cosgrove, Ballard, Lee, and Johnson, and Serg
A few moments later, and Tenny's battery of Parrott guns came into position on the right, and Hopkins's battery on the left of Captain Rabb's. The fire of all three of these batteries was first dirdians; the left wing of the Kansas Eleventh, under Lieut.-Col. Moonlight, supporting Rabb's and Hopkins's batteries. The First Iowa, Tenth Illinois, Eighth Missouri, and the first battalion of the Sbeing made to charge my artillery on the right, the same demonstration was made upon Rabb's and Hopkins's batteries; the enemy following up my infantry as they retired from the woods, and with a shouEleventh Kansas, gave evidence of their high qualities as gallant officers. To Capts. Rabb and Hopkins, and Lieuts. Tenny and Stover, who served their artillery with such terrible and destructive efost suitable points, as well as to communicate with that officer. There Rabb's and Tenny's and Hopkins's batteries — the latter captured at Old Fort Wayne--soon opened a terrible and destructive fir
pace of nearly an hour. My column not being up, I could do nothing more than engage in this artillery duel until it arrived, and the enemy thinking, no doubt, that I had a large force in hand, did not venture from under cover of their guns. Reconnoitring upon their left, I discovered an approach by which a force could be brought on their left flank and do them great damage, and perhaps capture their artillery. I ordered Major Van Antwerp, of my staff, back to meet the Kansas Eleventh and Hopkins's battery, who were in the advance of the column, to bring them up on the double-quick, and send the battery with six companies of the Eleventh to follow me with the object above named, and to take the other four companies to the support of Rabb's battery, but they were too far in the rear, and the men too much fatigued by the march to reach me in time. Major Van Antwerp took four companies down the road to Rabb's battery, the fire from which, as afterward appeared, although laboring und
husetts volunteers, Colonel Kimball, to reenforce Colonel Ingraham's brigade. A short time subsequent I sent the Thirty-first Massachusetts volunteers, Lieut.-Colonel Hopkins, to the left bank of the Bayou Teche to reenforce the One Hundred and Seventy-fifth New-York volunteers, Colonel Bryan, who was skirmishing with the enemy time afterward, the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New-York volunteers, Lieut.-Colonel Sharpe, supported by the Thirty-first Massachusetts, under command of Lieut.-Colonel Hopkins, charged and carried a breastwork of the enemy in the woods in front of our right, killing many of the enemy and capturing eighty-six prisoners, among whoant Morton, cutting the head off an infantry-man at his side. The One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New-York, Colonel Sharpe, and the Thirty-first Massachusetts, Colonel Hopkins, held the woods and abattis all night, fighting the enemy the whole time, and killing and wounding a large number, amongst the former a field-officer on a whi
hing within the works. The enemy being strongly posted five miles distant, drove back Major Foreman and the others for some distance, although the ground was hotly contested. Captain Lucas, of the Sixth Kansas, was nearly surrounded, as was Captain Anderson, of the Third Indiana, but they gallantly cut their way through. Leaving Colonel Dole, with a strong command, and most of my artillery behind the works, I moved rapidly forward with two battalions of Indian infantry and a section of Hopkins's battery, under Lieutenant Bassett. Leaving one battalion as reserve, I supported the forces already in front, and soon drove the enemy into the woods. Here they contested the ground for a short time, but they were pushed over the mountain, and rapidly driven in complete rout to Webber's Falls, where they crossed the Arkansas River. As we were following the enemy up the mountain, I learned that the enemy, with two six-pound field-pieces and one twelve-pound howitzer, were trying to cr