Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hopkins or search for Hopkins in all documents.

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ll present. The banquet commenced at 9 o'clock, and the large company discussed, with great zeal' the substantial subjects placed before them.--Gen. A. A. Chapman, of Monroe, presided — the guest of the evening being seated on his right, Judge Hopkins, one of the Alabama Commissioners, on his left, and F. M. Gilmer, Esq, the other Commissioner, next to Gov. Floyd. While the festival was progressing, Gen. Chapman arose and read a telegraphic dispatch, announcing that Alabama had seceded fr Gov Floyd took his seat amid almost deafening cheers. [Music--"Marseilles Hymn."] Gen. Chapman.--I give you, gentlemen-- "Alabama--the Keystone of the Southern Arch." After the cheering subsided, the President introduced Judge Hopkins, a native of Virginia, but an adopted son of Alabama. He said he had left a sick bed to come and do honor to one who had exposed with such master hand the breach of faith on the part of the Administration. He alluded to himself as a rep
Bentley, Bisbie, Booker, Boreman, Brown, Cassin, Christian, Coleman, Collier, Cowan, Crane, Crump, Davis, Dickenson, Edgington, Ferguson, Ferrill, Fleming, Frost, D. Gibson, C. H. Gilmer, Goodycoontz, Hanly, Harrison, Hackley, Hoffman, Holdway, Hopkins, Hunit, Jett, Johnson, Keen, Kee, Knotts, Kyle, Liftwich, Locke, Lockridge, Lucas, Magruder, J. G. Martin. T. Martin, W. Martin, Massie, Matthews, McGruder, McKinney, McKenzie, Miles, D. Miller, Morris, Myers, Patterson, Phelps, Porter, Preston, Collier, Cowan, Crane, Crump, Davis, Dickenson, Duckwall, Edgington, Edwards, Evans, Ferguson, Ferrill, Fleming, Friend, Frost, Garrett, John T. Gibson, Jno. Gilmer, C. H. Gilmer, Goodycoontz, Graham, Grattan, Hanly, Harrison, Haymond, Hoffman, Hopkins, Hunt, James, Jett, Johnson, Crawford H. Jones, Warner T. Jones, Kaufman, Keen, Kee, Kember, Kincheloe, Knotts, Kyle, Leftwich, Locke, Lockbridge, Lucas, Lundy, Linn, Magruder, Mallory, J. G. Martin, Thomas Martin, Wm. Martin, Massie, Matthews,