Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 11, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hopkins or search for Hopkins in all documents.

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Bishop Hopkins. "The Secretary stood alone. Modern degeneracy had not reached him." The tribute paid to a British statesman has been as fairly earned by an American prelate. Of all that august and once conservative body, the Episcopal Bishopsty alone is left adhering to its principles of keeping aloof from the whirlpool of State affairs; and of that minority, Hopkins, the Hon-looking and Hon-hearted Bishop of Vermont, stands alone in an open and lofty protest and remonstrance against tnd his name will one day be reverenced by those who are now heaping reproaches upon his head. We had long known that Bishop Hopkins was the ablest of the Northern Bishops, and that, if there was one among them more capable than any other of giving wdmirable than his lofty intellectual endowments. Upon what times have we fallen, when, in the most conservative organization in the United States, only one man can be found who takes the stand of Bishop Hopkins and refuses to bow the knee to Baal?