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Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, The slave mother. (search)
is painful subject, that her naturally cheerful character became extremely saddened. She at last determined to make a bold effort to save her little one from the liability of being sold, like a calf or pig in the shambles. She went to see Isaac T. Hopper and communicated to him her plan. He tried to dissuade her; for he considered the project extremely dangerous, and well nigh hopeless. But the mother's heart yearned for her babe, and the incessant longing stimulated her courage to incur a, she strove to lay by money enough to purchase their freedom. She had made friends by her good conduct and obliging ways, while her maternal affection and enterprising character excited a good deal of interest among those acquainted with her history. Donations were occasionally added to her earnings, and a sum was soon raised sufficient to accomplish her favorite project. Isaac T. Hopper entered into negotiation with her master, and succeeded in obtaining manumission for her and her child.
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, Colonel Ridgeley's slave. (search)
Colonel Ridgeley's slave. A slave escaped from Colonel Ridgeley, who resided in the southern part of Virginia. He went to Philadelphia, and remained there undiscovered for several years. But he was never quite free from anxiety, lest in some unlucky hour, he should be arrested and carried back to bondage. When he had laid up some money, he called upon Isaac T. Hopper to assist him in buying the free use of his own limbs. A negotiation was opened with Col. Ridge. ley, who agreed to take two hundred dollars for the fugitive, and appointed a time to come to Philadelphia to arrange the business. But instead of keep. ing his agreement honorably, he went to that city several weeks before the specified time, watched for his bondman, seized him, and conveyed him to Friend Hopper's office. When the promised two hundred dollars were offered, he refused to accept them. Why, that is the sum thou hast agreed upon, said Friend Hopper. I know that, replied the Colonel; but I won't
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, Stop thief! (search)
obtain the necessary authority for carrying him back into bondage. Finding the magistrate gone to dinner, they placed the colored man in the entry, while Mr. Low and his companions guarded the door. Some of the colored people soon informed Isaac T. Hopper of these circumstances, and he hastened to the office. Observing the state of things there, he concluded it would be no difficult matter to give the colored man a chance to escape. He stepped up to the men at the door, and demanded in a peted master brought an action against Samuel Mason for rescuing his slave. Charles J. Ingersoll and his brother Joseph, two accomplished lawyers of Philadelphia, conducted the trial for him, with zeal and ingenuity worthy of a better cause. Isaac T. Hopper was summoned as a witness, and in the course of examination he was asked what course members of the Society of Friends adopted when a fugitive slave came to them. He replied, I am not willing to answer for any one but myself. Well, said
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, The Disguised slaveholder. (search)
to a farmer thirty miles up in the country. He went directly to the river Schuylkill, but was afraid to cross the bridge, lest some person should be stationed there to arrest him. He accordingly walked along the margin of the river till he found a small boat, in which he crossed the stream. Following the directions he had received, he arrived at the farmer's house, where he had a kindly welcome, and obtained employment. The master being unable to recapture his slaves, called upon Isaac T. Hopper to inquire if he knew anything about them. He coolly replied, I believe they are doing very well. From what I hear, to judge it will not be necessary to give thyself any further trouble on their account. There is no use in trying to capture a runaway slave in Philadelphia, rejoined the master. I believe the devil himself could not catch them when they once get here. That is very likely, answered Friend Hopper. But I think he would have less difficulty in catching the masters;
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, The slave of Dr. Rich. (search)
of being brought to Philadelphia. She called to consult with Isaac T. Hopper, and seemed very much disappointed to hear that a residence of runaway, they confessed that she had gone from their house to Isaac T. Hopper. Mr. Wiltbank accordingly waited upon him, and after relating pounced upon her. Before her situation could be made known to Isaac T. Hopper, she was removed to Baltimore. The last he ever heard of her fugitive, with whose place of residence he was perfectly sure Isaac T. Hopper was acquainted. After a brief correspondence with Friend Hoppr. Hopper? Though slaveholders had abundant reason to dread Isaac T. Hopper, as they would a blister of Spanish flies, yet he had no hardnI might have been dragged through the streets like a felon. Isaac T. Hopper was consulted, and a civil suit commenced. Eight hundred doll, were the only colored members of the Yearly Meeting to which Isaac T. Hopper belonged. On the occasion of the annual gathering in Philadel
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, John Mc Grier. (search)
John Mc Grier. John was an Irish orphan, whose parents died of yellow fever, when he was very young. He obtained a scanty living by doing errands for cartmen. In the year 1800, when he was about fourteen years old, there was a long period during which he could obtain scarcely any employment. Being without friends, and in a state of extreme destitution, he was tempted to enter a shop and steal two dollars from the drawer. He was pursued and taken. Isaac T. Hopper, who was one of the inspectors of the prison at that time, saw a crowd gathered, and went to inquire the cause. The poor boy's history was soon told. Friend Hopper liked the expression of his countenance, and pitied his forlorn condition. When he was brought up for trial, he accompanied him and pleaded with the judge in his favor. He urged that the poor child's education had been entirely neglected, and consequently he was more to be pitied than blamed. If sent to prison, he would in all probability become hard
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, The Uncomplimentary invitation. (search)
The Uncomplimentary invitation. A preacher of the Society of Friends felt impressed with the duty of calling a meeting for vicious people; and Isaac T. Hopper was appointed to collect an audience. In the course of this mission, he knocked at the door of a very infamous house. A gentleman who was acquainted with him was passing by, and he stopped to say, Friend Hopper, you have mistaken the house. No, I have not, he replied. But that is a house of notorious ill fame, said the gentleman. I know it, rejoined he; but nevertheless I have business here. His acquaintance looked surprised, but passed on without further query. A colored girl came to the door. To the inquiry whether her mistress was within, she answered in the affirmative. Tell her I wish to see her, said Friend Hopper. The girl was evidently astonished at a visitor in Quaker costume, and of such grave demeanor; but she went and did the errand. A message was returned that her mistress was engaged and co
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, The Umbrella girl. (search)
ed air-castles. And that dress, which she had stolen to make an appearance befitting his bride! Oh, what if she should be discovered? And would not the heart of her poor widowed mother break, if she should ever know that her child was a thief? Alas, her wretched forebodings proved too true. The silk was traced to her; she was arrested on her way to the store and dragged to prison. There she refused all nourishment, and wept incessantly. On the fourth day, the keeper called upon Isaac T. Hopper, and informed him that there was a young girl in prison, who appeared to be utterly friendless, and determined to die by starvation. The kindhearted Friend immediately went to her assistance. He found her lying on the floor of her cell, with her face buried in her hands, sobbing as if her heart would break. He tried to comfort her, but could obtain no answer. Leave us alone, said he to the keeper. Perhaps she will speak to me, if there is no one to hear. When they were alone to
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, The two young offenders. (search)
erable effect. When the Board again met, Isaac T. Hopper and Thomas Dobson were appointed to wait warm gratitude and strong attachment for Isaac T. Hopper. They both regularly attended the meetinppeared afterward. Such a character as Isaac T. Hopper was of course well known throughout the ck every yoke. I am thy sincere friend, Isaac T. Hopper. Soon after the circumstances above rintroduced blindfolded into a room, where Isaac T. Hopper was seated with the party of the precedinlave to his master. Nevertheless, he and Isaac T. Hopper, and James S. Gibbons, were indicted for , and took up my abode with the family of Isaac T. Hopper. The zealous theological controversy amor Preacher. This gave great offence, and Isaac T. Hopper was very much blamed for it. He, and his purest, and tenderest spirits. There is Isaac T. Hopper, whose life has been one long chapter of bliss of Heaven. That in the death of Isaac T. Hopper, the community is called to part with a c[36 more...]
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