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e time trips the shield to which it belongs, and causes it to oscillate from before the opening and expose the number to which it belongs. A crank operated by the hotel clerk restores the normal condition after the number has been observed. Horsfall, October 4, 1853, and Hale, April 22, 1856, are among the earlier inventors. In Horsfall's, the wire from the room operates a rod whose horizontal lifting and tripping arm extends beneath its appropriate swinging index-plate. The rod and armHorsfall's, the wire from the room operates a rod whose horizontal lifting and tripping arm extends beneath its appropriate swinging index-plate. The rod and arm are arranged in such relation to the rocking-frame which carries the alarm-bell, that, as either of the rods is raised for the purpose of tripping one of the index-plates and exposing its number to view, the frame and bell will be also raised, and the pendulous hammer allowed to descend some distance. When the rod descends after tripping the index-plate, the rocking frame and bell also descend, and the contact of the short arm of the hammer with a lever causes the hammer to sound the alarm, su