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The Daily Dispatch: November 19, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Provisional Congress. Congress reassembled yesterday at 12 o'clock at the State Capitol, and was called by the President, Hon. Howell Cobb Frayer was different by the Rev of Col. Cobb's regiment. The following is a list of members in attendance. Mississippi-- W. S. Barry, --J. L. M. Curry, W. P. Chilton. Georgia-- William W. B John Tyler. W. W. C. R. F Scott, C W Johnston. --A. W. Venable. --J. F. House, Thos. M. Jones J. Well, Mr. Venable, of North Carolina, moved the appointment of a committee to wait upon the President of the Confederate State, and inform him that a quorum of Congress was present and ready to receive any message from him. The motion was adopted and the Chaff appointed the Committee as follows Messrs. Assemble of N. C., Scott of Va. and Barry of Mr. Tylor of Va. suggested that Congress would be better prepared to-morrow to receive any message the President might desire to communicate and he therefore move an app