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The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1862., [Electronic resource] 9 1 Browse Search
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Agreed to. Also, the following resolution: Resolved, That the Secretary of War be requested to report to this House the amount of army clothing, camp equipage, ordnance, and ordnance stores, subsistence stores, and the number and appraisent be requested, if he shall deem it compatible with the public interest, to direct the Secretary of War to send to this House a copy of the official report of Gen. A. Sidney Johnston, to the interrogatories propounded to him by the order of the Pr Mr. Foote also submitted the following resolution: Resolved, That a committee be appointed by the Speaker of this House to consist of five members, charged with the duty of inquiring into alleged accuses in the medical department of the armyes of the Confederate States. Mr. Lyons, of Va., offered a resolution that the Senate be requested to return to this House the resolution fixing the time for adjournment. Laid on the table. Mr. then moved that the House go into secrets s
se of Delegatees, informing the Senate that they were ready to go into the execution of the joint order of the day, viz: The removal of R. M Nimme from office, he having failed to execute a new official board in accordance with the requisition of the Legislature. The resolution was taken up, pending the consideration of which the Banat took a recess until 8 o'clock. Evening session. The Senate was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. The pending question being the execution of the joint order providing for the removal of R. M. Nimme from office, and the question of removal being put, and the joint vote ascertained, it was found to be decided in the affirmative — year 71, noes 79. The Senate then proceeded, jointly with the House, to the election of a present fill the vacancy so occasioned, and on the second ballot Mr. John House, of Whealing, was declared duly elected General Agent and Storekeeper of the Penitentiary. Commotion of Mr. Isbell, the Senate adjourned