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Browsing named entities in Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. You can also browse the collection for House or search for House in all documents.
Your search returned 21 results in 3 document sections:
Chapter 5:
The Territorial question
an incident at the white House
the Kansas and Nebraska bill
the Missouri Compromise abrogated in 1850, not in 1854
origin of Squatter sovereignty
sectional rivalry and its consequences
the Emigrant aid Societies
the Bible and Sharpe's rifles
false Pretensions as to principle
the strife in Kansas
a retrospect
the original equilibrium of power and its overthrow
usurpations of the Federal Government
the protective tariff
origin and progress of abolitionism
who were the friends of the Union?
an illustration of political morality.
The organization of the territory of Kansas was the first question that gave rise to exciting debate after my return to the Senate.
The celebrated Kansas-Nebraska bill had become a law during the administration of Pierce.
As this occupies a large space in the political history of the period, it is proper to state some facts connected with it which were not public, but were known to me and to
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, Appendix H (search)
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, Appendix K (search)
[7 more...]