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South? Stop a moment, and let us see. The Committee of Thirty-three was moved for in this House by a gentleman from Virginia, the second day of the session, and received the vote of every Soutoted, never, on any one occasion, received one solitary vote from the Republican party in either House. The Adams or Corwin amendment, so-called, reported from the Committee of Thirty-three, and it was, and for which every Southern member present voted, except one, was carried through this House by but one majority, after long and tedious delay, and with the utmost difficulty--sixty-five Re part of the history of the last session, let me remind you that bills were introduced into this House proposing to abolish and close up certain Southern ports of entry; to authorize the President tohe revenue and protecting the public property; and were pressed vehemently and earnestly in this House prior to the arrival of the President in this city, and were then, though seven States had seced