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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 80 0 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for H. M. Howard or search for H. M. Howard in all documents.

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g the reconnoissance, and two regiments of Acting Brigadier-General Foster's brigade; also, a Captain Howard's battery of United States artillery, acting Brigadier-General Foster, second in command ofill on the ground. Colonel Dodge now came on the ground at full speed, closely followed by Capt. Howard and his battery. A section of the battery was immediately placed in position on the left, unming in some places, they plunged through and gained the opposite bank while the shells from Captain Howard's battery were crashing through the trees, tearing away limbs and trunks but a few feet from them. Finding it possible to cross, Col. Dodge requested Capt. Howard to cease firing, and Lieut. Harman, Acting Quartermaster, bravely led a volunteer platoon of company C across, and dashing forden, of Pittsburgh, Pa., in command of infantry skirmishers who advanced to cover the gallant Capt. Howard while placing his battery in position. Orderly Sergeant Burton, of troop F, displayed great
front in support of Kirby's battery, in the sanguinary battle of that day. In the performance of this duty the regiment was kept under a tremendous artillery-fire until after dark — fortunately with but little loss. The coolness and good conduct of officers and men during these trying hours were beyond praise. Drawn in at length, the regiment remained for the night and the following day as a support for the line of pickets. On the night of the fourteenth instant, I was ordered by General Howard (our division commander) to take the First Minnesota and four other regiments (which had been placed under my command) and picket the most exposed portion of the line. Owing to the darkness and proximity to the enemy, and the want of a guide acquainted with the ground, the establishment of this line was a work of considerable difficulty and delicacy. In this work, as indeed on every occasion during the entire affair, Lieut.-Col. Colville, Major Adams, and Adjutant Peller rendered effic
of Gordonsville. This movement of General Burnside has completely taken them by surprise. As we stated in a previous despatch, our forces passed through Warrenton in three columns, Gen. Hancock on the right, General French the centre, and Gen. Howard on the left. This constitutes General touch's corps. The Ninth army corps, commanded by General---, and Couch's corps, are under the command of General Sumner. The troops took the direct road to Warrenton Junetion, early on Saturday morninghe weary ones in the rear, all hurrying on to-ward this point. The Philadelphia brigade, known as Burns's, now commanded by Colonel Josh. Owens, of the gallant Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania, were in the left column during the march. They are in General Howard's division. Col. Baxter's regiment of Fire Zouaves have been consolidated, and now have ten companies instead of fifteen, as formerly. Yesterday morning one of the teams belonging to one of our batteries was out foraging for fodder, and
Doc. 57.-action near Franklin, Va. in the field of Albert Johnson, two miles from Carsville, Va., December 2, 1862. Yesterday afternoon, a force of three thousand, including one section of Howard's battery, two sections of the Seventh Massachusetts battery, the Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, and five regiments of infantry — the Ohio Sixty-second, Illinois Thirty-ninth, Pennsylvania One Hundred and Third, New-York One Hundred and Thirtieth, and Massachusetts Sixth--all under command of Col. Spear, Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, left Suffolk, with two days rations, for a little business excursion toward Franklin. Indications of rebel forces were seen during the day on our side of the Blackwater, and their pickets were chased by the scouts of the Eleventh. Soon after sunrise, this morning, the whole force reached Beaver Dam Church, two miles beyond Carsville, and three miles short of Franklin, when the videttes brought in the exciting news that a squad of our pickets, some do
mpany C; C. H. Hewson, company C, hand; Sergeant Thomas Galdwell, company F, severely wounded in shoulder; Jos. Crene, company F, arm. The party once across, and the rebels cleaned out, it took the engineers but a brief period to complete the bridge. They laid hold with a will, plunging waist-deep into the water, and working as men work who are under inspiration. In less than half an hour the bridge was completed, and the head of the column of the right grand division, consisting of General Howard's command, was moving upon it over the Rappahannock. A feeble attempt from the rebel batteries was made to shell the troops in crossing, but it failed completely. Your correspondent found an opportunity to cross the river along with the party who first went over, in a boat, having been curious to take a closer view of the city which we have for near a month been observing over the river, not three hundred yards wide, without the power of visitation. As the rebels were in very consid
ming numbers upon our force, would compel them to fall back. This afterward proved correct. Two companies of the Thirteenth Indiana were now mounted behind the cavalry, and the whole attempted to cross, but were met with such severe volleys of musketry and artillery from the opposite bank, which, added to the unexpected depth of the water, rendered the crossing impossible without serious loss of life. The whole were therefore recalled. Three pieces of artillery, under the command of Capt. Howard, were now ordered up, and choosing a favorable position for the guns, a heavy fire of shell and canister was opened upon the rebels, which soon drove them from the bank, and, the firing still continuing, they retreated and fell back out of rangel to the thick woods and undergrowth beyond. While the firing was going on, our pickets opposite Zuni, about a mile and a half up the river, reported that the enemy were attempting to cross at the railroad bridge, and that the Union pickets had be
eir forts, and within plain sight and range of their works. Our force lay in that position for near two hours, until observations were completed, and then returned to their camp at Lumpkins's Mills without molestation by the enemy. Colonel Lee did good service with his cavalry, but did not command the expedition. The Ohio regiments would doubtless have done good service if they had been called upon, but they were not, and only marched out and back without so much as forming a line. The only injury done to any of our artillery was the breaking of an axletree of a limber-box belonging to one of the guns, by rushing against a tree. By inserting this you will be honoring those to whom honor is due, and much oblige, yours respectfully, N. W. Spicer, Captain, Co. D, First Kansas Volunteers. J. W. Staw, First Lieutenant, Co. D, First Kansas Volunteers. Milton Kennedy, Second Lieutenant, Co. D, First Kansas Volunteers. H. M. Howard, First Lieutenant, Co. H, First Kansas Infantry.
intrenched, and was going to attack them. General Howard sent him word that he would support him, a officer. There was no alternative, and General Howard conducted the brigade to its position in plonel Buschbeck had been forced to retire, General Howard then passed to the rear of Berry's divisioery attempt of the enemy in that quarter. General Howard was several times a target for rebel sharpuesday. On taking this line on the left General Howard obtained by request of General Couch the Ss, commanded by Howard, mostly German troops. Howard has had them but a few days — knows but little his column west, and is four miles in rear of Howard. A diagram will present the position thus to n melted away like a straw in a candle flame. Howard was on the left, with General Devens. He ralld to fall back before the tremendous force. Howard, in the woods, has heard the enemy. The picke How was it with Hooker? Reynold's, Meade's, Howard's, nearly all of Couch's, and half of Slocum's[18 more...]