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Browsing named entities in Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.1, Texas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for R. A. Howard or search for R. A. Howard in all documents.

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ver an unfortunate enemy whom a stern necessity had caused us to disarm. It was gratifying to me, as it is a pleasure to me to report to you, that the whole expedition passed off without one unpleasant incident. The gentlemen who were at headquarters with me to whom I am indebted for services cheerfully and promptly rendered, for which I owe them my thanks, were Col. P. N. Luckett, quartermaster-general of Texas; Maj. G. J. Howard, Mr. J. T. Ward, Gen. Jas. Willie, Dr. H. P. Howard, Mr. R. A. Howard, Mr. D. E. Tessier, Judges Fred Tate and T. J. Devine, Capts. D. D. Shea and W. T. Mechling, and J. F. Minter and Lieut. J. P. Major, C. S. army. Very respectfully, sir, I am your obedient servant, Earl Van Dorn, Colonel Commanding. Brig.-Gen. S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General, Montgomery, Ala. Lieut.-Col. John R. Baylor, though elected with Colonel Ford, did not go in his command to the Rio Grande, but raised a number of companies and proceeded with them to the posts wes