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Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical. (search)
i. Price gained some important successes at first, but at last such overwhelming force was concentrated against him that he was compelled to retreat with heavy loss. This was the last operation of importance in which General Cooper participated during the war. His command consisted of the following troops: First Choctaw and Chickasaw regiment, Second Choctaw regiment, First and Second Cherokee regiments, and the First and Second Creek regiments, Choctaw, Seminole and Creek battalions, and Howell's Texas battery. After the war General Cooper continued to reside in Indian Territory, where he died in 1867. Brigadier-General Joseph R. Davis, a native of Mississippi and nephew of Jefferson Davis, entered the service as a captain and at the organization of the Tenth Mississippi, April 12, 1861, was elected lieutenant-colonel. The regiment was sent to Pensacola and formed a part of the army under Gen. Braxton Bragg. A detachment of this regiment was engaged in the combat on Santa Ros
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, The New world and the New book (search)
rdy, he did not stop, like Hardy, with a single circle of villagers. What the future critic will say, we too should be ready to perceive. If England finds him tiresome, so much the worse for England; if England prefers dime novels and cut-and-thrust Christmas melodramas, and finds in what Howells writes only transatlantic kickshaws because he paints character and life, we must say, as our fathers did, Farewell, dear England, and seek what is our own. Emerson set free our poetry, our prose; Howell is setting free our fiction; he himself is as yet only half out of the chrysalis, but the wings are there. It must always be remembered that in literature, alone of all arts, place is of secondary importance, for its masterpieces can be carried round the world in one's pockets. We need to go to Europe to see the great galleries, to hear the music of Wagner, but the boy who reads Aeschylus and Horace and Shakespeare by his pine-knot fire has at his command the essence of all universitie
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Chickamauga. (search)
cavalry on their right, they made a bold dash at the enemy's flank and rear, but large numbers of troops were thrown against them, checking their advance and finally driving them back. Behind their works the Federals seemed to have men enough to keep the front line of pieces always loaded, as a continuous stream of fire met our men at every charge. As our brigades were driven back they were rallied to the charge again, and thus the fight soon assumed that shape not inaptly described by Captain Howell: illustrative of the falling of a baulky team. The strongest part of the field works were afterwards found to be at and near the angle on the Federal left, and here the fire of small arms and artillery was so constant and deadly that it seemed a hopeless task to carry it by assault with a single line. The gallant Kentuckians under Helm, and Lucius E. Polk's brigade on their left, made desperate assaults upon this strong position, and stubbornly held their ground for some time in the fa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The gold and silver in the Confederate States Treasury. (search)
ss, some ladies sacrificed their jewels, as I have reason to know. As for the man who carried off the box, whether he was really sent back for it or was a despicable thief, will probably never be known, but to say the least, his action was, as our Scotch friends say, vara suspeecious. Capture of President Davis. Mr. Davis was captured on the morning of May 9th, just a week after my interview with him at Abbeville. There were with him at the time Mrs. Davis and three children; Miss Howell, her sister; Mr. Reagan, Postmaster-General; Colonels Johnston, Lubbock, and Wood, volunteer aids; Mr. Burton Harrison, secretary, and, I think, a Mr. Barnwell, of South Carolina. There may have been others, but I do not know. Of these, all were captured save only Mr. Barnwell. It is not my intention to write of this affair, as I was not present, and besides, Colonels Johnston and Lubbock, Judge Reagan, and others have written full accounts of it. I only intend to tell of the escape
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
l. Passed Board at Jackson, Miss., April 23, ‘63. Aug. 31, ‘63, 8th Georgia Battalion, Oct. 31, Howell's Battery, Nov. 30, ‘63, Martin's Battalion Artillery, Jan. 31, ‘64. Feb. 29, ‘64, Howell's BattHowell's Battery, March 31, ‘64, Howell's Battalion, April 30, ‘64, Martin's Battalion. Bull, W. Izard, Jr., Assistant Surgeon, passed Board at Charleston, March 21, ‘63. August 31, ‘63, Fergusson's Battery, NoHowell's Battalion, April 30, ‘64, Martin's Battalion. Bull, W. Izard, Jr., Assistant Surgeon, passed Board at Charleston, March 21, ‘63. August 31, ‘63, Fergusson's Battery, Nov. 30, ‘63, Martin's Battalion Artillery, Federal Prison Jan. 1, ‘64. Dec. 31, ‘63, Martin's Artillery Battalion, Jan. 31, ‘64, Fergusson's S. C. Battery, April 30, ‘64, Martin's Battalion. Bd from the rolls, having failed to pass Board. March 31, ‘64, 10th Texas Regiment. Foreman, Howell R., Assistant Surgeon, passed Board March 6, 63, at Jackson, Miss. Ordered to report to Medicalssed Board at Charleston Dec. 10, ‘62. Nov. 30, ‘63, Martin's Battalion Artillery, Jan. 31, ‘64, Howell's Georgia Battery, April 30, ‘64, Martin's Battalion. St
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
e of the visiting troops. Lieutenant-Colonel Pole was in command of this regiment, which was made up as follows: Company D, Monticello Guard, Captain J. S. Keller, and Lieutenants Wingfield and Conlon; 40 men. Company D, of the Fourth Regiment, Captain G. W. Hope. Company G, of the Second Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant B. P. Hatcher. Company H, of the Fourth Regiment, commanded by Captain G. E. Morrison. The Roanoke Machine-Works' Guard, Captain N. P. Perkins, and Lieutenants Howell, Taylor and Wood; 64 men in line, and accompanied by the Roanoke Drum Corps of 20, under Drum-Major S. Walthall. Company I, of the Fourth Regiment. Company A, the Butler Guard, of Greenville, S. C., Captain P. A. Mooney, and Lieutenants Richardson, Hope, and Earle; 35 men in line. The Greenville Guard, Greenville, S. C., Captain W. P. Conyers and Lieutenants Bond and Furman; 27 men. Company G, First North Carolina Regiment, commanded by Captain J. F. Thomas; 32 men in line.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.46 (search)
ter in the State Department. I saw also Messrs. Mallory, Reagan, and others. Mr. Davis I did not see for a few weeks. He was at this time confined to his home on Shockoe Hill by a protracted illness, but he possessed a great vitality and he recovered in a month or so. After that illness he was careful to take regular exercise. He used to take very long rides in the country, going out late in the evening and having only a single companion, perhaps one of his aids, or his sister-in-law, Miss Howell. The country about Richmond was at that time thickly wooded, imperfectly guarded, and he ran considerable risk, but on a point like that he would not have relished advice. His attention to his arduous office work was unremitting. He was grave, but courteous, a good business man, attentive to official routine and forms. He had been four years United States Secretary of war, and knew their value. He dined late and after his rides, but was always singularly abstemious and temperate. Af
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
ack, Hon Jeremiah B., 122. Blackford, Captain O. M., 45. Blair Hon. F P., 181. Bloody Angle at Spotsylvania Court House, 195. Brockenbrough Major J. B., 244. Brook Church Fight, 139. Butler General B. F., Infamous order of, 118; his Expedition to Bethel, 198. Cameron, Ex-Governor W. E., 82. Causby, Thomas E., 339. Chalaron, General J A., Address of, 28. Chancellorsville, Battle of, 166, 329. Charles 1, of England, 190. Christian, Hon. George L., 99. Cobb. General Howell, 110. Cold Harbor, Battle of, 230, 285, 302. Columbia, S. C., Burning of, 115. Confederate States, Association of Army and Navy Surgeons, 277; Memorial Association, New Orleans, 7; Contest of the, 18; Statesmen of, outlawed, 46; flag, 208; Ordinance Department, 319; Dead at Mt. Jackson, Va.. 321—at Arlington, 354—at Elmira, N. Y., 193; State Department, 319; Sufferings of Soldiers in Prison, 126. Constitution of the United States, 19. Davis, Jefferson, Celebration of birth of,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Southern women in the Civil war. [from the New Orleans, la., Picayune, June 12, 1904.] (search)
years numbered with the dead.] There a crowd waited dismissal benediction; the men curious to see the new president at close quarters, and the men and women alike eager to inspect—and possibly to dissect—Mrs. Davis and her brilliant sister, Miss Howell, of Mississippi. It was a balmy, breezy Sunday, the whole face of nature and the flutter of society alike breathing peace. Suddenly that changed to a nameless, predominant and never-understood war panic. Whence coming, none paused to ask; p one; and that she would have to pass Drewry's Bluff, eight miles below. Still the hubbub raged, in spite of formal denial from the War Department that there was any ship above Norfolk; until woman's wit calmed the storm. Some one repeated Miss Howell's quiet speech to her, on the steps of the White House. It flew from lip to lip, was caught by popular fancy, and laughed the bugaboo out of court in one round. The President's sister-in-law had only said: How is the Pawnee coming; on whe
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Harper's Ferry, Capture of, 257. Harris, Adjutant H. V., 191. Harris, Governor Isham G., 133. Harris, Dr. John W., 157. Harris, General N. H., 336. Harrison, General W. H., 213. Helm, General B. H., killed, 306. Henry, Surrender of Fort, 126. Hill, Benjamin H., 107. Historic Waters of Virginia, Defences of, 347. Hoffman, Captain John S., 204. Holze, Henry, 115. Hood, General J. B., His career, 151. Hood, Ida Richardson, 156. Housatonic, The, 111. Howell, Miss, 148. Hull's Surrender, General, 23. Hunley, The, Captain Dixon, 111. Hunton, General Eppa, his service at Bull Run, 143. Huse, Captain Caleb, 112. Ingraham, D. N., 111. Jackson, General T. J., death of, 94; strategy of, 299; his last order, 95. Jayne, General Joseph M, 334. Jessie Scout, Capture of, 69. Johnson, General Bradley T., gallantry of, 81. Johnston, General Albert Sidney, 112, 127, 132. Johnston, General J. E., his proposition to invade the N
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