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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
. The individuals thus arrested were found to be Miss Howell, Mrs. Davis, and Jefferson Davis. As they walkedr officers and thirteen private soldiers, besides Miss Howell, two waiting-maids, and several colored servants.eally were Jefferson Davis and his sister-in-law (Miss Howell), appeared from the tent, Miss Howell carrying a Miss Howell carrying a tin pail. In the meantime, the firing between the First Wisconsin and the Fourth Michigan could be heard, and t over his arm, listening to the firing. Just as Miss Howell and Mr. Davis appeared he was approaching the firthere were three. The three women (Mr. Davis, Miss Howell, and the servant girl) then started for the brook would, so that his head was not on a level with Miss Howell's, but was lower. Mr. Davis had on a black morniwho afterward proved to be Davis, Mrs. Davis, and Miss Howell. I said to Bullard, Those women ought not to be He was very positive also as to the words used by Miss Howell, and as to the form bowed down of Davis. I under