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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 12: operations against Richmond. (search)
auregard had perfected his batteries in front of Butler's lines at Bermuda Hundred, he opened their fire upon the Nationals, May 19, 1864. and pressed their picket line heavily. This was repeated the next morning, and under cover of these guns the Confederates assailed the advance of the divisions of Generals Ames and Terry. The pickets of the former were driven from their rifle-pits, and the line of the latter was forced back; but the rifle-pits were soon recovered by a brigade under Colonel Howell, after heavy fighting and much loss on both sides. The attack was renewed on the following day, with no better success, when Beauregard ceased all attempts to dislodge Butler. Two or three days later, Fitzhugh Lee, with a considerable body of Confederate cavalry, May 24, 1864. attacked the post at Wilson's Wharf, then held by two regiments of negro troops, under General Wilde. After being three times repulsed, Lee withdrew. At about this time a forgery, in the form of a proclamati
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
He will hold out! I know the man! And so he did. He repelled assault after assault, until more than one-third of his men were disabled. Then the assailants, apprised of the approach of Cox, hastily withdrew and fled toward Dalton, leaving behind them two hundred and thirty of their dead, and four hundred made prisoners, with about eight hundred muskets. Corse lost seven hundred and seven men, and was severely wounded in the face. Among the many badly hurt were Colonels Tourtellotte and Howell. When Davis visited Hood at Palmetto, See note 8, page 896. he instructed him to draw Sherman out of Georgia, for his presence there was causing alarming disaffection to the cause of the conspirators. At this time there was great disaffection to the Confederate cause in Georgia. Governor Brown, Alexander H. Stephens, and others, seemed to have been impressed with the utter selfishness and evident incompetency of Davis, and were disposed to assert, in all it strength, the doctrine of
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 21: closing events of the War.--assassination of the President. (search)
ngland. Of all the ministers, only Reagan remained faithful to the person of the chief. Up to this time, Davis's wife and children, and Mrs. Davis's sister, Miss Howell, had accompanied the fugitive Government from Danville. Now, for prudential reasons, this family took another, but nearly parallel route, in the flight toward e tent. Davis felt that his only course was to reach his horses and arms, and complied. As he was leaving the door, followed by a servant with a water-bucket, Miss Howell flung a shawl over in his head. There was no time to remove it without exposure and embarrassment, and, as he had not far to go, he ran the chance exactly as it Pritchard, General Wilson said in his dispatch: The story of Davis's ignoble attempt at light, is even more ignoble than I told it. Mrs. Davis, and her sister, Miss Howell, after having clothed him in the dress of the former, and put on his head a woman's head-dress, started out, one holding each arm, and besought Colonel Pritchar