Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for Howell or search for Howell in all documents.

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rvation in behalf of her soldiers already noted. This deed being formally accepted, Mr. Jefferson moved the appointment of a select committee to report a plan of government for the western territory; and Messrs. Jefferson, Chase of Maryland, and Howell of Rhode Island, were appointed such committee. From this committee, Mr. Jefferson, in due time, reported an Ordinance for the government of the territory, ceded already, or to be ceded, by individual States to the United States, specifying thatut stand? and on this question the Ays and Noes were required and taken, with the following result: N. Hamp Mr. Foster ay, Ay.   Mr. Blanchard ay, Massachu Mr. Gerry ay, Ay.   Mr. Partridge ay, R. Island Mr. Ellery ay, Ay.   Mr. Howell ay, Connect Mr. Sherman ay, Ay.   Mr. Wadsworth ay, New York Mr. De Witt ay, Ay.   Mr. Paine ay, N. Jersey Mr. Dick ay, No vote. By the Articles of Confederation, two or more delegates were required to be present to cast the v
ech at, 199; John Brown's proceedings at, 288. Clingman, Thomas L., of N. C., 308; 329 ; his prescription for free debaters, 373; allusion to, 406; 487; in Confederate Congress, 485-6; allusion to, 514. Clinton, De Witt, allusion to, 18; 394. Clinton, George, allusion to, 42; 264. Clinton, George W., speech at Albany, 394-5. Clinton Hall, N. Y., proposed meeting at, 125. Clinton, Miss., against Abolitionists, 128. Clover, Rev. L. P., letter to Gov. Letcher, 397. Cobb, Howell, of Ga., chosen Speaker, 203; 222; 253; resigns the control of the Treasury, 411 Cochrane, John, of N. Y., 374. Cockeysville, Mid., occupied by Federals, 471. Cogswell, Col. Milton, at Ball's Bluff, 623-4. Colburn, Asst. Adjt. Gen. A. V., 621. Colcock, C. J., resins as Coll. at Charleston, 336. Collamer, Jacob, of Vt., 308; at Chicago, 321 Collinsville, Conn., John Brown contracts for a thousand pikes at, 283. Colorado Territory, organized, 388. Columbia, Pa., fug