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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
l. Passed Board at Jackson, Miss., April 23, ‘63. Aug. 31, ‘63, 8th Georgia Battalion, Oct. 31, Howell's Battery, Nov. 30, ‘63, Martin's Battalion Artillery, Jan. 31, ‘64. Feb. 29, ‘64, Howell's BattHowell's Battery, March 31, ‘64, Howell's Battalion, April 30, ‘64, Martin's Battalion. Bull, W. Izard, Jr., Assistant Surgeon, passed Board at Charleston, March 21, ‘63. August 31, ‘63, Fergusson's Battery, NoHowell's Battalion, April 30, ‘64, Martin's Battalion. Bull, W. Izard, Jr., Assistant Surgeon, passed Board at Charleston, March 21, ‘63. August 31, ‘63, Fergusson's Battery, Nov. 30, ‘63, Martin's Battalion Artillery, Federal Prison Jan. 1, ‘64. Dec. 31, ‘63, Martin's Artillery Battalion, Jan. 31, ‘64, Fergusson's S. C. Battery, April 30, ‘64, Martin's Battalion. Bd from the rolls, having failed to pass Board. March 31, ‘64, 10th Texas Regiment. Foreman, Howell R., Assistant Surgeon, passed Board March 6, 63, at Jackson, Miss. Ordered to report to Medicalssed Board at Charleston Dec. 10, ‘62. Nov. 30, ‘63, Martin's Battalion Artillery, Jan. 31, ‘64, Howell's Georgia Battery, April 30, ‘64, Martin's Battalion. St
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
e of the visiting troops. Lieutenant-Colonel Pole was in command of this regiment, which was made up as follows: Company D, Monticello Guard, Captain J. S. Keller, and Lieutenants Wingfield and Conlon; 40 men. Company D, of the Fourth Regiment, Captain G. W. Hope. Company G, of the Second Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant B. P. Hatcher. Company H, of the Fourth Regiment, commanded by Captain G. E. Morrison. The Roanoke Machine-Works' Guard, Captain N. P. Perkins, and Lieutenants Howell, Taylor and Wood; 64 men in line, and accompanied by the Roanoke Drum Corps of 20, under Drum-Major S. Walthall. Company I, of the Fourth Regiment. Company A, the Butler Guard, of Greenville, S. C., Captain P. A. Mooney, and Lieutenants Richardson, Hope, and Earle; 35 men in line. The Greenville Guard, Greenville, S. C., Captain W. P. Conyers and Lieutenants Bond and Furman; 27 men. Company G, First North Carolina Regiment, commanded by Captain J. F. Thomas; 32 men in line.