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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Southern women in the Civil war. [from the New Orleans, la., Picayune, June 12, 1904.] (search)
years numbered with the dead.] There a crowd waited dismissal benediction; the men curious to see the new president at close quarters, and the men and women alike eager to inspect—and possibly to dissect—Mrs. Davis and her brilliant sister, Miss Howell, of Mississippi. It was a balmy, breezy Sunday, the whole face of nature and the flutter of society alike breathing peace. Suddenly that changed to a nameless, predominant and never-understood war panic. Whence coming, none paused to ask; p one; and that she would have to pass Drewry's Bluff, eight miles below. Still the hubbub raged, in spite of formal denial from the War Department that there was any ship above Norfolk; until woman's wit calmed the storm. Some one repeated Miss Howell's quiet speech to her, on the steps of the White House. It flew from lip to lip, was caught by popular fancy, and laughed the bugaboo out of court in one round. The President's sister-in-law had only said: How is the Pawnee coming; on whe
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Harper's Ferry, Capture of, 257. Harris, Adjutant H. V., 191. Harris, Governor Isham G., 133. Harris, Dr. John W., 157. Harris, General N. H., 336. Harrison, General W. H., 213. Helm, General B. H., killed, 306. Henry, Surrender of Fort, 126. Hill, Benjamin H., 107. Historic Waters of Virginia, Defences of, 347. Hoffman, Captain John S., 204. Holze, Henry, 115. Hood, General J. B., His career, 151. Hood, Ida Richardson, 156. Housatonic, The, 111. Howell, Miss, 148. Hull's Surrender, General, 23. Hunley, The, Captain Dixon, 111. Hunton, General Eppa, his service at Bull Run, 143. Huse, Captain Caleb, 112. Ingraham, D. N., 111. Jackson, General T. J., death of, 94; strategy of, 299; his last order, 95. Jayne, General Joseph M, 334. Jessie Scout, Capture of, 69. Johnson, General Bradley T., gallantry of, 81. Johnston, General Albert Sidney, 112, 127, 132. Johnston, General J. E., his proposition to invade the N