Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 30, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Howell or search for Howell in all documents.

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was postponed for a further examination. George Palmer, charged with entering the house of Geo. W. Hubbard and stealing a shirt, was required to give security to be of good behavior, and, failing, was sent to the chain gang for ninety days. Timothy Ryan was required to give $200 security for getting drunk and behaving disorderly at the 1st Market, on election day. Matthew Eagan was fined $1 for fighting in the street on the same day, while drunk. Thos. Thornton and Wm. E, Howell were acquitted of the charge of entering Joseph Marie's house, eating up his dinner, and refusing to pay for the same. Susan, slave of D. S. Delaplane, was committed as a runaway. Jersey Sheppardson, charged with feloniously assaulting M. W. Swain with a stick of wood, was allowed to give $500 bail for his appearance when the case should be ready for examination. William Allen was committed in default of surety on the charge of assaulting Wm. Palmer, a free negro. Wm. H.