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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 4 (search)
a happy meeting we all had, and how beautiful home does look, with the green leaves on the trees and the Cherokee roses in full bloom, flinging their white festoons clear over the top of the big sycamore by the gate! Surely this old home of ours is the choicest spot of all the world. The first thing we did after seeing everybody and shaking hands all round with the negroes, was to take a good bath, and I had just finished dressing when Mrs. Elzey called, with Cousin Bolling's friend, Capt. Hudson, of Richmond. He was an attache of the American legation in Berlin while Cousin Bolling was there studying his profession, and they have both come back with the charming manners and small affectations that Americans generally acquire in Europe, especially if they have associated much with the aristocracy. People may laugh, but these polished manners do make men very nice and comfortable to be with. They are so adaptable, and always know just the right thing to say and do. Mrs. Elze
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
rying to draw forage from the Confederate stores for his horse, but could not get any because it was all to be turned over to the new masters. He was so angry that he forgot himself and let out a cuss word before he thought, right in my presence. And I wouldn't let him apologize. I told him I was glad he did it, because I couldn't swear myself and it was a relief to my feelings to hear somebody else do it. While we were talking, old Toby's bark announced a visitor, who turned out to be Capt. Hudson. Metta brought out her guitar, and she and Garnett tried to sing a little, but most of the evening was spent in quiet conversation. It seemed hard to realize, as we sat there talking peacefully in the soft moonlight, surrounded by the dear old Confederate uniforms, that the enemy is actually in our midst. But I realized it only too fully when I heard the wearers of the uniforms talk. They do not whine over their altered fortunes and ruined prospects, but our poor ruined country, the s
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, V. In the dust and ashes of defeat (may 6-June 1, 1865). (search)
anybody, into a rage, by their insolence. Capt. Hudson had almost to kick one of them out of the hfond of cigarettes, and I keep both him and Capt. Hudson supplied with them. The captain taught me answer that they would guard her to hell. Capt. Hudson then went to the provost-marshal in commandrs. Elzey took tea with us. The general and Capt. Hudson have gone to Augusta to try to raise money nder, all except himself and the adjutant. Capt. Hudson says Henry doctored the adjutant and the adis about down to a starvation basis . . Capt. Hudson and Mrs. Alfred Cumming called after breakfalse witnesses have risen up against me. Capt. Hudson and Gen. Elzey came over in the evening andagain. I took a ride in the afternoon with Capt. Hudson. He rode father's horse, Mr. Ben, and I to way. After everybody else had gone, he and Capt. Hudson staid and chatted with us a long time. Theto dinner, so I came home to receive them. Capt. Hudson brought Cousin Bolling, and we had a pleasa[1 more...]
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 7 (search)
for father's carriage horses. Garnett and Capt. Hudson quickly moved towards him, ready to resist me so much interested that father, Garnett, Capt. Hudson, and I sat up till twelve o'clock, much to as in the parlor from six to seven, helping Capt. Hudson with his little dancing circle, and Gen. Elt were the First of April. It all began by Capt. Hudson trying to get even with me for fooling him ildren. But the mystery remains; where did Capt. Hudson learn about that encounter? I am sure Capt with nobody outside our own family, except Capt. Hudson. Our gentlemen were from home nearly all dal meeting at which father, Col. Weems, and Capt. Hudson were to be the principal speakers. We had the evenings. I took a little stroll with Capt. Hudson a few evenings ago, and my cheeks were madenting to cuss out the Yankees. Garnett and Capt. Hudson pretend to be on the stool of repentance toey are really going to leave on Monday with Capt. Hudson, if they can raise the money. Col. Coul[3 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Sherman's March North-Sheridan ordered to Lynchburg-Canby ordered to move against Mobile-movements of Schofield and Thomas-capture of Columbia, South Carolina-Sherman in the Carolinas (search)
te, will pitch in. In the meantime, should you be brought to a halt anywhere, I can send two corps of thirty thousand effective men to your support, from the troops about Richmond. To resume: Canby is ordered to operate to the interior from the Gulf. A. J. Smith may go from the north, but I think it doubtful. A force of twenty-eight or thirty thousand will co-operate with you from New Bern or Wilmington, or both. You can call for reinforcements. This will be handed you by Captain Hudson, of my staff, who will return with any message you may have for me. If there is anything I can do for you in the way of having supplies on shipboard, at any point on the sea-coast, ready for you, let me know it. Yours truly, U. S. Grant, Lieut.-General I had written on the 18th of January to General Sherman, giving him the news of the battle of Nashville. He was much pleased at the result, although, like myself, he had been very much disappointed at Thomas for permitting Hood to
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 43 (search)
near Staunton, but no authentic accounts. A dispatch from Gen. R. Taylor says Gen. Forrest had gained a victory at Athens, Ala., capturing some 1500 prisoners, 500 horses, etc. etc. We still hear the thunder of artillery down the river — the two armies shelling each other, I suppose, as yet at a safe distance. A few more days and the curtain will rise again-Lee and Grant the principal actors in the tragedy! The President is making patriotic speeches in Alabama and Georgia. Mr. Hudson, of Alabama, proposes to deliver to the government 5,000,000 pounds of bacon for the same number of pounds cotton, delivered at the same place. Our cotton agent in Mississippi is authorized by the government here to sell cotton in exposed situations to the enemy's agents for specie, and to buy for Confederate notes. The funeral expenses of Gen. Morgan the other day amounted to $1500; the Quartermaster-General objects to paying it, and sends the bill to the Secretary for instruction
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 16: (search)
n me. In the autumn of 1887 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Pullman, of Chicago, urged me to chaperon their charming daughters to Europe for as long a stay as I desired to remain on the other side of the Atlantic. It was a cold November day when Miss Florence S. Pullman and her sister Harriet S. Pullman and I embarked on the North German Lloyd steamer Trave for Bremen, Germany. It was my first voyage and I had made every preparation for much unhappiness from the effects of mal de mer. Through Mr. Hudson, who had sailed many times with Captain Villergorod of the Trave, we had the pleasure of having the jovial captain with us at dinner at the Buckingham Hotel the night before sailing. Mr. Pullman was delighted that we were to be in the care of Captain Villergorod, who had crossed the ocean seventy-five times without ever having any serious accident. After the ship was under way and the captain's duties were disposed of, he called to us saying his first duty was to teach us how to walk on
on the stage. From its highest tones it would sink to a whisper, and yet be audible throughout the whole chapel. His sermons, according to the usage of his Church — the Episcopalian — were written beforehand; but, occasionally, he would burst forth in a grand tide of oratory, clearly unpremeditated, and more irresistible than it probably would have been had it been carefully written. For example: He was once preaching, and, just behind him, was visible the mountain pass through which the Hudson flows, when a gathering storm was seen approaching West Point. That coming storm he wove into his sermon, so that the crash of one fitted into a great outburst of the other. They seemed to belong to one another — the sermon and the storm. Among the cadets then and subsequently distinguished was Alexander D. Bache, the head of the first or graduating class, when I entered the Academy. He was a grandson of Benjamin Franklin, and, to the extraordinary genius of his grandfather, was adde<
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 64: capture of President Davis, as written by himself. (search)
f the soldiers from this time, and the jibes and insults heaped upon us as they passed by, notwithstanding Colonel Pritchard's efforts to suppress the expression of their detestation, were hard to bear. Bitterest among these was an officer named Hudson. He informed me he intended to take our poor little negro protege as his own, and solicitude for the child troubled us more than Hudson's insults. Within a short distance of Macon we were halted and the soldiers drawn up in line on either siof these people we learned that our old friend, General Saxton, was there, and my husband thought we might ask the favor of him to look after our little protege Jim's education, in order that he might not fall under the degrading influence of Captain Hudson. A note was written to General Saxton, and the poor little boy was given to the officers of the tug-boat for the General, who kindly took charge of him. Believing that he was going on board to see something and return, he quietly went, but a
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 65: the separation and imprisonment of our party. (search)
o was exceedingly ill, but Dr. Craven accounts for our inability to do so in his Prison life of Jefferson Davis, p. 77, by saying that the orders were to allow no communication with the ship. We were now visited by a raiding party, headed by Captain Hudson. They opened our trunks and abstracted everything they desired to have. Among these articles were nearly all my children's clothes. My boy Jeff seized his little uniform of Confederate gray, and ran up to me with it, and thus prevented its being taken as a trophy. A very handsome Pennsylvania flag, which had been captured by General Bradley Johnson in battle, was also taken out of my trunk. Then Captain Hudson valiantly came with a file of men to insist upon having my shawl, and said he would take everything I had if I did not yield it to him, though he offered to buy me another to replace it. It was relinquished, as anything else would have been to dispense with his presence. We were anchored out a mile or two in the harbo