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The Daily Dispatch: August 27, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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s contained in the subjoined address of the President of the Convention, and to commend them and their suggestions to the consideration and adoption of every community in the Confederate States, to all whom we extend a cordial invitation to unite with us at the adjourned meeting. With the request that all the papers of the Confederate States publish the address, or call special attention to it, we submit it with great pleasure for publication. J. H. R. Washington, T. G. Holt, Ed. D. Hugurnin, A. E. Cochran. To the Planters of the Confederate States, On the 4th day of July last, a Convention of Cotton Planters was held in the city of Macon, Georgia. The States of Georgia and Florida were pretty well represented. Alabama and South Carolina to a very limited extent only. As the President of that Convention, I adopt this method of presenting to the public the claims of the enterprise in which it is engaged. The representation being confined to a few States, it wa