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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 43 11 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 4 0 Browse Search
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ront of and near the rebel fort, crossed by a bridge to the right and another to the left, which were the only means by which the fort could be approached. Lieutenant Hume, of Company K, exclaimed, I'll bet the works have been evacuated, and asked and received permission to cross and enter them to ascertain whether anyone was at When he had almost reached them, an officer of the Brigade staff started off by the shorter road to the left, entering the works there at the same time that Lieutenant Hume did on the right. The latter, finding that no one was in the works, stood on the parapets that for a month had awed McClellan's Army and motioned for the Brigade to Come on. The Nineteenth Massachusetts moved forward at double-quick over the route taken by Lieutenant Hume, while the other regiments entered the fort by the left, each raising its flag. The fort and the works around it were supposed to be very strong, with bomb-proof traverses and subterranean passages in which the men
he other, each turn of the wheel threatening to throw everything topsy turvy. Lieutenant Prime of Company C, who had long been ill, succumbed to the tremendous strain and was obliged to let the Company march away from him. He kept moving on, but gradually lost ground. He and Lieutenant Bachelder had become fast friends,—like brothers,— and tears stood in the latter's eyes as he turned to see his comrade being left behind. (Lieutenant Prime rejoined the regiment at Harrison's Landing.) Lieutenant Hume was also compelled to drop out and was left behind, being captured by the pursuing enemy. The rays of the sun fell full upon the men as they marched down the railroad track, with not a breath of air stirring. The sick and wounded had been brought along with much difficulty. Many knapsacks and overcoats,—even haversacks containing their rations,—were thrown away as constituting too heavy a load. Capt. Ansel D. Wass was affected by the great heat and some of the officers and men we
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 14: from Malvern Hill to Harrison's Landing. (search)
s A. Brown, head. Private Reuben Andrews. Private David Carlton. Co. I.Private Charles C. Sewall, groin, severely. Private Thomas Tuttle, wrist. Private Charles B. Knox, hand. Co. K.Private John Sullivan, leg, severely. Private Frank B. Leach, side. missing: Co. K.Private Edwin B. Pratt. Private John Hogan. Private Jacob Grau. casualities, June 28, 1862. wounded: Co. B.Private John Jordan. Private William Delaney. casualities, June 29, 1862. Second Lieutenant Lysander J. Hume, of Company K, sick on march, captured by enemy. Reported Missing in Action. Private Benjamin A. Stone, Company H, died of disease on the march from Fair Oaks. casualities, June 30, 1862—Glendale. killed in action or died of wounds: Major Henry J. Howe. First Lieutenant David Lee, Company E. Co. A.Private Jonathan Hudson. Private Volney P. Chase. Co. C.Private George W. Mace. Private Benjamin F. Stevens. Private Samuel C. Jellison. Co. E.Private Edward Magui
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 16: the march down the Peninsula. (search)
ours the sun came out and dried them off. Here, again, they feasted on shell fish. During Saturday and Sunday the regiment lay in camp and from its position the masts of the sunken Cumberland could be seen in the roadstead. At this point Lieut. Hume, of Company K, who had returned from Richmond as an exchanged prisoner, made his appearance at the regimental camp and received a hearty greeting. Col. Hinks first assigned him into Company B, but as he desired to be with his comrades of Company K it was made possible by placing Second Lieut. Newcomb, who had been given his (Hume's) position, in Company C. Newcomb found there in Capt. Bachelder, Harvard 1859, a kindred spirit and many were the good times they had in the evenings together during the brief time before Antietam. Col. Hinks was here placed again in command of the Brigade and Lieut. Col. Devereux took command of the regiment. The roster shows that First Lieut. James H. Rice of Company F, Capt. Charles U. Devereux,
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 19: at Bolivar Heights. (search)
Mumford, promoted. Captain H. G. O. Weymouth, of Company G, was transferred to the command of Company K and was in command of the regiment, leaving First Lieut. Lysander J. Hume in command of the company. Hume had been promoted from Second to First Lieutenant, vice James H. Rice, promoted. In company K also, First Sergeant CHume had been promoted from Second to First Lieutenant, vice James H. Rice, promoted. In company K also, First Sergeant Charles H. Wellock had been advanced to Second Lieutenant, vice Hill, promoted. In Company H, Second Lieut. Frederick F. Crofts had been dropped from the rolls by Gen. Order 162, A. of P., Oct. 7, 1862, for being absent for three months without explaining the cause. The promotions were richly deserved and were for gallantry and good conduct. Hume, Briggs and Newcomb had thus each been promoted a second time for gallantry and Sergeants Adams, Driver, Hill, Wellock, Claffey, Chubbuck and Tilton were advanced for like reasons. Sergeants Charles P. Abbott and William Stone were recommended for promotion for gallantry. Private Thomas F. Winthrop of Co
eventh man to grasp the colors and he quickly received a wound in the head which stunned him. Lieut. Hume, thinking the wound a mortal one, told him to give up the colors, but he refused saying, I wie earth; and there he lay, dizzy and bleeding, still grasping the lance with both hands until Lieut. Hume caught them up. A color corporal then took it, while Edgar M. Newcomb grasped the other, t had gone down; Newcomb had fallen on the slope, with the colors clasped to his breast; Adams and Hume, both were shot; Chubbuck's blood stained the white standard of the Commonwealth; Merrill, stretcrm. Total 6 Men. Co. K.Captain H. G. O. Weymouth, knee, severe. (Leg amputated.) First Lieut. Lysander J. Hume, foot. Corporal Daniel Barrett, side. Corporal Patrick Hardy, side. Private D. J. Co. K.Capt. H. G. O. Weymouth, in General Hospital, severely wounded December 13. First Lieut. Lysander J. Hume, absent, wounded December 13. Second Lieut. Charles H. Wellock, in command of compa
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 24: the winter camp at Falmouth. (search)
oon followed and in this the division to which the regiment belonged, then commanded by Gen. Gibbon, was assigned to the assistance of Gen. Sedgwick's Sixth Corps at Fredericksburg. Maj. Rice, Adjt. Palmer, Captains Mahoney and Dunn, with Lieutenants Hume, of Co. K, and William Stone, of Co. G, had returned from leave on account of wounds and the roster showed the following changes when the regiment was ready to move again. Co. B.Capt. Henry A. Hale, on detached service, A. A. Insp. Gen. 1vice Prime, discharged. In command of Co. I. Second Lieut. Herman Donath, promoted from Sergt. Major, to date Dec. 13, vice Claffey, killed in action. On special duty in command Co. B. Co. K.Capt. H. G. O. Weymouth-leg amputated. First Lieut. Lysander J. Hume, returned to duty Mar. 1. Second Lieut. Chas. H. Wellock, absent. Lieut. Col. Devereux returned to duty with the regiment on April 1st, and on April 5th, First Lieut. Elisha A. Hinks was recorded as having been placed on detache
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 32: in pursuit of Lee. In camp at Morrisville. (search)
y 3. Co. E.First Lieut. John P. Reynolds, Jr., previously reported as captain, but having never been mustered, has been ordered reported in his former position. Absent in Massachusetts. Wounded Sept. 17, 1862. Second Lieut. Ephraim Hall, on special duty, acting adjutant. Co. H.Capt. J. G. C. Dodge, absent in Massachusetts, wounded July 3rd. Co. I.Capt. Jonathan F. Plympton, in command of regiment. First Lieut. J. G. B. Adams, absent in Massachusetts, wounded July 2. Co. K.First Lieut. Lysander J. Hume, on detached service, in Provost Marshal's department, Philadelphia. Second Lieut. Charles L. Merrill, absent in General Hospital, Georgetown, sick. Asst. Surgeon William D. Knapp, absent on surgeon's certificate since July 24. Capt. Andrew Mahoney, on account of wounds, transferred to Invalid Corps by S. O. 166, Headquarters Second Corps, July 19, 1863. Capt. James H. Rice, discharged on account of wounds. S. O. 305, War Department, A. G.O., July 10, 1863. First Lieut. Oli
Curtis. Quartermaster Thos. F. Winthrop. Surgeon J. F. Dyer. Asst. Surgeon C. P. Pratt. Capt. Moncena Dunn. Capt. Wm. L. Palmer. Capt. D. C. Mumford. Capt. L. J. Hume. Feb. 4, 1864. Started for home at 2.30 o'clock. Arrived at Alexandria, Va., at 9 o'clock. Had supper and turned in in one of the old tobacco houses. eer camp, Readville, Mass. Co. I.Capt. William A. Hill, on detached service in Massachusetts. First Lieut. J. G. B. Adams in command of company. Co. K.Captain Lysander J. Hume, absent. First Lieut. William R. Driver, on detached service, A. A. A. G. draft rendezvous, Grand Rapids, Mich. Loss: Colonel A. F. Devereux, dhe whirlwind we had a heavy thunder shower. On the first of May the regiment numbered 350, with two field and ten line officers. During the month of April Captain Hume of Co. K. was on detached service in Philadelphia. In response to the order to prepare to march, nearly every soldier wrote a letter home and also sent hom
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 38: the North Anna battles. (search)
movements of the Johnnies. The enemy had a battery of three pieces directly in front of the position of the Nineteenth, but did not dare to load one of them because of the Andrew Sharpshooters who popped over any one who attempted it. The Nineteenth was in the front line of battle and the men were obliged to lie very low on account of the rebel sharpshooters, who, during the day, killed two men of the regiment. While at this point Corporal Hodgkins, of Co. K, was sent to the rear by Captain Hume, on a perilous trip with a message. Buckling his belt tightly about him, he leaped from the trench and ran for the next line of works, while a shower of leaden hail from the enemy fell about him. After resting a while, he ran to the next line, receiving another shower of bullets. After making several such runs, he reached the woods, delivered the message and returned to the trench under a heavy fire from the rebels, without a scratch. For this and other soldierly conduct he was promo
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