Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for George A. Hundley or search for George A. Hundley in all documents.

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o frame houses adjoining on the left, occupied respectively as the quarters for a number of negroes in the employ of Messrs. Hundley & Cance, and C. H. Brantigan as a tailor shop, both of which were slightly damaged. About forty cords of wood, which had been deposited in a large lot in the rear of these buildings by Messrs. Hundley & Cance, for the use of their bakery, also took fire, and being of a very dry, combustible character, the flames spread with great rapidity, and almost as quicwork of an incendiary. The entire loss by this fire will probably reach $30,000; about half of which falls upon Messrs. Hundley & Cance. The building used as a tailor shop by Brantigan, and the one occupied by the negroes employed in the bakerto John Harrold, upon which there was a partial insurance. Twice before, within the last eight or ten days, attempts have been made to fire Mr. George A. Hundley's stable, attached to his residence, on Fifth street, between Marshall and Clay.