Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 5, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for R. M. T. Hunter or search for R. M. T. Hunter in all documents.

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Death of R. M. T. Hunter, Jr. --R. M. T Hunter, Jr., son of Secretary Hunter, died at his father's residence in Essex county, Va., on Thursday last. He had been suffering from ill health for several months. The deceased is said to have been a young man of extraordinary promise. Death of R. M. T. Hunter, Jr. --R. M. T Hunter, Jr., son of Secretary Hunter, died at his father's residence in Essex county, Va., on Thursday last. He had been suffering from ill health for several months. The deceased is said to have been a young man of extraordinary promise. Death of R. M. T. Hunter, Jr. --R. M. T Hunter, Jr., son of Secretary Hunter, died at his father's residence in Essex county, Va., on Thursday last. He had been suffering from ill health for several months. The deceased is said to have been a young man of extraordinary promise.
a large nursery of Hungarian grapes, and had succeeded in introducing wines of the finest quality and flavor, when the current troubles compelled him to abandon his property to save his life. In losing him Texas has lost the foundation for a successful business that would have been of immense pecuniary value to her people. More Confederate Ministers. A special dispatch from Washington to the Philadelphia Enquirer, says: A "Secesh" here says that John C. Breckinridge and R. M. T. Hunter will be sent abroad in place of Slidell and Mason, via Canada, and sail from Quebec or Halifax.--Some of our officials ought to distinguish themselves by bagging these two worthies. Commenting upon the above, the New York Tribune's Washington correspondent says: The report that J. C. Breckinridge or any other Confederate has started for Europe to take the place of Mason or Slidell, is discredited by Government. The policy of the Government respecting coast and lake def