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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 9: the Red River expedition. (search)
re cut by the shot, and she drifted helplessly down the stream. After that, the vessels were not impeded on their way to Alexandria. The land and naval forces of the Red River expedition were now all at Alexandria. What next? Banks found General Hunter there, April 25, 21864. with orders from General Grant to close up the campaign against Shreveport as speedily as possible, for Sherman's troops were wanted eastward of the Mississippi. Hunter was sent back with a letter to Grant, telling hHunter was sent back with a letter to Grant, telling him that the fleet was above the rapids, and would be in danger of capture or destruction if abandoned by the army, and informing him that it would require some time to get them below, if it could be effected at all. Any attempt to renew the Shreveport campaign of course was now out of the question, and all eyes were turned toward the Mississippi, as the next point of destination for the expedition. To get the fleet below the rapids was the first work to be accomplished. Porter did not believe
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 11: advance of the Army of the Potomac on Richmond. (search)
is train, and his hospitals. Grant immediately relieved General Sigel, and General Hunter took command of his troops, with instructions to push swiftly on to Stauntotter had departed, and the former had no safe alternative but to follow. General Hunter, on assuming command of Sigel's troops, immediately advanced on Staunton witerly demoralized crowd of beaten men never fled from a field, wrote one of General Hunter's staff. Their leader, General Jones, was killed by a shot through his heauns, and three thousand small-arms. Three days after the battle of Piedmont, Hunter was joined, at Staunton, by the forces of Crook and Averill, when the whole bodt a considerable force to assist in holding Lynchburg. Hence it was, that when Hunter arrived before it, and made an attack June 18. upon the southern side of the city, its garrison and the strong works around it were able to defy him. Hunter soon perceived its strength, and the fact that an overwhelming force was gathering to c
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 12: operations against Richmond. (search)
ughly exhausted by the troops that had just passed over it; and had Lee attempted such a movement, Grant could have sent troops from the James, by way of the Potomac, for the protection of the Capital, much sooner than Lee could have marched upon it. He struck and broke the Richmond and Fredericksburg road at Chesterfield Station, and then, pushing across the upper branches of the North Anna, smote the Virginia Central railway at Trevilian's Station, where he expected the co-operation of General Hunter. That leader, as we have seen, See page 815. was at Staunton, and Sheridan was left to deal, alone, with the gathering Confederates on the railway. At Trevilian's he encountered and routed some horsemen under Hampton, and then destroyed the road almost to Louisa Court-House, where he was attacked by a much larger force. After a contest, he was compelled to retrace his steps to Trevilian's, where he fought a sanguinary battle, and then withdrew. He swept around, by Spottsylvania Co
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
ched an opportunity for the movement. It was offered when Hunter fled from before Lynchburg into Western Virginia, with an tired to Maryland Heights. Grant, meanwhile, had directed Hunter, who was then on the Kanawha, to hasten to Harper's Ferry ate leader offered as an excuse for the act, the fact that Hunter a few weeks before had burned the house of Governor Letched by him, calling on the people of that region to bushwack Hunter's men, that is to say, murder them by bullets from concealn Chambersburg was burnt, and were there joined by some of Hunter's long-expected troops, coming from West Virginia; and theled the Middle Military Division, under the command of General Hunter. The latter expressed a willingness to be relieved, aah Valley, executing on the way an order given by Grant to Hunter, to see to it that nothing should be left to invite the enemy to return. Grant directed Hunter, whom Sheridan succeeded, to take all provisions, forage, and stock, wanted for *the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
nd at one time, the former, with his staff, and the Eighth Indiana and Ninth Michigan, was, through a misunderstanding of orders, cut off from the main body and nearly surrounded by the foe. They fought their way out with very little loss, and rejoined their companions. Wheeler still pressing, Kilpatrick chose a good position, dismounted his men, cast up a breastwork, and received a desperate charge from his antagonist. It was repulsed at all points. Soon after this, Kilpatrick was met by Hunter's brigade of Baird's division of the Fourteenth Corps, which Davis had sent out to his relief. The peril was over. Wheeler was keeping at a respectful distance, and Kilpatrick joined the left wing of the army near the Ogeechee River. Meanwhile the right wing, under Howard, had been moving toward the Ogeechee, southward of the railway, and on the 30th, November, 1864. Sherman's entire army, with the exception of the Fifteenth Corps, which covered the right wing, had passed that stream, an
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
shington to confer on the subject. These were Alexander H. Stephens, John A. Campbell, and R. M. T. Hunter. The latter was one of the most active members of the Confederate Senate. They were perminor admit the separate independence of States that were a part of the Union. That, he said to Mr. Hunter, who had urged him to treat with Davis as the head of a Government de facto, would be doing whurope to do, in vain, and be resigning the only thing the armies of the Union are fighting for. Hunter made a long reply, insisting that the recognition of Davis's power to make a treaty was the firs But my only distinct recollection of the matter is, that Charles lost his head. That settled Mr. Hunter for awhile. From the Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle, cited in Raymond's Life, Public Services, athe people of the Confederate States. And at a great war-meeting held on the 9th, at which R. M. T. Hunter presided, it was resolved they would never lay down their arms until their independence was
ur own terms. The meeting unanimously Resolved, That we, the citizens here assembled, do spurn, with the indignation due to so gross an insult, the terms on which the President of the United States has offered peace to the people of the Confederate States. Resolved, That the circumstances under which that proffer has been made add to the outrage, and stamp it as a designed and premeditated indignity to our people. A War meeting was held there three days afterward; whereat R. M. T. Hunter presided, and addresses were made by Secretary J. P. Benjamin and others. This meeting likewise Resolved, 1. That the events which have occurred during the progress of the war have but confirmed our original determination to strike for our independence; and that, with the blessing of God, we will never lay down our arms until it shall have been won. [Wild and long-continued cheering followed the reading of this resolution.] Resolved, 2. That, as we believe our resources to be su
Doc. 53.-Virginia delegates to the Southern Congress. List of Delegates to represent the State in the Southern Congress, which meets at Richmond on the 21st July: 1. R. M. T. Hunter, of Essex. 2. John Tyler, of Charles City. 3. W. H. Macfarland, of Richmond City. 4. Roger A. Pryor, of Petersburg. 5. Thomas S. B. Cook, of Appomatox. 6. W. C. Rives, of Albemarle. 7. Robert E. Scott, of Fauquier. 8. James M. Mason, of Frederick. 9. John W. Brockenbaugh, of Brockenridge. 10. Charles W. Russell, of Wheeling. 11. Robert Johnson, of Harrison. 12. Walter Staples, of Montgomery. 13. Walter Preston, of Washington. State at Large — James A. Seddon, of Goochland; W. B. Preston, of Montgomery.--Baltimore American, June 27
Doc. 109.-the Confederate Government. the Executive. President,Jefferson Davis, of Miss. Vice-President,Alex. H. Stephens, of Ga. the Cabinet. Secretary of State,Robert Toombs, Ga. Secretary of Treasury,C. L. Memminger, S. C. Secretary of War,Leroy P. Walker, Ala. Secretary of the Navy,Stephen R. Mallory, Fla. Postmaster-General,John H. Reagan, Texas. Attorney-General,Judah P. Benjamin, La. members of Congress. Virginia.  James A. Seddon.  W. Ballard Preston. 1.R. M. T. Hunter. 2.John Tyler. 3.W. H. Macfarland. 4.Roger A. Pryor. 5.Thomas S. Bocock. 6.Wm. S. Rives. 7.Robert E. Scott. 8.James M. Mason. 9.J. Brockenbrough. 10.Chas. W. Russell. 11.Robert Johnston. 12.Walter Staples. 13.Walter Preston. North Carolina.  Geo. Davis.  W. W. Avery. 1.W. N. H. Smith. 2.Thomas Ruffin. 3.T. D. McDowell. 4.A. W. Venable. 5.J. M. Morehead. 6.R. C. Puryer. 7.Burton Craige. 8.E. A. Davidson. Alabama. 1.R. W. Walker. 2.R. H. Smith. 3.J. L. M. Curry.
h actual hostility or other crime against the public safety, and who shall acknowledge the authority of the Government of the Confederate States. And I do further proclaim and make known that I have established the rules and regulations hereto annexed, in accordance with the provisions of said law. Given under my hand and the seal of the Confederate States of America at the city of Richmond, on this 14th day of August, A. D. 1861. By the President, [seal], Jefferson Davis. R. M. T. Hunter, Secretary of State. Regulations respecting alien enemies. The following regulations are hereby established respecting alien enemies, under the provisions of an act approved 8th August, 1861, entitled An act respecting alien enemies: See Document 172 1/2, p. 492. 1. Immediately after the expiration of the term of forty days from the date of the foregoing proclamation, it shall be the duty of the several District Attorneys, Marshals, and other officers of the Confederate