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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 4, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Thomas L. Hunter or search for Thomas L. Hunter in all documents.
Your search returned 4 results in 2 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: December 4, 1860., [Electronic resource], Succession movement at the South . (search)
Succession movement at the South.
position of Senator Hunter's Views — letter from Robert E. Scott--General News from the South,&c,&c.
Letter from Senator Hunter.
The Examiner, of yesterday, contains a long later from Senator Hunter, of Va. on the He thinks there is little to hope from the North to view of theSenator Hunter.
The Examiner, of yesterday, contains a long later from Senator Hunter, of Va. on the He thinks there is little to hope from the North to view of the " almost entire instability" which prevails there relative to the state of public sentiment at the South.--The wrongs of the South reached a climate west Lincoln was elected, and a State which believe that the General Government will be set to imperil the welfare and rights of the withholding States, is about to leave the ConfedeSenator Hunter, of Va. on the He thinks there is little to hope from the North to view of the " almost entire instability" which prevails there relative to the state of public sentiment at the South.--The wrongs of the South reached a climate west Lincoln was elected, and a State which believe that the General Government will be set to imperil the welfare and rights of the withholding States, is about to leave the Confederacy.
As to coercion, that is impossible, for:
It would fail it attempted, and would never be attempted, unless madness ruled the hour, wild passion waged, when reason ought to govern.
But now would we stand it we should attempt to rule by force five States of this confederacy, who declared our government over them to be a
Able Documents.
--The able Letters of Hons. R. M. T. Hunter and James M. Mason, our Senators in Congress, on the subjects now agitating the country, can be had at the counting room of the "Richmond Examiner."